2,756 research outputs found

    Logic Programs with Compiled Preferences

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    We describe an approach for compiling preferences into logic programs under the answer set semantics. An ordered logic program is an extended logic program in which rules are named by unique terms, and in which preferences among rules are given by a set of dedicated atoms. An ordered logic program is transformed into a second, regular, extended logic program wherein the preferences are respected, in that the answer sets obtained in the transformed theory correspond with the preferred answer sets of the original theory. Our approach allows both the specification of static orderings (as found in most previous work), in which preferences are external to a logic program, as well as orderings on sets of rules. In large part then, we are interested in describing a general methodology for uniformly incorporating preference information in a logic program. Since the result of our translation is an extended logic program, we can make use of existing implementations, such as dlv and smodels. To this end, we have developed a compiler, available on the web, as a front-end for these programming systems

    Strange Quark Contribution to the Nucleon Spin from Electroweak Elastic Scattering Data

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    The total contribution of strange quarks to the intrinsic spin of the nucleon can be determined from a measurement of the strange-quark contribution to the nucleon's elastic axial form factor. We have studied the strangeness contribution to the elastic vector and axial form factors of the nucleon, using elastic electroweak scattering data. Specifically, we combine elastic νp\nu p and νˉp\bar{\nu} p scattering cross section data from the Brookhaven E734 experiment with elastic epep and quasi-elastic eded and ee-4^4He scattering parity-violating asymmetry data from the SAMPLE, HAPPEx, G0 and PVA4 experiments. We have not only determined these form factors at individual values of momentum-transfer (Q2Q^2), but also have fit the Q2Q^2-dependence of these form factors using simple functional forms. We present the results of these fits, along with some expectations of how our knowledge of these form factors can be improved with data from Fermilab experiments.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, CIPANP 201

    Auswirkungen der Schweizer Drogenpolitik aus Sicht der Suchtforschung

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    Die bewährte Viersäulenpolitik ist seit 2011 zusammen mit der heroingestützten Behandlung im Betäubungsmittelgesetz verankert und die Arbeitsteilung zwischen Bund und Kantonen darin geregelt. Die Cannabispolitik hingegen ist gescheitert. Probleme bestehen in der ungleichen Versorgung mit wissenschaftlich nachweislich wirksamen Behandlungsoptionen und niederschwelligen Angeboten auf kantonaler und regionaler Ebene. Ob den im Gesetz verankerten Verbesserungen des Jugendschutzes und dem Ordnungsbussenmodell für Cannabis eine Senkung des Drogenkonsums bei Jugendlichen folgt, muss evaluiert werden

    Surface structure of i-Al(68)Pd(23)Mn(9): An analysis based on the T*(2F) tiling decorated by Bergman polytopes

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    A Fibonacci-like terrace structure along a 5fold axis of i-Al(68)Pd(23)Mn(9) monograins has been observed by T.M. Schaub et al. with scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). In the planes of the terraces they see patterns of dark pentagonal holes. These holes are well oriented both within and among terraces. In one of 11 planes Schaub et al. obtain the autocorrelation function of the hole pattern. We interpret these experimental findings in terms of the Katz-Gratias-de Boisseu-Elser model. Following the suggestion of Elser that the Bergman clusters are the dominant motive of this model, we decorate the tiling T*(2F) by the Bergman polytopes only. The tiling T*(2F) allows us to use the powerful tools of the projection techniques. The Bergman polytopes can be easily replaced by the Mackay polytopes as the decoration objects. We derive a picture of ``geared'' layers of Bergman polytopes from the projection techniques as well as from a huge patch. Under the assumption that no surface reconstruction takes place, this picture explains the Fibonacci-sequence of the step heights as well as the related structure in the terraces qualitatively and to certain extent even quantitatively. Furthermore, this layer-picture requires that the polytopes are cut in order to allow for the observed step heights. We conclude that Bergman or Mackay clusters have to be considered as geometric building blocks of the i-AlPdMn structure rather than as energetically stable entities

    The Tilting Space of Boundary Conformal Field Theories

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    In boundary conformal field theories, global symmetries can be broken by boundary conditions, generating a homogeneous conformal manifold. We investigate these geometries, showing they have a coset structure, and give fully worked out examples in the case of free fields of spin zero and one-half. These results give a simple illustration of the salient features of conformal manifolds while generalising to interacting and more intricate setups. Our work was inspired by [2203.17157]Comment: 5 page

    Taking an ethics of care perspective on two university teacher training programmes

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    This paper shows the usefulness and interest of taking an ethics of care perspective to evaluate university teacher training programmes. More precisely, in this case study we use the five elements of care identified by Tronto – attentiveness, responsibility, competence, responsiveness and trust – to assess two multiple-day training programmes offered at the University of Geneva. We show how small changes in our practice such as giving some choice to the participants over the topics addressed, adapting the schedule to meet the participants’ constraints or dedicating time slots specifically for the questions and concerns raised by the participants can have a big impact on the level of care provided. We moreover argue that this framework brings interesting and novel elements that appropriately “counterbalances” traditional evaluations that are usually implicitly based on notions such as performance, efficiency and measurability. Finally, we briefly explain how the ethics of care could be used a basis to not only evaluate but to rethink and elaborate training programmes

    Non-isotropic Persistent Homology: Leveraging the Metric Dependency of PH

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    Persistent Homology is a widely used topological data analysis tool that creates a concise description of the topological properties of a point cloud based on a specified filtration. Most filtrations used for persistent homology depend (implicitly) on a chosen metric, which is typically agnostically chosen as the standard Euclidean metric on Rn\mathbb{R}^n. Recent work has tried to uncover the 'true' metric on the point cloud using distance-to-measure functions, in order to obtain more meaningful persistent homology results. Here we propose an alternative look at this problem: we posit that information on the point cloud is lost when restricting persistent homology to a single (correct) distance function. Instead, we show how by varying the distance function on the underlying space and analysing the corresponding shifts in the persistence diagrams, we can extract additional topological and geometrical information. Finally, we numerically show that non-isotropic persistent homology can extract information on orientation, orientational variance, and scaling of randomly generated point clouds with good accuracy and conduct some experiments on real-world data.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figures, comments welcome

    Topological Point Cloud Clustering

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    We present Topological Point Cloud Clustering (TPCC), a new method to cluster points in an arbitrary point cloud based on their contribution to global topological features. TPCC synthesizes desirable features from spectral clustering and topological data analysis and is based on considering the spectral properties of a simplicial complex associated to the considered point cloud. As it is based on considering sparse eigenvector computations, TPCC is similarly easy to interpret and implement as spectral clustering. However, by focusing not just on a single matrix associated to a graph created from the point cloud data, but on a whole set of Hodge-Laplacians associated to an appropriately constructed simplicial complex, we can leverage a far richer set of topological features to characterize the data points within the point cloud and benefit from the relative robustness of topological techniques against noise. We test the performance of TPCC on both synthetic and real-world data and compare it with classical spectral clustering
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