178 research outputs found

    Characteristics of modern atmospheric dust deposition in snow on the Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada

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    We evaluated the concentration, size and distribution of insoluble dust microparticles in snowpits on the Penny Ice Cap (PIC), Baffin Island, to define (1) the characteristics of modern atmospheric dust deposition at the site, (2) the relative contributions of proximal and distal dust sources, and (3) the effects of summer melting on depositional signals in snow. The mean concentration (143 mg kg−1), flux (4.8 mg cm2 yr−1) and diameter (2.3 mm) of dust deposited on the PIC are similar to those observed in remote Arctic sites such as central Greenland, implying that dust is primarily supplied through long-range transport from far-removed source regions (at least 102–103 km distant). There is evidence for two seasonal maxima of dust deposition, one in late winter-early spring and one in late summer-early fall, although seasonal signals can not always be resolved in the snowpack due to some post-depositional particle migration with summer melt. However, ice layers appear to limit the mobility of particles, thereby preserving valuable paleoclimatic information in the PIC ice core dust record at a multi-annual to decadal temporal resolution

    Serre-Tate theory for Calabi-Yau varieties

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    Classical Serre-Tate theory describes deformations of ordinary abelian varieties. It implies that every such variety has a canonical lift to characteristic zero and equips its local moduli space with a Frobenius lifting and canonical multiplicative coordinates. A variant of this theory has been obtained for ordinary K3 surfaces by Nygaard and Ogus. In this paper, we construct canonical liftings modulo p2p^2 of varieties with trivial canonical class which are ordinary in the weak sense that the Frobenius acts bijectively on the top cohomology of the structure sheaf. Consequently, we obtain a Frobenius lifting on the moduli space of such varieties. The quite explicit construction uses Frobenius splittings and a relative version of Witt vectors of length two. If the variety has a smooth deformation space and bijective first higher Hasse-Witt operation, the Frobenius lifting gives rise to canonical coordinates. One of the key features of our liftings is that the crystalline Frobenius preserves the Hodge filtration. We also extend Nygaard's approach from K3 surfaces to higher dimensions, and show that no nontrivial families of such varieties exist over simply connected bases with no global one-forms

    Cambios en el control de la salud en el adolescente estudiante

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    Ice Cores from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada: Their Significance for Climate, Atmospheric Composition and Volcanism in the North Pacific Region

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    A major achievement in research supported by the Kluane Lake Research Station was the recovery, in 2001 –02, of a suite of cores from the icefields of the central St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, by teams of researchers from Canada, the United States, and Japan. This project led to the development of parallel, long (103 – 104 year) ice-core records of climate and atmospheric change over an altitudinal range of more than 2 km, from the Eclipse Icefield (3017 m) to the ice-covered plateau of Mt. Logan (5340 m). These efforts built on earlier work recovering single ice cores in this region. Comparison of these records has allowed for variations in climate and atmospheric composition to be linked with changes in the vertical structure and dynamics of the North Pacific atmosphere, providing a unique perspective on these changes over the Holocene. Owing to their privileged location, cores from the St. Elias Icefields also contain a remarkably detailed record of aerosols from various sources around or across the North Pacific. In this paper we review major scientific findings from the study of St. Elias Mountain ice cores, focusing on five main themes: (1) The record of stable water isotopes (ή18O, ήD), which has unique characteristics that differ from those of Greenland, other Arctic ice cores, and even among sites in the St. Elias; (2) the snow accumulation history; (3) the record of pollen, biomass burning aerosol, and desert dust deposition; (4) the record of long-range air pollutant deposition (sulphate and lead); and (5) the record of paleo-volcanism. Our discussion draws on studies published since 2000, but based on older ice cores from the St. Elias Mountains obtained in 1980 and 1996

    The Effects of Flowline Length Evolution on Chemistry-Delta O-18 Profiles from Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada

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    The isotopic and chemical signatures for ice-age and Holocene ice from Summit, Greenland and Penny Ice Cap, Baffin Island, Canada, arc compared. The usual pattern of low delta(18)O, high Ca2+ and high Cl- is presented in the Summit records, but Penny Ice Cap has lower than present Cl- in its ice-age ice. A simple extension of the Hansson model (Hansson, 1994) is developed and used to simulate these signatures. The low ice-age Cl- from Penny Ice Cap is explained by having the ice-age ice originating many thousands of km inland near the centre of the Laurentide ice sheet and much further from the marine sources. Summit\u27s flowlines all start close to the present site. The Penny Ice Cap early-Holocene delta(18)O\u27s had to be corrected to offset the Laurentide meltwater distortion. The analysis suggests that presently the Summit and Penny Ice Cap marine impurity originates about,500 km away, and that presently Penny Ice Cap receives a significant amount of local continental impurity

    Menisco-fibular ligament — an overview: cadaveric dissection, clinical and magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis, arthroscopic visualisation and treatment

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    Background: Injury to the menisco-fibular ligament (MFiL) is not commonly recognised. The anatomy of the lateral meniscus is complex and structure-function relationships are only partly understood. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the MFiL, an anatomic structure rarely discussed that stabilises the lateral meniscus at the level of the hiatus popliteus and may have a crucial role in pathology of lateral meniscus injury.Materials and methods: The MFiL was dissected from its attachment at the lateral meniscus to its insertion on fibular head in 12 human normal cadaver knees. The dimensions were determined and its anatomic position visualised throughout a 90° range of motion. Findings were documented on digital photographs and on video. Results were compared against the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of the injured MFiL in 20 patients. Concomitant knee injuries in those patients were also analysed to determine the most frequent pattern of injuries.Results: The normal MFiL showed an inverted trapezoid-shape with a mean width proximally of 13 mm, mean width distally of 8.5 mm and a mean length of 18.4 mm. MRI visualisation of the ligament was possible even in regular sequences; however, additional radial plane sequences were also used. Arthroscopic visualisation and manipulation was optimal when the camera was inserted into the postero-lateral gutter with full knee extension.Conclusions: The MFiL stabilises the postero-lateral knee in concert with the menisco-femoral ligaments. Injury to the MFiL can be a cause of chronic postero-lateral pain syndrome with associated instability. Further anatomical and biomechanical studies are needed in order to fully evaluate its importance

    Ice Cores from the St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, Canada: Their Significance for Climate, Atmospheric Composition and Volcanism in the North Pacific Region

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    A major achievement in research supported by the Kluane Lake Research Station was the recovery, in 2001 –02, of a suite of cores from the icefields of the central St. Elias Mountains, Yukon, by teams of researchers from Canada, the United States, and Japan. This project led to the development of parallel, long (103 – 104 year) ice-core records of climate and atmospheric change over an altitudinal range of more than 2 km, from the Eclipse Icefield (3017 m) to the ice-covered plateau of Mt. Logan (5340 m). These efforts built on earlier work recovering single ice cores in this region. Comparison of these records has allowed for variations in climate and atmospheric composition to be linked with changes in the vertical structure and dynamics of the North Pacific atmosphere, providing a unique perspective on these changes over the Holocene. Owing to their privileged location, cores from the St. Elias Icefields also contain a remarkably detailed record of aerosols from various sources around or across the North Pacific. In this paper we review major scientific findings from the study of St. Elias Mountain ice cores, focusing on five main themes: (1) The record of stable water isotopes (ή18O, ήD), which has unique characteristics that differ from those of Greenland, other Arctic ice cores, and even among sites in the St. Elias; (2) the snow accumulation history; (3) the record of pollen, biomass burning aerosol, and desert dust deposition; (4) the record of long-range air pollutant deposition (sulphate and lead); and (5) the record of paleo-volcanism. Our discussion draws on studies published since 2000, but based on older ice cores from the St. Elias Mountains obtained in 1980 and 1996

    Stable Isotope Records from Mount Logan, Eclipse Ice Cores and Nearby Jellybean Lake. Water Cycle of the North Pacific Over 2000 Years and Over Five Vertical Kilometres: Sudden Shifts and Tropical Connections

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    Three ice cores recovered on or near Mount Logan, together with a nearby lake record (Jellybean Lake), cover variously 500 to 30 000 years. This suite of records offers a unique view of the lapse rate in stable isotopes from the lower to upper troposphere. The region is climatologically important, being beside the Cordilleran pinning-point of the Rossby Wave system and the Aleutian Low. Comparison of stable isotope series over the last 2000 years and model simulations suggest sudden and persistent shifts between modern (mixed) and zonal flow regimes of water vapour transport to the Pacific Northwest. The last such shift was in A.D. 1840. Model simulations for modern and “pure” zonal flow suggest that these shifts are consistent regime changes between these flow types, with predominantly zonal flow prior to ca. A.D. 1840 and modern thereafter. The 5.4 and 0.8 km asl records show a shift at A.D. 1840 and another at A.D. 800. It is speculated that the A.D. 1840 regime shift coincided with the end of the Little Ice Age and the A.D. 800 shift with the beginning of the European Medieval Warm Period. The shifts are very abrupt, taking only a few years at most.Trois carottes de glace prĂ©levĂ©es Ă  proximitĂ© du mont Logan, combinĂ©es Ă  une coupe stratigraphique du lac Jellybean, couvrent une pĂ©riode comprise entre 500 et 30 000 ans. Elles renseignent sur les taux de changement de la composition isotopique de la troposphĂšre. La rĂ©gion Ă©tudiĂ©e est importante au niveau climatologique puisqu’elle est au point de convergence des ondes de Rossby et de la dĂ©pression des AlĂ©outiennes. La comparaison entre la composition isotopique depuis 2000 ans et les rĂ©sultats des simulations suggĂšre des changements brusques et persistants entre les rĂ©gimes de transport de vapeur d’eau modernes et zonaux dans le nord-est du Pacifique, oĂč le dernier changement s’est produit en 1840 de notre Ăšre. Les simulations indiquent que les changements de flux correspondent aux changements de rĂ©gime, avec un flux zonal avant ca 1840 pour passer au type moderne ensuite. Les forages Ă  5,4 et 0,8 km d’altitude montrent un changement en A.D. 1840 et un autre en l’an 800. On prĂ©sume que ces changements de rĂ©gime coĂŻncident respectivement avec la fin du Petit Âge Glaciaire et le dĂ©but de la pĂ©riode mĂ©diĂ©vale chaude, ces changements s’étant produits en quelques annĂ©es seulement

    Greenland and Canadian Arctic ice temperature profiles database

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    Here, we present a compilation of 95 ice temperature profiles from 85 boreholes from the Greenland ice sheet and peripheral ice caps, as well as local ice caps in the Canadian Arctic. Profiles from only 31 boreholes (36 %) were previously available in open-access data repositories. The remaining 54 borehole profiles (64 %) are being made digitally available here for the first time. These newly available profiles, which are associated with pre-2010 boreholes, have been submitted by community members or digitized from published graphics and/or data tables. All 95 profiles are now made available in both absolute (meters) and normalized (0 to 1 ice thickness) depth scales and are accompanied by extensive metadata. These metadata include a transparent description of data provenance. The ice temperature profiles span 70 years, with the earliest profile being from 1950 at Camp VI, West Greenland. To highlight the value of this database in evaluating ice flow simulations, we compare the ice temperature profiles from the Greenland ice sheet with an ice flow simulation by the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM). We find a cold bias in modeled near-surface ice temperatures within the ablation area, a warm bias in modeled basal ice temperatures at inland cold-bedded sites, and an apparent underestimation of deformational heating in high-strain settings. These biases provide process level insight on simulated ice temperatures
