339 research outputs found

    Optimal Proposal Particle Filters for Detecting Anomalies and Manoeuvres from Two Line Element Data

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    Detecting anomalous behaviour of satellites is an important goal within the broader task of space situational awareness. The Two Line Element (TLE) data published by NORAD is the only widely-available, comprehensive source of data for satellite orbits. We present here a filtering approach for detecting anomalies in satellite orbits from TLE data. Optimal proposal particle filters are deployed to track the state of the satellites' orbits. New TLEs that are unlikely given our belief of the current orbital state are designated as anomalies. The change in the orbits over time is modelled using the SGP4 model with some adaptations. A model uncertainty is derived to handle the errors in SGP4 around singularities in the orbital elements. The proposed techniques are evaluated on a set of 15 satellites for which ground truth is available and the particle filters are shown to be superior at detecting the subtle in-track and cross-track manoeuvres in the simulated dataset, as well as providing a measure of uncertainty of detections

    Strengthened currents override the effect of warming on lobster larval dispersal & survival.

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    Human-induced climate change is projected to increase ocean temperature and modify circulation patterns, with potential widespread implications for the transport and survival of planktonic larvae of marine organisms. Circulation affects the dispersal of larvae, whereas temperature impacts larval development and survival. However, the combined effect of changes in circulation and temperature on larval dispersal and survival has rarely been studied in a future climate scenario. Such understanding is crucial to predict future species distributions, anticipate ecosystem shifts and design effective management strategies. We simulate contemporary (1990s) and future (2060s) dispersal of lobster larvae using an eddy-resolving ocean model in south-eastern Australia, a region of rapid ocean warming. Here we show that the effects of changes in circulation and temperature can counter each other: ocean warming favours the survival of lobster larvae, whereas a strengthened western boundary current diminishes the supply of larvae to the coast by restricting cross-current larval dispersal. Furthermore, we find that changes in circulation have a stronger effect on connectivity patterns of lobster larvae along south-eastern Australia than ocean warming in the future climate so that the supply of larvae to the coast reduces by ~4% and the settlement peak shifts poleward by ~270 km in the model simulation. Thus, ocean circulation may be one of the dominant factors contributing to climate-induced changes of species ranges

    Shelf Transport Pathways Adjacent to the East Australian Current Reveal Sources of Productivity for Coastal Reefs

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    The region where the East Australian Current (EAC) separates from the coast is dynamic and the shelf circulation is impacted by the interplay of the western boundary current and its eddy field with the coastal ocean. This interaction can drive upwelling, retention or export. Hence understanding the connection between offshore waters and the inner shelf is needed as it influences the productivity potential of valuable coastal rocky reefs. Near urban centres, artificial reefs enhance fishing opportunities in coastal waters, however these reefs are located without consideration of the productivity potential of adjacent waters. Here we identify three dominant modes of mesoscale circulation in the EAC separation region (~31.5−34.5°S); the ‘EAC mode’ which dominates the flow in the poleward direction, and two eddy modes, the ‘EAC eddy mode’ and the ‘Eddy dipole mode’, which are determined by the configuration of a cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy and the relationship with the separated EAC jet. We use a Lagrangian approach to reveal the transport pathways across the shelf to understand the impact of the mesoscale circulation modes and to explore the productivity potential of the coastal waters. We investigate the origin (position and depth) of the water that arrives at the inner-mid shelf over a 21-day period (the plankton productivity timescale). We show that the proportion of water that is upwelled from below the euphotic zone varies spatially, and with each mesoscale circulation mode. Additionally, shelf transport timescales and pathways are also impacted by the mesoscale circulation. The highest proportion of upwelling (70%) occurs upstream of 32.5°S, associated with the EAC jet separation, with vertical displacements of 70–120 m. From 33 to 33.5°S, water comes from offshore above the euphotic layer, and shelf transport timescales are longest. The region of highest retention over the inner shelf is immediately downstream of the EAC separation region. The position of the EAC jet and the location of the cyclonic eddy determines the variability in shelf-ocean interactions and the productivity of shelf waters. These results are useful for understanding productivity of temperate rocky reefs in general and specifically for fisheries enhancements along an increasingly urbanised coast

    Fatty Acid Specificity and Selectivity of the Chloroplast sn

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    Lipid Composition of Pea and Bean Leaves during Chloroplast Development

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