20 research outputs found

    Obesity and male breast cancer: Provocative parallels?

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    While rare compared to female breast cancer the incidence of male breast cancer (MBC) has increased in the last few decades. Without comprehensive epidemiological studies, the explanation for the increased incidence of MBC can only be speculated. Nevertheless, one of the most worrying global public health issues is the exponential rise in the number of overweight and obese people, especially in the developed world. Although obesity is not considered an established risk factor for MBC, studies have shown increased incidence among obese individuals. With this observation in mind, this article highlights the correlation between the increased incidence of MBC and the current trends in obesity as a growing problem in the 21st century, including how this may impact treatment. With MBC becoming more prominent we put forward the notion that, not only is obesity a risk factor for MBC, but that increasing obesity trends are a contributing factor to its increased incidence

    ConsideraçÔes sobre as ocorrĂȘncias iatrogĂȘnicas na assistĂȘncia Ă  saĂșde: dificuldades inerentes ao estudo do tema Consideraciones acerca de las ocurrencias iatrogĂ©nicas en la asistencia en la salud: dificuldades inherentes al e studio de lo tema Refletions about iatrogenic occurrences in health care: difficulties involved in the study of the matter

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    Tecendo consideraçÔes a respeito das ocorrĂȘncias iatrogĂȘnicas na assistĂȘncia Ă  saĂșde, a autora aborda as principais dificuldades inerentes ao estudo do tema em foco. Os problemas incluem nĂŁo sĂł a conceituação do termo propriamente dito, como tambĂ©m as dificuldades relativas Ă s abordagens metodolĂłgicas para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas.<br>El autor examina las principales dificuldades inherentes al estudio de las ocurrencias iatrogĂ©nicas en la asistencia de la salud. Problemas conceptuales, aspectos eticos-legales y relacionados con la metodologia de la investigaciĂłn son presentados.<br>The author examines the main difficulties involved in the study of iatrogenic occurrences in health care . Conceptual problems and difficulties related to research methodologies issues are discussed