131 research outputs found

    Uncovering hidden modes in RR Lyrae stars

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    The Kepler space telescope revealed new, unexpected phenomena in RR Lyrae stars: period doubling and the possible presence of additional modes. Identifying these modes is complicated because they blend in the rich features of the Fourier-spectrum. Our hydrodynamic calculations uncovered that a 'hidden' mode, the 9th overtone is involved in the period doubling phenomenon. The period of the overtone changes by up to 10 per cent compared to the linear value, indicating a very significant nonlinear period shift caused by its resonance with the fundamental mode. The observations also revealed weak peaks that may correspond to the first or second overtones. These additional modes are often coupled with period doubling. We investigated the possibilities and occurrences of mutual resonances between the fundamental mode and multiple overtones in our models. These theoretical findings can help interpreting the origin and nature of the 'hidden' modes may be found in the high quality light curves of space observatories.Comment: In proceedings of "20th Stellar Pulsation Conference Series: Impact of new instrumentation & new insights in stellar pulsations", 5-9 September 2011, Granada, Spai

    Kepler photometry of RRc stars: peculiar double-mode pulsations and period doubling

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    We present the analysis of four first overtone RR Lyrae stars observed with the Kepler space telescope, based on data obtained over nearly 2.5 yr. All four stars are found to be multiperiodic. The strongest secondary mode with frequency f2 has an amplitude of a few mmag, 20–45 times lower than the main radial mode with frequency f1. The two oscillations have a period ratio of P2/P1 = 0.612–0.632 that cannot be reproduced by any two radial modes. Thus, the secondary mode is non-radial. Modes yielding similar period ratios have also recently been discovered in other variables of the RRc and RRd types. These objects form a homogenous group and constitute a new class of multimode RR Lyrae pulsators, analogous to a similar class of multimode classical Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds. Because a secondary mode with P2/P1 ∼ 0.61 is found in almost every RRc and RRd star observed from space, this form of multiperiodicity must be common. In all four Kepler RRc stars studied, we find subharmonics of f2 at ∼1/2f2 and at ∼3/2f2. This is a signature of period doubling of the secondary oscillation, and is the first detection of period doubling in RRc stars. The amplitudes and phases of f2 and its subharmonics are variable on a time-scale of 10–200 d. The dominant radial mode also shows variations on the same time-scale, but with much smaller amplitude. In three Kepler RRc stars we detect additional periodicities, with amplitudes below 1 mmag, that must correspond to non-radial g-modes. Such modes never before have been observed in RR Lyrae variables

    Fitting Blazhko light curves

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    The correct amplitude and phase modulation formalism of the Blazhko modulation is given. The harmonic order dependent amplitude and phase modulation form is equivalent with the Fourier decomposition of multiplets. The amplitude and phase modulation formalism used in electronic transmission technique as introduced by Benk\H{o}, Szab\'o and Papar\'o (2011, MNRAS 417, 974) for Blazhko stars oversimplifies the amplitude and phase modulation functions thus it does not describe the light variation in full detail. The results of the different formalisms are compared and documented by fitting the light curve of a real Blazhko star, CM UMa.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A search for tight hierarchical triple systems amongst the eclipsing binaries in the CoRoT fields

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    We report a comprehensive search for hierarchical triple stellar system candidates amongst eclipsing binaries (EB) observed by the CoRoT spacecraft. We calculate and check eclipse timing variation (ETV) diagrams for almost 1500 EBs in an automated manner. We identify five relatively short-period Algol systems for which our combined light curve and complex ETV analyses (including both the light-travel time effect and short-term dynamical third-body perturbations) resulted in consistent third-body solutions. The computed periods of the outer bodies are between 82 and 272 days, (with an alternative solution of 831 days for one of the targets). We find that the inner and outer orbits are near coplanar in all but one case. The dynamical masses of the outer subsystems determined from the ETV analyses are consistent with both the results of our light curve analyses and the spectroscopic information available in the literature. One of our candidate systems exhibits outer eclipsing events as well, the locations of which are in good agreement with the ETV solution. We also report another certain triply eclipsing triple system which, however, is lacking a reliable ETV solution due to the very short time range of the data, and four new blended systems (composite light curves of 2 eclipsing binaries each), where we cannot decide whether the components are gravitationally binded or not. Amongst these blended systems we identify the longest period and highest eccentricity eclipsing binary in the entire CoRoT sample

    The SuperWASP catalogue of 4963 RR Lyr stars: identification of 983 Blazhko candidates

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    Aims. We set out to compile a catalogue of RRab pulsating variables in the SuperWASP archive and identify candidate Blazhko effect objects within this catalogue. We analysed their light curves and power spectra for correlations in their common characteristics to further our understanding of the phenomenon. Methods. Pulsation periods were found for each SWASP RRab object using PDM techniques. Low frequency periodic signals detected in the CLEAN power spectra of RRab stars were matched with modulation sidebands and combined with pairs of sidebands to produce a list of candidate Blazhko periods. A novel technique was used in an attempt to identify Blazhko effect stars by comparing scatter at different parts of the folded light curve. Pulsation amplitudes were calculated based on phase folded light curves.Results. The SuperWASP RRab catalogue consists of 4963 objects of which 3397 are previously unknown. We discovered 983 distinct candidates for Blazhko effect objects, 613 of these being previously unknown in the literature as RR Lyrae stars, and 894 are previously unknown to be Blazhko effect stars. Correlations were investigated between the scatter of points on the light curve, the periods and amplitudes of the objects’ pulsations, and those of the Blazhko effect.Conclusions. A statistical analysis has been performed on a large population of Blazhko effect stars from the wide-field SuperWASP survey. No correlations were found between the Blazhko period and other parameters including the Blazhko amplitude, although we confirmed a lower rate of occurrence of the Blazhko effect in long pulsation period objects

    The Disappearing Act of KH 15D: Photometric Results from 1995 to 2004

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    We present results from the most recent (2002-2004) observing campaigns of the eclipsing system KH 15D, in addition to re-reduced data obtained at Van Vleck Observatory (VVO) between 1995 and 2000. Phasing nine years of photometric data shows substantial evolution in the width and depth of the eclipses. The most recent data indicate that the eclipses are now approximately 24 days in length, or half the orbital period. These results are interpreted and discussed in the context of the recent models for this system put forward by Winn et al. and Chiang & Murray-Clay. A periodogram of the entire data set yields a highly significant peak at 48.37 +/- 0.01 days, which is in accord with the spectroscopic period of 48.38 +/- 0.01 days determined by Johnson et al. Another significant peak, at 9.6 days, was found in the periodogram of the out-of-eclipse data at two different epochs. We interpret this as the rotation period of the visible star and argue that it may be tidally locked in pseudosynchronism with its orbital motion. If so, application of Hut's theory implies that the eccentricity of the orbit is e = 0.65 +/- 0.01. Analysis of the UVES/VLT spectra obtained by Hamilton et al. shows that the v sin(i) of the visible star in this system is 6.9 +/- 0.3 km/sec. Using this value of v sin(i) and the measured rotation period of the star, we calculate the lower limit on the radius to be R = (1.3 +/- 0.1), R_Sun, which concurs with the value obtained by Hamilton et al. from its luminosity and effective temperature. Here we assume that i = 90 degrees since it is likely that the spin and orbital angular momenta vectors are nearly aligned.Comment: 55 pages, 18 figures, 1 color figure, to appear the September issue of the Astronomical Journa