29,887 research outputs found

    Critical temperature and Ginzburg region near a quantum critical point in two-dimensional metals

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    We compute the transition temperature TcT_c and the Ginzburg temperature TGT_{\rm G} above TcT_c near a quantum critical point at the boundary of an ordered phase with a broken discrete symmetry in a two-dimensional metallic electron system. Our calculation is based on a renormalization group analysis of the Hertz action with a scalar order parameter. We provide analytic expressions for TcT_c and TGT_{\rm G} as a function of the non-thermal control parameter for the quantum phase transition, including logarithmic corrections. The Ginzburg regime between TcT_c and TGT_{\rm G} occupies a sizable part of the phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Infrared regulators and SCETII

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    We consider matching from SCETI, which includes ultrasoft and collinear particles, onto SCETII with soft and collinear particles at one loop. Keeping the external fermions off their mass shell does not regulate all IR divergences in both theories. We give a new prescription to regulate infrared divergences in SCET. Using this regulator, we show that soft and collinear modes in SCETII are sufficient to reproduce all the infrared divergences of SCETI. We explain the relationship between IR regulators and an additional mode proposed for SCETII.Comment: 9 pages. Added discussion about relationship between IR regulators and messenger mode

    Phase Transitions in a Two-Component Site-Bond Percolation Model

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    A method to treat a N-component percolation model as effective one component model is presented by introducing a scaled control variable p+p_{+}. In Monte Carlo simulations on 16316^{3}, 32332^{3}, 64364^{3} and 1283128^{3} simple cubic lattices the percolation threshold in terms of p+p_{+} is determined for N=2. Phase transitions are reported in two limits for the bond existence probabilities p=p_{=} and pp_{\neq}. In the same limits, empirical formulas for the percolation threshold p+cp_{+}^{c} as function of one component-concentration, fbf_{b}, are proposed. In the limit p==0p_{=} = 0 a new site percolation threshold, fbc0.145f_{b}^{c} \simeq 0.145, is reported.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 5 eps-figure

    Sobolev Metrics on Diffeomorphism Groups and the Derived Geometry of Spaces of Submanifolds

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    Given a finite dimensional manifold NN, the group DiffS(N)\operatorname{Diff}_{\mathcal S}(N) of diffeomorphism of NN which fall suitably rapidly to the identity, acts on the manifold B(M,N)B(M,N) of submanifolds on NN of diffeomorphism type MM where MM is a compact manifold with dimM<dimN\dim M<\dim N. For a right invariant weak Riemannian metric on DiffS(N)\operatorname{Diff}_{\mathcal S}(N) induced by a quite general operator L:XS(N)Γ(TNvol(N))L:\frak X_{\mathcal S}(N)\to \Gamma(T^*N\otimes\operatorname{vol}(N)), we consider the induced weak Riemannian metric on B(M,N)B(M,N) and we compute its geodesics and sectional curvature. For that we derive a covariant formula for curvature in finite and infinite dimensions, we show how it makes O'Neill's formula very transparent, and we use it finally to compute sectional curvature on B(M,N)B(M,N).Comment: 28 pages. In this version some misprints correcte

    A proof of factorization for B -> D pi

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    We prove that the matrix elements of four fermion operators mediating the decay B^0 -> D^+ \pi^- and B^- -> D^0 \pi^- factor into the product of a form factor describing the B -> D transition and a convolution of a short distance coefficient with the nonperturbative pion light-cone wave function. This is shown to all orders in alpha_s, up to corrections suppressed by factors of 1/mb, 1/mc, and 1/E_pi. It is not necessary to assume that the pion state is dominated by the q-qbar Fock state.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs, PRL versio

    First-principles study of magnetization relaxation enhancement and spin-transfer in thin magnetic films

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    The interface-induced magnetization damping of thin ferromagnetic films in contact with normal-metal layers is calculated from first principles for clean and disordered Fe/Au and Co/Cu interfaces. Interference effects arising from coherent scattering turn out to be very small, consistent with a very small magnetic coherence length. Because the mixing conductances which govern the spin transfer are to a good approximation real valued, the spin pumping can be described by an increased Gilbert damping factor but an unmodified gyromagnetic ratio. The results also confirm that the spin-current induced magnetization torque is an interface effect.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX; modified according to Referees' request

    Spin-injection through an Fe/InAs Interface

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    The spin-dependence of the interface resistance between ferromagnetic Fe and InAs is calculated from first-principles for specular and disordered (001) interfaces. Because of the symmetry mismatch in the minority-spin channel, the specular interface acts as an efficient spin filter with a transmitted current polarisation between 98 an 89%. The resistance of a specular interface in the diffusive regime is comparable to the resistance of a few microns of bulk InAs. Symmetry-breaking arising from interface disorder reduces the spin asymmetry substantially and we conclude that efficient spin injection from Fe into InAs can only be realized using high quality epitaxial interfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Chiral spin liquid and emergent anyons in a Kagome lattice Mott insulator

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    Topological phases in frustrated quantum spin systems have fascinated researchers for decades. One of the earliest proposals for such a phase was the chiral spin liquid put forward by Kalmeyer and Laughlin in 1987 as the bosonic analogue of the fractional quantum Hall effect. Elusive for many years, recent times have finally seen a number of models that realize this phase. However, these models are somewhat artificial and unlikely to be found in realistic materials. Here, we take an important step towards the goal of finding a chiral spin liquid in nature by examining a physically motivated model for a Mott insulator on the Kagome lattice with broken time-reversal symmetry. We first provide a theoretical justification for the emergent chiral spin liquid phase in terms of a network model perspective. We then present an unambiguous numerical identification and characterization of the universal topological properties of the phase, including ground state degeneracy, edge physics, and anyonic bulk excitations, by using a variety of powerful numerical probes, including the entanglement spectrum and modular transformations.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; partially supersedes arXiv:1303.696