1,809 research outputs found

    Methods and Approaches for Characterizing Learning Related Changes Observed in functional MRI Data — A Review

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    Brain imaging data have so far revealed a wealth of information about neuronal circuits involved in higher mental functions like memory, attention, emotion, language etc. Our efforts are toward understanding the learning related effects in brain activity during the acquisition of visuo-motor sequential skills. The aim of this paper is to survey various methods and approaches of analysis that allow the characterization of learning related changes in fMRI data. Traditional imaging analysis using the Statistical Parametric Map (SPM) approach averages out temporal changes and presents overall differences between different stages of learning. We outline other potential approaches for revealing learning effects such as statistical time series analysis, modelling of haemodynamic response function and independent component analysis. We present example case studies from our visuo-motor sequence learning experiments to describe application of SPM and statistical time series analyses. Our review highlights that the problem of characterizing learning induced changes in fMRI data remains an interesting and challenging open research problem

    A Multi-disciplinary Approach to the Investigation of Aspects of Serial Order in Cognition

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    Serial order processing or Sequence processing underlies many human activities such as speech, language, skill learning, planning, problem solving, etc. Investigating the\ud neural bases of sequence processing enables us to understand serial order in cognition and helps us building intelligent devices. In the current paper, various\ud cognitive issues related to sequence processing will be discussed with examples. Some of the issues are: distributed versus local representation, pre-wired versus\ud adaptive origins of representation, implicit versus explicit learning, fixed/flat versus hierarchical organization, timing aspects, order information embedded in sequences, primacy versus recency in list learning and aspects of sequence perception such as recognition, recall and generation. Experimental results that give evidence for the involvement of various brain areas will be described. Finally, theoretical frameworks based on Markov models and Reinforcement Learning paradigm will be presented. These theoretical ideas are useful for studying sequential phenomena in a principled way

    On the occurrence of mature penaeid prawn Penaeus merguensis in a shallow solar salt works reservoir along the Okhamandal Coast of Gulf of Kutch and its spawning in laboratory

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    Penaeus merguensis is so far reported to attain complete maturity and spawn in the sea or deep culture ponds only. Mature specimens of stage III to V collected from a shallow reservoir of solar saltworks were studied and spawned in laboratory. A comparison of spawning of spawner from sea and reservoir is also reported

    Rythu Kosam Andhra Pradesh Farmer Producer Organisations Promotion Policy – 2016: Operational Guidelines

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    The government of Andhra Pradesh aspires to bring together 10 lakh farmers through 1,000 FPOs in the state with an objective to maintain a leadership position in India across the primary sector. This requires transformational interventions with necessary participation of all stakeholders. The following document is a step towards the same. The collectivization of producers, specifically marginal and small farm holders into producers’ organizations is emerging as the effective possible pathway to address improved access to investments, technologies, knowledge support, inputs and markets. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has identified Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) as the appropriate institutional form around which farmers would be mobilized and their collective capacity of production and marketing can be leveraged by strengthening their capacities. The formation and development of FPOs will be actively encouraged and supported by the Government of Andhra Pradesh and their agencies, using financial resources from various centrally-sponsored and state-funded schemes along with resources mobilized from the financial institutions. This Operational Guidelines document is a reference guide for line departments and development agencies which seek to promote and support Farmer Producer Organizations..

    Harnessing Dividends from Drylands: Innovative Scaling up with Soil Nutrients

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    The livelihoods of millions of people in developing countries, which depend on dryland agriculture to ensure their food security and their well-being, could be improved measurably by gains in agricultural crop yields. This book describes lessons learnt from an innovative scheme in India that improved crop yields in drylands. It shows how the scheme can be scaled up for other dryland regions of the world. The scheme uses localized soil nutrient analyses to create an integrated, climate smart fertilizer and planting plan that maximises yields for farmers.This book describes how a partnership between a global scientific organization (such as International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT) and state and non-state actors can provide a route to equitable growth, specifically for small and marginal farmers, and how this approach can be replicated worldwide to enhance rural livelihoods. This strategic collaboration and its conceptual and functional design is fully outlined, as well as the scheme's implementation and the effective monitoring and learning process that has been created

    Community and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid Tropics: A Journey of Innovation

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    This book focuses on developing an integrated holistic approach for harnessing the potential of rain-fed agriculture. In this approach, rainwater management through harvesting and recharging the groundwater is used as an entry point activity for increasing the productivity for farmers through enhanced water use efficiency. To provide the holistic and integrated solutions, the approach of consortium through building partnerships with different stakeholders, eg. different research institutions (State, National and International), development departments, eg. Department of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry etc., Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Farmers Organizations Community-based Organizations (CBOs) along with market linkages through private companies

    Learnings and a Way Forward

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    Enabling hypervisor environment for increasing efficiency and effectiveness of training programmes - a case study at NAARM

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    The National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM) was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at Hyderabad, in 1976, to address issues related to agricultural research and education management. The Academy also renders services for building IP portfolios like patents and geographical indications to various stakeholders including farmers and scientists. Keeping in view the increasing national and global need to integrate agriculture with agribusiness for raising rural incomes, and the increased emphasis on the creation, dissemination, application and exchange of knowledge in this vital area, the Academy has recently initiated post graduate education programmes and set up an Agribusiness Knowledge Centre. In the above mentioned scenario, NAARM also conducting many training programmes/courses over the year and there is lot of time and money being invested into purchasing physical machines and software. There is a need of maintaining specific set of software required for each training. The Coordinators of the training programmes has to ensure beforehand that all the machines are working fine and all the software required for that training got installed in all machines and working without any issues. This requirement of preparedness for training programmes has been avoided completely by establishing a private cloud which can provide Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) at our organization. At the end of programmes may it be a regular or refresher course, coordinators has supposed to be evaluate the participants by tools like quizzes and exams. NAARM is using SynchronEyes Student-Teacher software for evaluation purpose. Many issues were there in this examinations system because of network, virus and power problems. This also has been completely avoided by establishing a hybrid cloud
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