36,857 research outputs found

    Regis-Darwin specified in the p-Calculus

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    There now is a translator for DARWIN programs that automatically generates their π-calculus equivalents. A variety of errors in DARWIN programs can be detected at the π-calculus level. These include detection of recursive structures, unbound ports and ports that are bound in the wrong direction. It can also be used to confirm whether two REGIS-DARWIN programs are equivalent

    Presidential and Congressional Vote-share Equations

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    Three vote-share equations are estimated and analyzed in this paper, one for presidential elections, one for on-term House elections, and one for mid-term House elections. The sample period is 1916-2006. Considering the three equations together allows one to test whether the same economic variables affect each and to examine various serial correlation and coattail possibilities. The resulting three equation model can then be analyzed dynamically, which is done in Section 4. The main conclusions are briefly: 1) There is strong evidence that the economy affects all three vote shares and in remarkably similar ways. 2) There is no evidence of any presidential coattail effects on the on-term House elections. The presidential vote share and the on-term House vote share are highly positively correlated, but this is because they are affected by some of the same variables. 3) There is positive serial correlation in the House vote in that the previous mid-term House vote share positively affects the on-term House vote share and the previous on-term House vote share positively affects the mid-term House vote share. 4) The presidential vote share has a negative effect on the next mid-term House vote share. The most likely explanation for this is a balance argument, where voters are reluctant to let one party become too dominant. Ruled out as possible explanations for this fourth result is any reversal of a coattail effect, since there is no evidence of an effect in the first place, and a regression to the mean, since the positive serial correlation in the House vote implies no such regression. Also, it is not simply voting against the party in the White House, because the presidential variable is a vote share variable not a 0,1 incumbency variable.Vote-share equations, Coattail effects

    Retracting fronts for the nonlinear complex heat equation

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    The "nonlinear complex heat equation" At=i∣A∣2A+AxxA_t=i|A|^2A+A_{xx} was introduced by P. Coullet and L. Kramer as a model equation exhibiting travelling fronts induced by non-variational effects, called "retracting fronts". In this paper we study the existence of such fronts. They go by one-parameter families, bounded at one end by the slowest and "steepest" front among the family, a situation presenting striking analogies with front propagation into unstable states.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Charged Particle Production at High Rapidity in p+p Collisions at RHIC

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    This report describes the recent analysis of identified charged particle production at high rapidity performed on data collected from p+p collisions at RHIC (sqrt{s}=200 GeV). The extracted invariant cross-sections compare well to NLO pQCD calculations. However, a puzzling high yield of protons at high rapidity and p_T has been found.Comment: 5 pages, four figures. The labels of the x-axis in figure 1 have been correcte

    The Case for Trills: Giving the People and Their Pension Funds a Stake in the Wealth of the Nation

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    We make the case for the U.S. government to issue a new security with a coupon tied to the United States’ current dollar GDP. This security might pay, for example, a coupon of one-trillionth of the GDP, and we propose the name "Trill" be used to refer to this new security. This new debt instrument should be of great interest to the Government for its stabilizing influence on the budget (as coupon payments fall in a recession with declining tax revenues) and for its yield, based on our valuation. Standard asset pricing analysis also suggests that Trills would enable important new portfolio diversification strategies and, in contrast to available assets that protect relative standards of living in retirement, Trills would have virtually no counterparty risk. We believe there would be a lively appetite for the Trill from institutional investors, public and private pension funds, as well as the individual investor.GDP-linked bonds, Aggregate risk, Income risk, Inflation-indexed bonds, MacroShares, U.S. Treasury, Treasury Inflation Protection Securities (TIPS), Intergenerational risk sharing, International risk sharing, Hedging, Portfolio diversification, Market portfolio

    Pathophysiological and Therapeutical Studies in Human Diabetic Cardiomyopathy

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    Kramer, M.H.H. [Promotor]Lammertsma, A.A. [Promotor]Ouwens, D.M. [Copromotor]Knaapen, P. [Copromotor

    Recycling Pulsars: spins, masses and ages

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    Although the first millisecond pulsars (MSPs) were discovered 30 years ago we still do not understand all details of their formation process. Here, we present new results from Tauris, Langer & Kramer (2012) on the recycling scenario leading to radio MSPs with helium or carbon-oxygen white dwarf companions via evolution of low- and intermediate mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs, IMXBs). We discuss the location of the spin-up line in the (P,Pdot)-diagram and estimate the amount of accreted mass needed to obtain a given spin period and compare with observations. Finally, we constrain the true ages of observed recycled pulsars via calculated isochrones in the (P,Pdot)-diagram.Comment: Contributed talk, Proceedings of IAUS 291 "Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Challenges and Opportunities after 80 years", J. van Leeuwen (ed.); 4 pages, 2 figure

    Identified hadron production at high transverse momenta in p+p collisions at sqrt(NN) = 200 GeV in STAR

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    We report the transverse momentum (pT) distributions for identified charged pions, protons and anti-protons using events triggered by high deposit energy in the Barrel Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (BEMC) from p + p collisions at psNN = 200 GeV. The spectra are measured around mid-rapidity (|y|<0.5) over the range of 3<pT<15 GeV/c with particle identification (PID) by the relativistic ionization energy loss (rdE/dx) in the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) in the Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR). The charged pion, proton and anti-proton spectra at high pT are compared with published results from minimum bias triggered events and the Next-Leading-Order perturbative quantum chromodynamic (NLO pQCD) calculations (DSS, KKP and AKK 2008). In addition, we present the particle ratios of pi-/pi+, pbar/p, p/pi+ and pbar/pi- in p + p collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Hot Quark 2008 proceedin
