2,734 research outputs found

    Cosmic rays, lithium abundance and excess entropy in galaxy clusters

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    We consider the production of 6^6Li in spallation reactions by cosmic rays in order to explain the observed abundance in halo metal-poor stars. We show that heating of ambient gas by cosmic rays is an inevitable consequence of this process, and estimate the energy input required to reproduce the observed abundance of 6^6Li/H1011\sim 10^{-11} to be of order a few hundred eV per particle. We draw attention to the possibility that this could explain the excess entropy in gas in galaxy groups and clusters. The evolution of 6^6Li and the accompanying heating of gas is calculated for structures collapsing at the present epoch with injection of cosmic rays at high redshift. We determine the energy required to explain the abundance of 6^6Li at z2z \sim 2 corresponding to the formation epoch of halo metal-poor stars, and also an increased entropy level of 300\sim 300 keV cm2^2 necessary to explain X-ray observations of clusters. The energy budget for this process is consistent with the expected energy output of radio-loud AGNs, and the diffusion length scale of cosmic-ray protons responsible for heating is comparable to the size of regions with excess entropy. We also discuss the constraints imposed by the extragalactic gamma-ray background.Comment: 5 pages, 1 Figure, Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Letters

    Measuring the Radiative Histories of QSOs with the Transverse Proximity Effect

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    Since the photons that stream from QSOs alter the ionization state of the gas they traverse, any changes to a QSO's luminosity will produce outward-propagating ionization gradients in the surrounding intergalactic gas. This paper shows that at redshift z~3 the gradients will alter the gas's Lyman-alpha absorption opacity enough to produce a detectable signature in the spectra of faint background galaxies. By obtaining noisy (S:N~4) low-resolution (~7A) spectra of a several dozen background galaxies in an R~20' field surrounding an isotropically radiating 18th magnitude QSO at z=3, it should be possible to detect any order-of-magnitude changes to the QSO's luminosity over the previous 50--100 Myr and to measure the time t_Q since the onset of the QSO's current luminous outburst with an accuracy of ~5 Myr for t_Q<~50 Myr. Smaller fields-of-view are acceptable for shorter QSO lifetimes. The major uncertainty, aside from cosmic variance, will be the shape and orientation of the QSO's ionization cone. This can be determined from the data if the number of background sources is increased by a factor of a few. The method will then provide a direct test of unification models for AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. 16 page

    Reionization Constraints on the Contribution of Primordial Compact Objects to Dark Matter

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    Many lines of evidence suggest that nonbaryonic dark matter constitutes roughly 30% of the critical closure density, but the composition of this dark matter is unknown. One class of candidates for the dark matter is compact objects formed in the early universe, with typical masses M between 0.1 and 1 solar masses to correspond to the mass scale of objects found with microlensing observing projects. Specific candidates of this type include black holes formed at the epoch of the QCD phase transition, quark stars, and boson stars. Here we show that accretion onto these objects produces substantial ionization in the early universe, with an optical depth to Thomson scattering out to z=1100 of approximately tau=2-4 [f_CO\epsilon_{-1}(M/Msun)]^{1/2} (H_0/65)^{-1}, where \epsilon_{-1} is the accretion efficiency \epsilon\equiv L/{\dot M}c^2 divided by 0.1 and f_CO is the fraction of matter in the compact objects. The current upper limit to the scattering optical depth, based on the anisotropy of the microwave background, is approximately 0.4. Therefore, if accretion onto these objects is relatively efficient, they cannot be the main component of nonbaryonic dark matter.Comment: 12 pages including one figure, uses aaspp4, submitted to Ap

    Massive and Red Objects predicted by a semianalytical model of galaxy formation

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    We study whether hierarchical galaxy formation in a concordance Λ\LambdaCDM universe can produce enough massive and red galaxies compared to the observations. We implement a semi-analytical model in which the central black holes gain their mass during major mergers of galaxies and the energy feedback from active galaxy nuclei (AGN) suppresses the gas cooling in their host halos. The energy feedback from AGN acts effectively only in massive galaxies when supermassive black holes have been formed in the central bulges. Compared with previous models without black hole formation, our model predicts more massive and luminous galaxies at high redshift, agreeing with the observations of K20 up to z3z\sim 3. Also the predicted stellar mass density from massive galaxies agrees with the observations of GDDS. Because of the energy feedback from AGN, the formation of new stars is stopped in massive galaxies with the termination of gas cooling and these galaxies soon become red with color RK>R-K>5 (Vega magnitude), comparable to the Extremely Red Objects (EROs) observed at redshift zz\sim1-2. Still the predicted number density of very EROs is lower than observed at z2z\sim 2, and it may be related to inadequate descriptions of dust extinction, star formation history and AGN feedback in those luminous galaxies.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ, added reference