340 research outputs found

    Pressure-induced hole doping of the Hg-based cuprate superconductors

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    We investigate the electronic structure and the hole content in the copper-oxygen planes of Hg based high Tc cuprates for one to four CuO2 layers and hydrostatic pressures up to 15 GPa. We find that with the pressure-induced additional number of holes of the order of 0.05e the density of states at the Fermi level changes approximately by a factor of 2. At the same time the saddle point is moved to the Fermi level accompanied by an enhanced k_z dispersion. This finding explains the pressure behavior of Tc and leads to the conclusion that the applicability of the van Hove scenario is restricted. By comparison with experiment, we estimate the coupling constant to be of the order of 1, ruling out the weak coupling limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Investigation of A1g phonons in YBa2Cu3O7 by means of LAPW atomic-force calculations

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    We report first-principles frozen-phonon calculations for the determination of the force-free geometry and the dynamical matrix of the five Raman-active A1g modes in YBa2Cu3O7. To establish the shape of the phonon potentials atomic forces are calculated within the LAPW method. Two different schemes - the local density approximation (LDA) and a generalized gradient approximation (GGA) - are employed for the treatment of electronic exchange and correlation effects. We find that in the case of LDA the resulting phonon frequencies show a deviation from experimental values of approximately -10%. Invoking GGA the frequency values are significantly improved and also the eigenvectors are in very good agreement with experimental findings.Comment: 15 page

    Band-structure topologies of graphene: spin-orbit coupling effects from first principles

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    The electronic band structure of graphene in the presence of spin-orbit coupling and transverse electric field is investigated from first principles using the linearized augmented plane-wave method. The spin-orbit coupling opens a gap at the K(K)K(K')-point of the magnitude of 24 μ\mueV (0.28 K). This intrinsic splitting comes 96% from the usually neglected dd and higher orbitals. The electric field induces an additional (extrinsic) Bychkov-Rashba-type splitting of 10 μ\mueV (0.11 K) per V/nm, coming from the σ\sigma-π\pi mixing. A 'mini-ripple' configuration with every other atom is shifted out of the sheet by less than 1% differs little from the intrinsic case.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Lithiation of InSb and Cu2_2Sb : A Theoretical Investigation

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    In this work the mechanism of Li insertion/intercalation in the anode materials InSb and Cu2_2Sb is investigated by means of the first principles total energy calculations. The total charge densities for the lithiated products of the two compounds are presented. Based on these results the change in the bonding character on lithiation is discussed. Further, the isomer shift for InSb and Cu2_2Sb and there various lithiated products is reported. The average insertion/intercalation voltage and volume expansion for transitions from InSb to Li2_2InSb and Cu2_2Sb to Li2_2CuSb are calculated and found to be in good agreement with the experimental values. These findings help to resolve the controversy regarding the lithiation mechanism in InSb.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Interchain interaction and Davydov splitting in polythiophene crystals: An ab initio approach

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    The crystal-induced energy splitting of the lowest excitonic state in polymer crystals, the so-called Davydov splitting Δ, is calculated with a first-principles density-matrix scheme. We show that different crystalline arrangements lead to significant variations in Δ, from below to above the thermal energy kBT at room temperature, with relevant implications on the luminescence efficiency. This is one more piece of evidence supporting the fact that control of interchain interactions and solid-state packing is essential for the design of efficient optical devices

    Optical Properties and Correlation Effects in NaxCoO2

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    We have calculated the optical spectra of Nax_{x}CoO2_2 for xx=0.3, 0.5, and 0.7 within the LDA. We compare our results to available experimental data and show that the important features and trends are reproduced well, but there is a nearly uniform shift of peak positions and poor agreement in intensities. We show, through application of a simple model, that these differences can be attributed to overhybridization between Co and O orbitals and spin fluctuations which renormalize the bandwidth. Applying the LDA+U procedure shifts the optical peaks further from their experimental locations, indicating that this method of incorporating correlation effects is ill-suited for the case NaxCoO2

    Optical properties, electron-phonon coupling, and Raman scattering of vanadium ladder compounds

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    The electronic structure of two V-based ladder compounds, the quarter-filled NaV2_2O5_5 in the symmetric phase and the iso-structural half-filled CaV2_2O5_5 is investigated by ab initio calculations. Based on the bandstructure we determine the dielectric tensor ϵ(ω)\epsilon(\omega) of these systems in a wide energy range. The frequencies and eigenvectors of the fully symmetric Ag_{g} phonon modes and the corresponding electron-phonon and spin-phonon coupling parameters are also calculated from first-principles. We determine the Raman scattering intensities of the Ag_g phonon modes as a function of polarization and frequency of the exciting light. All results, i.e. shape and magnitude of the dielectric function, phonon frequencies and Raman intensities show very good agreement with available experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Fermi surface induced lattice distortion in NbTe2_2

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    The origin of the monoclinic distortion and domain formation in the quasi two-dimensional layer compound NbTe2_2 is investigated. Angle-resolved photoemission shows that the Fermi surface is pseudogapped over large portions of the Brillouin zone. Ab initio calculation of the electron and phonon bandstructure as well as the static RPA susceptibility lead us to conclude that Fermi surface nesting and electron-phonon coupling play a key role in the lowering of the crystal symmetry and in the formation of the charge density wave phase

    Electronic States and Superconducting Transition Temperature based on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in Pr2_{2}Ba4_{4}Cu7_{7}O15δ_{15-\delta}

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    An NQR experiment revealed superconductivity of Pr2_2Ba4_4Cu7_7O15δ_{15-\delta} (Pr247) to be realized on CuO double chain layers and suggests possibility of novel one-dimensional(1D) superconductivity. To clarify the nature of the 1D superconductivity, we calculate the band dispersions of Pr247 by using the generalized gradient approximation(GGA). It indicates that Fermi surface of CuO double chains is well described to the electronic structure of a quasi-1D system. Assuming the zigzag Hubbard chain model to be an effective model of the system, we derive tight binding parameters of the model from a fit to the result of GGA. Based on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory, we estimate transition temperature (TcT_c) of the quasi-1D zigzag Hubbard model from the calculated value of the Luttinger liquid parameter KρK_{\rho}. The result of TcT_c is consistent with that of experiments in Pr247 and it suggests that the mechanism of the superconductivity is well understood within the concept of the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure