2 research outputs found

    Development and Performance Evaluation of Hausdorff Distance Algorithm Based Facial Recognition System

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    Securing access to information is of primary concern in many frame of reference including personal, commercial, governmental and military purpose. Computer verifiable biometric such as face provide an attractive means of securing access to information. Earlier algorithms for facial recognition system which includes Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Principle Component Analysis (PCA) andIndependent Component Analysis (ICA) have yielded unsatisfactory result especially when confronted with unconstrained scenarios such as varying illumination, varying poses, expression and aging. This work presents a facial recognition authentication system using hausdorff distance algorithm in combating the highlighted problems. A system camera was employed for capturing images, information was stored using MYSQL database and biometric templates were stored as binary large object (BLOB). The developed system performance was evaluated using False Reject Rate (FRR), False Accept Rate (FAR), and Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (ROC graph) as performance metrics. Tests were conducted at various threshold values. FRR errors obtained are 20%, 7%, and 2% at 500 threshold value for one-try, two-try and three-try configuration respectively. The system also presented FAR error of 0% at 500 threshold value for all configurations. As threshold value increases, FAR reduces while FRR increases


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    Ectopic Choriocarcinoma is an extremely rare occurrence. The case of ectopic choriocarcinoma discussed here involved a 12 year old girl who presented with lower abdominal pain and dizziness following a short period of amenorrhea after attaining menarche. Aprovisional diagnosis of ruptured ectopic gestation was made based on the clinical evaluation and patient had emergency laparotomy. Histopathology report revealed a choriocarcinoma of the ovary. Patient defaulted on subsequent follow up care. This case is presented as an eye opener on the need to also focus on the reproductive health challenges, early sex education in preteen and rare occurrence of the disease amongst the Pre-teenage groups. It is also important to deal with the possibility of a non gestational choriocarcinoma of the ovary which has a worse prognosis