1,195 research outputs found

    Fiscal policy in the EU in the crisis: a model-based approach

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    This paper uses a multi region DSGE model with collateral constrained households and residential investment to examine the effectiveness of fiscal policy stimulus measures in a credit crisis. The paper explores alternative scenarios which differ by the type of budgetary measure, its length, the degree of monetary accommodation and the level of international coordination. In particular we provide estimates for New EU Member States where we take into account two aspects. First, debt denomination in foreign currency and second, higher nominal interest rates, which makes it less likely that the Central Bank is restricted by the zero bound and will consequently not accommodate a fiscal stimulus. We also compare our results to other recent results obtained in the literature on fiscal policy which generally do not consider credit constrained households.Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Multiplier, Collateral Constraint, DSGE modelling

    Naar de kern

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    Dit rapport doet verslag van een evaluatie van de zogenoemde Kernpunten in de deelgemeenten Delfshaven, Charlois en Feijenoord. Een Kernpunt beoogt het sluitstuk te vormen in het hulpverleningsaanbod voor individuele jongeren in een deelgemeente. Het werkt met jongeren die door de bestaande instanties en hulpverlening niet worden bereikt. De hulpverlening door een Kernpunt is ambulant en outreachend van karakter en kan zo nodig bemoeizuchtig van aard worden, daarbij is alles er op gericht om in contact te komen met de jongeren waar het om gaat en met hun ouders. Jongeren komen in aanmerking voor deze intensieve hulpverlening indien zij aan een of meer van de volgende criteria voldoen. 1. Zij staan bij meerdere instanties bekend; 2. Zij vertonen overlastgevend of crimineel gedrag 3. Zij hebben geen afdoende hulp gevonden bij andere vormen van hulpverlening en/of zijn daar niet voor bereikbaar; De drie Kernpunten die in dit rapport centraal staan, maken onderdeel uit van het Actieprogramma Jeugd en Overlast dat is opgenomen in het gemeentelijk jeugdbeleid 2004-2006 (Zie: Aansprekend jeugdbeleid. Opgroeien in Rotterdam: steun èn grenzen’ Kadernotitie jeugdbeleid 2004-2006). Dit betekent dat de Kernpunten gemeentelijk worden gefinancierd

    Goed klimaat tegen Japanse roest : juiste klimaatregeling in chrysant geeft beste bestrijding

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    Japanse roest (Puccinia horiana) is een constant loerend gevaar op ieder chrysantenbedrijf. Vaak wordt de schimmel preventief chemisch bestreden. Maar als uw klimaatregeling niet goed is, dan helpt dit onvoldoende. Er zullen toch sporen tot kieming komen. Daarom moet voor de bestrijding van Japanse roest alles gericht zijn op een goede klimaatstrategi

    Bandwidth renormalization due to the intersite Coulomb interaction

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    The theory of correlated electrons is currently moving beyond the paradigmatic Hubbard UU, towards the investigation of intersite Coulomb interactions. Recent investigations have revealed that these interactions are relevant for the quantitative description of realistic materials. Physically, intersite interactions are responsible for two rather different effects: screening and bandwidth renormalization. We use a variational principle to disentangle the roles of these two processes and study how appropriate the recently proposed Fock treatment of intersite interactions is in correlated systems. The magnitude of this effect in graphene is calculated based on cRPA values of the intersite interaction. We also observe that the most interesting charge fluctuation phenomena actually occur at elevated temperatures, substantially higher than studied in previous investigations.Comment: New appendix on benzen

    As pequenas brocas do cupuacu, Xyleborus sp. e Hypocryphalus sp. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae): danos e indicacoes de manejo em sistemas agroflorestais de Rondonia.

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    Trabalho desenvolvido em dois sistemas Agroflorestais na zona rural de Porto Velho - Rondonia. Num deles, ocupando area de 0,6ha, foram plantados cupuacu e bandarra(Schilozobium amazonicum), alem de outras duas especies madeireiras, teca (Tectona grandis) e mogno (Swietenia macrophylla). No outro sistema com area de 1,3ha foram plantadaos cupuacu, pupunha e banana. Alem destas, o sistema recebeu as especies madeireiras: teca, mogno, cedro (Cedrela odorata), ipe (Tabebuia), cerejeira (Torresea acreana, freijo (Cordia sp) e copaiba (Copaifera multijuga). Considerou-se o ataque de Xyleborus sp e Hypocrypahlus sp em relacao as condicoes de cultivo implementadas para o cupuacu em Rondonia. Traz indicacoes de manejo de cultivo em sistemas agroflorestais em areas de "derruba & queima", onde a presenca de tocos(madeira morta) e frequente e significativa.bitstream/item/56213/1/Circ.T-270001.pd

    Melt block copolymerization of ε-caprolactone and L-lactide

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    AB block copolymers of ε-caprolactone and (L)-lactide could be prepared by ring-opening polymerization in the melt at 110°C using stannous octoate as a catalyst and ethanol as an initiator provided ε-caprolactone was polymerized first. Ethanol initiated the polymerization of ε-caprolactone producing a polymer with ε-caprolactone derived hydroxyl end groups which after addition of L-lactide in the second step of the polymerization initiated the ring-opening copolymerization of L-lactide. The number-average molecular weights of the poly(ε-caprolactone) blocks varied from 1.5 to 5.2 × 103, while those of the poly(L-lactide) blocks ranged from 17.4 to 49.7 × 103. The polydispersities of the block copolymers varied from 1.16 to 1.27. The number-average molecular weights of the polymers were controlled by the monomer/hydroxyl group ratio, and were independent on the monomer/stannous octoate ratio within the range of experimental conditions studied. When L-lactide was polymerized first, followed by copolymerization of ε-caprolactone, random copolymers were obtained. The formation of random copolymers was attributed to the occurrence of transesterification reactions. These side reactions were caused by the ε-caprolactone derived hydroxyl end groups generated during the copolymerization of ε-caprolactone with pre-polymers of L-lactide. The polymerization proceeds through an ester alcoholysis reaction mechanism, in which the stannous octoate activated ester groups of the monomers react with hydroxyl groups

    Fiscal policy in the EU in the crisis: A model-based approach

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    This paper uses a multi region DSGE model with collateral constrained households and residential investment to examine the effectiveness of fiscal policy stimulus measures in a credit crisis. The paper explores alternative scenarios which differ by the type of budgetary measure, its length, the degree of monetary accommodation and the level of international coordination. In particular we provide estimates for New EU Member States where we take into account two aspects. First, debt denomination in foreign currency and second, higher nominal interest rates, which makes it less likely that the Central Bank is restricted by the zero bound and will consequently not accommodate a fiscal stimulus. We also compare our results to other recent results obtained in the literature on fiscal policy which generally do not consider credit constrained households

    Het Nieuwe Telen bij chrysant: Verkenning van energiebesparingsopties voor de chrysantenteelt

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    Het Nieuwe Telen (HNT) is een verzamelnaam voor verschillende methoden om energie te besparen in de glastuinbouw. In dit rapport is onderzocht welke methoden voor de chrysantenteelt interessant zijn. Er is gebruik gemaakt van een expertpanel en de rekenmodellen Kaspro en QMS

    Parity transitions in the superconducting ground state of hybrid InSb-Al Coulomb islands

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    The number of electrons in small metallic or semiconducting islands is quantized. When tunnelling is enabled via opaque barriers this number can change by an integer. In superconductors the addition is in units of two electron charges (2e), reflecting that the Cooper pair condensate must have an even parity. This ground state (GS) is foundational for all superconducting qubit devices. Here, we study a hybrid superconducting-semiconducting island and find three typical GS evolutions in a parallel magnetic field: a robust 2e-periodic even-parity GS, a transition to a 2e-periodic odd-parity GS,and a transition from a 2e- to a 1e-periodic GS. The 2e-periodic odd-parity GS persistent in gate-voltage occurs when a spin-resolved subgap state crosses zero energy. For our 1e-periodic GSs we explicitly show the origin being a single zero-energy state gapped from the continuum, i.e. compatible with an Andreev bound states stabilized at zero energy or the presence of Majorana zero modes
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