5,105 research outputs found

    p3d: a general data-reduction tool for fiber-fed integral-field spectrographs

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    The reduction of integral-field spectrograph (IFS) data is demanding work. Many repetitive operations are required in order to convert raw data into, typically a large number of, spectra. This effort can be markedly simplified through the use of a tool or pipeline, which is designed to complete many of the repetitive operations without human interaction. Here we present our semi-automatic data-reduction tool p3d that is designed to be used with fiber-fed IFSs. Important components of p3d include a novel algorithm for automatic finding and tracing of spectra on the detector, and two methods of optimal spectrum extraction in addition to standard aperture extraction. p3d also provides tools to combine several images, perform wavelength calibration and flat field data. p3d is at the moment configured for four IFSs. In order to evaluate its performance we have tested the different components of the tool. For these tests we used both simulated and observational data. We demonstrate that for three of the IFSs a correction for so-called cross-talk due to overlapping spectra on the detector is required. Without such a correction spectra will be inaccurate, in particular if there is a significant intensity gradient across the object. Our tests showed that p3d is able to produce accurate results. p3d is a highly general and freely available tool. It is easily extended to include improved algorithms, new visualization tools and support for additional instruments. The program code can be downloaded from the p3d-project web site http://p3d.sourceforge.netComment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Stochastic modeling of geometric imperfections for buckling analysis of suction buckets

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    Recently, suction buckets have become a very prominent foundation for bottom fixed and floating offshore wind turbines. They are embedded with an installation force that stems from water evacuation inside the bucket. This internal negative pressure leads to a high risk of structural buckling. The buckling strength is significantly reduced by geometric imperfections. In previous work, equivalent geometric imperfection forms were introduced and the lower bound was evaluated. However, it has not yet been possible to identify a generally appropriate imperfection form. A probabilistic design approach based on realistic imperfections was not yet considered for suction buckets. Therefore, in this work, a stochastic modeling approach is introduced, which bases on measured data. The imperfection is decomposed to the half-wave cosine Fourier representation. Realizations of the imperfection pattern are generated by filtering white noise with the amplitude spectrum. They are then applied as out of plane deviations on a geometrically and materially nonlinear finite element model and evaluated. The resulting buckling pressure distribution can then be evaluated for different reliability levels. By considering more realistic imperfections and a plastic soil model, the buckling pressure increases by up to a factor of two compared to the conservative stress-based buckling approach

    Pre-torsors and Galois comodules over mixed distributive laws

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    We study comodule functors for comonads arising from mixed distributive laws. Their Galois property is reformulated in terms of a (so-called) regular arrow in Street's bicategory of comonads. Between categories possessing equalizers, we introduce the notion of a regular adjunction. An equivalence is proven between the category of pre-torsors over two regular adjunctions (NA,RA)(N_A,R_A) and (NB,RB)(N_B,R_B) on one hand, and the category of regular comonad arrows (RA,ξ)(R_A,\xi) from some equalizer preserving comonad C{\mathbb C} to NBRBN_BR_B on the other. This generalizes a known relationship between pre-torsors over equal commutative rings and Galois objects of coalgebras.Developing a bi-Galois theory of comonads, we show that a pre-torsor over regular adjunctions determines also a second (equalizer preserving) comonad D{\mathbb D} and a co-regular comonad arrow from D{\mathbb D} to NARAN_A R_A, such that the comodule categories of C{\mathbb C} and D{\mathbb D} are equivalent.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX file. v2: a few typos correcte

    Long-term magnetic field stability of Vega

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    We present new spectropolarimetric observations of the normal A-type star Vega, obtained during the summer of 2010 with NARVAL at T\'elescope Bernard Lyot (Pic du Midi Observatory). This new time-series is constituted of 615 spectra collected over 6 different nights. We use the Least-Square-Deconvolution technique to compute, from each spectrum, a mean line profile with a signal-to-noise ratio close to 20,000. After averaging all 615 polarized observations, we detect a circularly polarized Zeeman signature consistent in shape and amplitude with the signatures previously reported from our observations of 2008 and 2009. The surface magnetic geometry of the star, reconstructed using the technique of Zeeman-Doppler Imaging, agrees with the maps obtained in 2008 and 2009, showing that most recognizable features of the photospheric field of Vega are only weakly distorted by large-scale surface flows (differential rotation or meridional circulation).Comment: Proceedings of the conference "Stellar polarimetry: from birth to death", 2011 Jun 27-30, Madiso

    Dominant BIN1-related centronuclear myopathy (CNM) revealed by lower limb myalgia and moderate CK elevation

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    We report a BIN1-related CNM family with unusual clinical phenotype. The proband, a 56-year-old man suffered of lower limbs myalgia since the age of 52. Clinical examination showed short stature, mild symmetric eyelid ptosis without ophthalmoplegia, scapular winging and Achilles tendon retraction. A muscle weakness was not noted. CK levels were up to 350 UI/L. Deltoid muscle biopsy showed nuclear centralization and clustering, deep sarcolemmal invaginations and type 1 fiber hypotrophy. Whole body MRI revealed fatty infiltration of posterior legs compartments, lumbar paraspinal and serratus muscles. Myotonic dystrophy type1 and 2, Pompe disease and MTM1 and DNM2-related CNM were ruled out. By sequencing BIN1, we identified a heterozygous pathogenic mutation [c.107C > A (p.A36E)], and we demonstrate that the mutation strongly impairs the membrane tubulation property of the protein. One affected sister carried the same mutation. Her clinical examination and muscle MRI revealed a similar phenotype. Our findings expand the clinical and genetic spectrum of the autosomal dominant CNM associated with BIN1 mutations

    Morita base change in Hopf-cyclic (co)homology

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    In this paper, we establish the invariance of cyclic (co)homology of left Hopf algebroids under the change of Morita equivalent base algebras. The classical result on Morita invariance for cyclic homology of associative algebras appears as a special example of this theory. In our main application we consider the Morita equivalence between the algebra of complex-valued smooth functions on the classical 2-torus and the coordinate algebra of the noncommutative 2-torus with rational parameter. We then construct a Morita base change left Hopf algebroid over this noncommutative 2-torus and show that its cyclic (co)homology can be computed by means of the homology of the Lie algebroid of vector fields on the classical 2-torus.Comment: Final version to appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Hopf Categories

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    We introduce Hopf categories enriched over braided monoidal categories. The notion is linked to several recently developed notions in Hopf algebra theory, such as Hopf group (co)algebras, weak Hopf algebras and duoidal categories. We generalize the fundamental theorem for Hopf modules and some of its applications to Hopf categories.Comment: 47 pages; final version to appear in Algebras and Representation Theor