3 research outputs found

    Addressing \mu-b_\mu and proton lifetime problems and active neutrino masses in a U(1)^\prime-extended supergravity model

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    We present a locally supersymmetric extension of the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) based on the gauge group SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)′SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y\times U(1)^\prime where, except for the supersymmetry breaking scale which is fixed to be ∼1011\sim 10^{11} GeV, we require that all non-Standard-Model parameters allowed by the {\it local} spacetime and gauge symmetries assume their natural values. The U(1)′U(1)^\prime symmetry, which is spontaneously broken at the intermediate scale, serves to ({\it i}) explain the weak scale magnitudes of μ\mu and bμb_\mu terms, ({\it ii}) ensure that dimension-3 and dimension-4 baryon-number-violating superpotential operators are forbidden, solving the proton-lifetime problem, ({\it iii}) predict {\it bilinear lepton number violation} in the superpotential at just the right level to accommodate the observed mass and mixing pattern of active neutrinos (leading to a novel connection between the SUSY breaking scale and neutrino masses), while corresponding trilinear operators are strongly supppressed. The phenomenology is like that of the MSSM with bilinear R-parity violation, were the would-be lightest supersymmetric particle decays leptonically with a lifetime of ∼10−12−10−8\sim 10^{-12}-10^{-8} s. Theoretical consistency of our model requires the existence of multi-TeV, stable, colour-triplet, weak-isosinglet scalars or fermions, with either conventional or exotic electric charge which should be readily detectable if they are within the kinematic reach of a hadron collider. Null results of searches for heavy exotic isotopes implies that the re-heating temperature of our Universe must have been below their mass scale which, in turn, suggests that sphalerons play a key role for baryogensis. Finally, the dark matter cannot be the weakly interacting neutralino.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, Discussion on proton decay and radiative neutrino masses augmented, and references adde

    When do colliding bubbles produce an expanding universe?

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    It is intriguing to consider the possibility that the Big Bang of the standard (3+1) dimensional cosmology originated from the collision of two branes within a higher dimensional spacetime, leading to the production of a large amount of entropy. In this paper we study, subject to certain well-defined assumptions, under what conditions such a collision leads to an expanding universe. We assume the absence of novel physics, so that ordinary (4+1) -dimensional Einstein gravity remains a valid approximation. It is necessary that the fifth dimension not become degenerate at the moment of collision. First the case of a symmetric collision of infinitely thin branes having a hyperbolic or flat spatial geometry is considered. We find that a symmetric collision results in a collapsing universe on the final brane unless the pre-existing expansion rate in the bulk just prior to the collision is sufficiently large in comparison to the momentum transfer in the fifth dimension. Such prior expansion may either result from negative spatial curvature or from a positive five-dimensional cosmological constant. The relevance of these findings to the Colliding Bubble Braneworld Universe scenario is discussed. Finally, results from a numerical study of colliding thick-wall branes is presented, which confirm the results of the thin-wall approximation.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures. Minor changes and references include

    Cosmological Perturbations Generated in the Colliding Bubble Braneworld Universe

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    We compute the cosmological perturbations generated in the colliding bubble braneworld universe in which bubbles filled with five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space (AdS5)expanding within a five dimensional de Sitter space (dS5) or Minkowski space (M5) collide to form a (3+1) dimensional local brane on which the cosmology is virtually identical to that of the Randall-Sundrum model. The perturbation calculation presented here is valid to linear order but treats the fluctuations of the expanding bubbles as (3+1) dimensional fields localized on the bubble wall. We find that for bubbles expanding in dS5 the dominant contribution to the power spectrum is `red' but very small except in certain cases where the fifth dimension is not large or the bubbles have expanded to far beyond the dS5 apparent horizon length. This paper supersedes a previous version titled "Exactly Scale-Invariant Cosmological Perturbations From a Colliding Bubble Braneworld Universe" in which we erroneously claimed that a scale-invariant spectrum results for the case of bubbles expanding in M5. This present paper corrects the errors of the previous version and extends the analysis to the more interesting and general case of bubbles expanding in dS5.Comment: 29 pages Latex with eps figures. Major errors in the original version of the paper corrected and analysis extended to bubbles expanding in dS