16,034 research outputs found

    Polynomial Fusion Rings of Logarithmic Minimal Models

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    We identify quotient polynomial rings isomorphic to the recently found fundamental fusion algebras of logarithmic minimal models.Comment: 18 page

    A-D-E Polynomial and Rogers--Ramanujan Identities

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    We conjecture polynomial identities which imply Rogers--Ramanujan type identities for branching functions associated with the cosets (G(1))ℓ−1⊗(G(1))1/(G(1))ℓ({\cal G}^{(1)})_{\ell-1}\otimes ({\cal G}^{(1)})_{1} / ({\cal G}^{(1)})_{\ell}, with G{\cal G}=An−1_{n-1} \mbox{(ℓ≥2)(\ell\geq 2)}, Dn−1_{n-1} (ℓ≥2)(\ell\geq 2), E6,7,8_{6,7,8} (ℓ=2)(\ell=2). In support of our conjectures we establish the correct behaviour under level-rank duality for G\cal G=An−1_{n-1} and show that the A-D-E Rogers--Ramanujan identities have the expected q→1−q\to 1^{-} asymptotics in terms of dilogarithm identities. Possible generalizations to arbitrary cosets are also discussed briefly.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, 1 Postscript figur

    Jordan cells in logarithmic limits of conformal field theory

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    It is discussed how a limiting procedure of conformal field theories may result in logarithmic conformal field theories with Jordan cells of arbitrary rank. This extends our work on rank-two Jordan cells. We also consider the limits of certain three-point functions and find that they are compatible with known results. The general construction is illustrated by logarithmic limits of (unitary) minimal models in conformal field theory. Characters of quasi-rational representations are found to emerge as the limits of the associated irreducible Virasoro characters.Comment: 16 pages, v2: discussion of three-point functions and characters included; ref. added, v3: version to be publishe

    Integrals of Motion for Critical Dense Polymers and Symplectic Fermions

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    We consider critical dense polymers L(1,2){\cal L}(1,2). We obtain for this model the eigenvalues of the local integrals of motion of the underlying Conformal Field Theory by means of Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz. We give a detailed description of the relation between this model and Symplectic Fermions including the indecomposable structure of the transfer matrix. Integrals of motion are defined directly on the lattice in terms of the Temperley Lieb Algebra and their eigenvalues are obtained and expressed as an infinite sum of the eigenvalues of the continuum integrals of motion. An elegant decomposition of the transfer matrix in terms of a finite number of lattice integrals of motion is obtained thus providing a reason for their introduction.Comment: 53 pages, version accepted for publishing on JSTA

    Hydra: An Adaptive--Mesh Implementation of PPPM--SPH

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    We present an implementation of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) in an adaptive-mesh PPPM algorithm. The code evolves a mixture of purely gravitational particles and gas particles. The code retains the desirable properties of previous PPPM--SPH implementations; speed under light clustering, naturally periodic boundary conditions and accurate pairwise forces. Under heavy clustering the cycle time of the new code is only 2--3 times slower than for a uniform particle distribution, overcoming the principal disadvantage of previous implementations\dash a dramatic loss of efficiency as clustering develops. A 1000 step simulation with 65,536 particles (half dark, half gas) runs in one day on a Sun Sparc10 workstation. The choice of time integration scheme is investigated in detail. A simple single-step Predictor--Corrector type integrator is most efficient. A method for generating an initial distribution of particles by allowing a a uniform temperature gas of SPH particles to relax within a periodic box is presented. The average SPH density that results varies by ∼±1.3\sim\pm1.3\%. We present a modified form of the Layzer--Irvine equation which includes the thermal contribution of the gas together with radiative cooling. Tests of sound waves, shocks, spherical infall and collapse are presented. Appropriate timestep constraints sufficient to ensure both energy and entropy conservation are discussed. A cluster simulation, repeating Thomas andComment: 29 pp, uuencoded Postscrip

    Solvable Critical Dense Polymers on the Cylinder

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    A lattice model of critical dense polymers is solved exactly on a cylinder with finite circumference. The model is the first member LM(1,2) of the Yang-Baxter integrable series of logarithmic minimal models. The cylinder topology allows for non-contractible loops with fugacity alpha that wind around the cylinder or for an arbitrary number ell of defects that propagate along the full length of the cylinder. Using an enlarged periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra, we set up commuting transfer matrices acting on states whose links are considered distinct with respect to connectivity around the front or back of the cylinder. These transfer matrices satisfy a functional equation in the form of an inversion identity. For even N, this involves a non-diagonalizable braid operator J and an involution R=-(J^3-12J)/16=(-1)^{F} with eigenvalues R=(-1)^{ell/2}. The number of defects ell separates the theory into sectors. For the case of loop fugacity alpha=2, the inversion identity is solved exactly for the eigenvalues in finite geometry. The eigenvalues are classified by the physical combinatorics of the patterns of zeros in the complex spectral-parameter plane yielding selection rules. The finite-size corrections are obtained from Euler-Maclaurin formulas. In the scaling limit, we obtain the conformal partition functions and confirm the central charge c=-2 and conformal weights Delta_t=(t^2-1)/8. Here t=ell/2 and t=2r-s in the ell even sectors with Kac labels r=1,2,3,...; s=1,2 while t is half-integer in the ell odd sectors. Strikingly, the ell/2 odd sectors exhibit a W-extended symmetry but the ell/2 even sectors do not. Moreover, the naive trace summing over all ell even sectors does not yield a modular invariant.Comment: 44 pages, v3: minor correction

    Refined conformal spectra in the dimer model

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    Working with Lieb's transfer matrix for the dimer model, we point out that the full set of dimer configurations may be partitioned into disjoint subsets (sectors) closed under the action of the transfer matrix. These sectors are labelled by an integer or half-integer quantum number we call the variation index. In the continuum scaling limit, each sector gives rise to a representation of the Virasoro algebra. We determine the corresponding conformal partition functions and their finitizations, and observe an intriguing link to the Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz sectors of the critical dense polymer model as described by a conformal field theory with central charge c=-2.Comment: 44 page

    Three-leg correlations in the two component spanning tree on the upper half-plane

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    We present a detailed asymptotic analysis of correlation functions for the two component spanning tree on the two-dimensional lattice when one component contains three paths connecting vicinities of two fixed lattice sites at large distance ss apart. We extend the known result for correlations on the plane to the case of the upper half-plane with closed and open boundary conditions. We found asymptotics of correlations for distance rr from the boundary to one of the fixed lattice sites for the cases r≫s≫1r\gg s \gg 1 and s≫r≫1s \gg r \gg 1.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Chandra and XMM-Newton Observations of the Double Cluster Abell 1758

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    Abell 1758 was classified as a single rich cluster of galaxies by Abell, but a ROSAT observation showed that this system consists of two distinct clusters (A1758N and A1758S) separated by approximately 8\arcmin (a projected separation of 2 Mpc in the rest frame of the clusters). Only a few galaxy redshifts have been published for these two clusters, but the redshift of the Fe lines in the Chandra and XMM-Newton spectra shows that the recessional velocities of A1758N and A1758S are within 2,100 km s−1^{-1}. Thus, these two clusters most likely form a gravitationally bound system, but our imaging and spectroscopic analyses of the X-ray data do not reveal any sign of interaction between the two clusters. The Chandra and XMM-Newton observations show that A1758N and A1758S are both undergoing major mergers. A1758N is in the late stages of a large impact parameter merger between two 7 keV clusters. The two remnant cores have a projected separation of 800 kpc. Based on the measured pressure jumps preceding the two cores, they are receding from one another at less than 1,600 km s−1^{-1}. The two cores are surrounded by hotter gas (kT=9\mathrm{kT}=9--12 keV) that was probably shock heated during the early stages of the merger. The gas entropy in the two remnant cores is comparable with the central entropy observed in dynamically relaxed clusters, indicating that the merger-induced shocks stalled as they tried to penetrate the high pressure cores of the two merging systems.Each core also has a wake of low entropy gas indicating that this gas was ram pressure stripped without being strongly shocked (abridged). (A copy of the paper with higher resolution images is available at http://asc.harvard.edu/~lpd/a1758.ps).Comment: paper plus 13 figure
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