11 research outputs found

    Familial tumoral calcinosis in two Chinese patients: a case series

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    Abstract Introduction Tumoral calcinosis is a rare and benign condition characterized by massive subcutaneous soft tissue deposits of calcium phosphate predominantly around large joints. Case presentation Familial tumoral calcinosis was present in two members of a Han Chinese family, namely, the son and daughter. The 14-year-old son had the first operation on his right sole of the foot at the age of six, and then experienced subsequent surgeries at a lesion in his right sole of the foot and left hip, respectively. The 16-year-old daughter underwent her first operation at the age of six in her left gluteal region, and subsequent surgeries were performed due to recurrence at the same lesion. Pathologic diagnoses of surgical specimens in both of the patients were reported as tumoral calcinosis. The laboratory results showed hyperphosphatemia with normal levels of serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase. Only surgical treatment was performed in both patients with satisfactory prognosis. Conclusion This is the first report of Chinese familial tumoral calcinosis. The etiopathogenisis and treatment are discussed.</p

    Newly discovered mutations in the GALNT3 gene causing autosomal recessive hyperostosis-hyperphosphatemia syndrome

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    Background and purpose Periosteal new bone formation and cortical hyperostosis often suggest an initial diagnosis of bone malignancy or osteomyelitis. In the present study, we investigated the cause of persistent bone hyperostosis in the offspring of two consanguineous parents

    Expanding our reach: The potential for youth development professionals in community-based organizations to provide sexuality information

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    Adolescents in the United States continue to face sexual health issues. While community-based organizations (CBOs) have a long history of addressing the sexual health needs of those they serve, little attention has been given to CBOs focused on adolescent populations and the role youth development professionals (YDPs) might play in the advancement of sexual health. The purpose of this study was to assess the potential of YDPs to provide sexuality information to youth by 1) determining the frequency and type of questions YDPs receive from youth on sexuality and 2) ascertaining the perceived comfort, confidence, skills, and knowledge of YDPs in answering questions from youth and characteristics that might be predictive of increased levels of perceived comfort, confidence, skills, and knowledge. Utilizing a community-based participatory research process that engaged the researchers with leaders, key stakeholders, and youth development professionals from community-based organizations throughout the state, data were collected from 169 YDP in Indiana. YDPs received questions from youth on a broad array of sexuality-related topics with personal skills and relationships being the most frequent topics. YDPs had high perceived levels of comfort, confidence, skills, and knowledge (CCSK) in addressing questions from youth about sexuality. Training, both formal classroom-type training and more informal practices such as advice-seeking from a professional, was the only factor predictive of higher levels of CCSK. Results indicate that YDPs might play an important role in providing sexuality information to youth. Communities interested in ameliorating disparities among youth might want to consider including CBOs and YDPs in an ecological approach to sexual health education. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Developing Resilience in the Aged and Dementia Care Workforce

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    Developing resilience in the aged and dementia care workforce is animportant element of support given their high demand environment. Jn this chapter,we outline the key known factors relevant for resiliency of aged and dementia careworkforces, focusi ng on direct care workers who provide health care and physical,emotional , and social support to older adults and people with dementia as part oftheir job roles. We describe workforce characteristics, job demands, and resources,as well as personal and emotional responses lo work with international comparisonsmade where in formation is available. Several theoretical constructs in social andorganizational psychology are overviewed and applied to the investigation ofresilience in care work contexts. Organisational psychology can help the aged caresector prepare for the increased need to attract and retain a resilient workforce.Occupational communion is one of the several new theoretical constructs thatprovide potential for ·trategies for interventional support and training. Our worksuggests chat measurement models should be developed that consider positivecoping speci fic to the social nature of caring and the ncurodegcnerativc conditionssuch as dementia, as well ac; the characteristics of the workforce