219 research outputs found

    *) Penulis Penanggung Jawab Studi Taksonomi Bintang Laut (Asteroidea, Echinodermata) Dari Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Jepara

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    Sea stars play an important role in food webs, generally as predators and detritus feeder. This research has been conducted in December 2011 – March 2012. This research is subjected to achieved its biodiversity in the Karimunjawa Islands. Samples were collected from western and eastern side of Karimunjawa Island, western side of Menjangan Kecil, northern side of Cemara Kecil and northern side of Cemara Besar island, up to the depth of three meters. Species identification was done at Biology Laboratory of the Research Center for Oceanography (P2O-LIPI) Jakarta. A total of 11 asteroid individuals belonging to 9 species of 6 genera, which represented 4 families and 2 orders have been identified. Most of sea stars were found on the coral reef. Based on morphological characters of sea stars that apparently similar, even living in the same location, however after identified are different species, that is Archaster angulatus and Archaster typicus, Nardoa frianti and Nardoa pauciforis then Linckia laevigata and Linckia multifora. All species was considered common for tropical Indo Pasific region, including Indonesian water

    Penelitian Terhadap Struktur Cerita, Konteks, Ko-teks, Proses Pewarisan, Fungsi, Nilai-nilai, Dan Ancangan Model Revitalisasi Tradisi Lisan Jemblung Jawa Timur

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh asumsi bahwa tradisi lisan Jemblung merupakan tradisi lisan yang dapat diapresiasi sebagai sebuah kesenian yang hampir punah padahal kaya akan nilai-nilai luhur yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk pendidikan formal maupun nonformal. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara dan catatan lapangan. Temuan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: (1) struktur cerita dalam tradisi lisan jemblung, yang diklasifikasikan dalam alur, tokoh dan penokohan, dan latar, (2) aspek konteks yang meliputi konteks budaya, sosial, situasi, dan ideologi, (3) ko-teks dalam tradisi lisan jemblung diklasifikasikan dengan konsep antropolinguistik, meliputi: (a) deskripsi paralinguistik, (b) gestur (c) penjagaan antarpelaku, dan (d) unsur material: pakaian, penataan lokasi dan dekorasi, penggunaan properti dan fungsinya, (4) proses pewarisan dalam tradisi lisan jemblung ini dibagi menjadi dua yakni proses menjadi pemain dan proses penciptaan cerita, (4) fungsi tradisi lisan jemblung sebagai berikut: (a) alat pengesahan kebudayaan, (b) pemaksa berlakunya norma di masyarakat, (c) alat pendidikan, (d) hiburan (e) Media dakwah, dan (f) media propaganda tematik. Nilai-Nilai yang ditemukan dalam tradisi lisan Jemblung didominasi oleh nilai religi dan nilai budaya

    Perbaikan Produksi Jamur Tiram Pleurotus Ostreatus Strain Florida dengan Modifikasi Bahan Baku Utama Substrat

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    Daya hasil jamur tiram putih masih perlu diperbaiki. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan jenis bahan baku alternatif selain serbuk kayu gergaji albasia dengan penambahan bahan aditif berupa bekatul untuk budidaya jamur tiram putih. Percobaan menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah dengan 3 ulangan. Petak utama adalah bekatul konsentrasi 5, 10, 15, dan 20%. Anak petak 13 jenis bahan baku utama substrat. Bibit jamur tiram putih menggunakan spesies Pleurotus ostreatus strain Florida yang diintroduksi dari Applied Plant Research, Belanda. Penelitian dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran , Lembang (1.250 m dpl.), Jawa Barat dari bulan November 2003 sampai Mei 2004. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa aplikasi substrat serbuk kayu gergaji albasia dikombinasikan dengan bekatul 5% menghasilkan bobot segar jamur tiram putih tertinggi, yaitu 2.317,36 g/kg bobot substrat basah dengan efisiensi biologis (EB) 81,03%. Hasil tersebut dicapai selama 65 hari masa berproduksi dengan jumlah panen 12 kali. Selain serbuk kayu gergaji (SKG) albasia, bahan baku substrat berupa SKG campuran, daun pisang kering, jerami padi, rumput alang-alang, dan bagas/ampas tebu dengan penambahan bekatul antara 5-15%, juga merupakan bahan baku alternatif yang dapat digunakan sebagai baku substrat untuk budidaya jamur tiram putih. Hasil bobot segar jamur tiram dari berbagai jenis bahan baku alternatif, yaitu antara 600 sampai 1.200 g/kg bobot basah substrat dengan nilai EB antara 10 sampai 35%The goal of this experiment was to find out alternatively suitable materials for substrates other than sawdust combined with the application of rice bran as additive materials. A split plot design with 3 replications was set up. Main plot was rice bran concentrations of 5, 10, 15, and 20%, respectively. Subplot was 13 kinds of substrate materials. The experiment was carried out at Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute in Lembang (1,250 m asl), West Java from November 2003 to May 2004. Oyster mushroom species used in the experiment was Pleurotus ostreatus strain Florida from Applied Plant Research, The Netherlands. The results of the experiment revealed that application of sawdust albizia in combination with 5% of rice bran produced the highest fresh yield of white oyster mushroom, viz. 2 317.36 g/kg wet substrate with biological efficiency (BE) of 81.03%. This yield was produced during 65 days with 12 times of total number of harvests. Other kinds of substrates, viz. mixed sawdust, dry banana leaves, rice straw, sedge grass leaves, and sugar cane bagasse in combination with rice bran of 5 to 15%, could be applied as alternative substrate materials other than sawdust of albizia for cultivating white oyster mushroom. The yield of fresh oyster mushroom using those kinds of alternative substrates mentioned, viz. 600 to 1,200 g/kg wet substrate with BE of 10 to 35%

    Effects of Education, Nutrition Status, Treatment Compliance, Family Income, and Family Support, on the Cure of Tuberculosis in Mojokerto, East Java

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an important global public health issue. Countries around the world have committed to control the disease with various programs. However, the cure of Tuberculosis treatment in many countries is still low, which can hamper the success of Tuberculosis control program. Productivity of Tuberculosis patients continues to decrease that leads to socioeconomic burden. This study aimed to examine the effects of education, nutrition status, treatment compliance, family income, and family support, on the cure of Tuberculosis. Subjects and Method: This was an observational analytic study with case control design. The study was conducted in Mojokerto, East Java, from April to May, 2017. A total sample of 108 Tuberculosis patients were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The sample consisted of 35 uncured cases of Tuberculosis and 73 cured cases of Tuberculosis. The dependent variable was cure of Tuberculosis. The independent variables were education, nutrition status, treatment compliance, family income, and family support. The data was collected by a set of questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis. Results: Nutritional status (b= 1.31; 95% CI= 0.41 to 2.22; p= 0.004) and treatment compliance (b= 1.07; 95% CI= 0.17 to 1.97; p= 0.019) directly and positively affect the cure of Tuberculosis. Nutritional status was affected by high education (b= 1.62; 95% CI= 0.62 to 2.63; p= 0.002), family income (b= 1.66; 95% CI= 0.70 to 2.62; p= 0.001), and strong family support (b= 1.50; 95% CI= 0.36 to 2.63; p= 0.010). Treatment compliance was affected by high education (b= 0.84; 95% CI= -0.14 to 1.81; p= 0.093), family income (b= 1.36; 95% CI= 0.42 to 2.30; p= 0.005), and strong family support (b= 2.08; 95% CI = 0.96 to 3.19; p<0.001). Conclusion: Cure of Tuberculosis is directly affected by nutritional status and treatment compliance. Education, family support, and family income, indirectly affect cure of Tuberculosis. Keywords: cure of Tuberculosis, education, nutrition status, family income, family support, treatment compliance

    Casting quality enhancement using new binders on sand casting and high-pressure rheo-die casting

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    Casting quality is a perfection factor for measuring the success of the metal casting. One of efforts to obtain high-quality casting product is identifying the quality of sand moulding used. Identification of the sand-moulding quality is defined by the hardness, shear strength, tensile, and permeability. This article reviews the explanations of the strength of sand moulding with composition variation of binder type: (1) sand moulding, bentonite, fly ash, and water; (2) sand of mount Kelud eruption, bentonite, and water; (3) sand of mount Kelud eruption, Sidoarjo mud, and water; (4) sand of mount Kelud eruption, Portland cement, and water; (5) sand moulding, volcanic ash, and water; (6) green sand, bentonite, fly ash, and water; (7) sand of Malang, bentonite, tapioca flour, and sago flour; (8) sand moulding, bentonite, Portland cement, and water.Якість литва є чинником досконалости для міряння успішности лиття металу. Однією зі спроб одержати високоякісний ливарний продукт є визначення якості використовуваної формовки у піскувато-глинистої суміші. Ідентифікація якості формування піскувато-глинистої суміші визначається такими характеристиками як твердість, міцність на зсув, розтяг та проникність. У цій статті розглядаються пояснення міцности формовки з піску з композиційною зміною типу зв'язувального: (1) формування з піску, бентоніту, золи виносу та води; (2) пісок виверження гори Келуд, бентоніт і вода; (3) пісок виверження гори Келуд, бруд Сідоарджо та вода; (4) пісок виверження гори Келуд, портландцемент і вода; (5) пісок, вулканічний попіл і вода; (6) зелений пісок, бентоніт, летюча зола та вода; (7) пісок із Малану, бентоніт, пудри з тапіоки та саго; (8) пісок для формовки, бентоніт, портландцемент і вода.Качество литья является фактором совершенства для измерения успешности литья металла. Одной из попыток получить высококачественный литейный продукт является определение качества используемой формовки в песчано-глинистой смеси. Идентификация качества формовки песчано-глинистой смеси определяется такими характеристиками как тв рдость, прочность на сдвиг, растяжение и проницаемость. В этой статье рассматриваются объяснения прочности формовки из песка с композиционным изменением типа связующего: (1) формование из песка, бентонит, зола уноса и вода; (2) песок извержения горы Келуд, бентонит и вода; (3) песок извержения горы Келуд, грязь Сидоарджо и вода; (4) песок извержения горы Келуд, портландцемент и вода; (5) песок, вулканический пепел и вода; (6) зел ный песок, бентонит, летучая зола и вода; (7) песок из Маланга, бентонит, пудры из тапиоки и саго; (8) песок для формования, бентонит, портландцемент и вода

    Effects of Education, Nutrition Status, Treatment Compliance, Family Income, and Family Support, on the Cure of Tuberculosis in Mojokerto, East Java

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    Background: Tuberculosis is an important global public health issue. Countries around the world have committed to control the disease with various programs. However, the cure of Tuberculosis treatment in many countries is still low, which can hamper the success of Tuberculosis control program. Productivity of Tuberculosis patients continues to decrease that leads to socioeconomic burden. This study aimed to examine the effects of education, nutrition status, treatment compliance, family income, and family support, on the cure of Tuberculosis.Subjects and Method: This was an observational analytic study with case control design. The study was conducted in Mojokerto, East Java, from April to May, 2017. A total sample of 108 Tuberculosis patients were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The sample consisted of 35 uncured cases of Tuberculosis and 73 cured cases of Tuberculosis. The dependent variable was cure of Tuberculosis. The independent variables were education, nutrition status, treatment compliance, family income, and family support. The data was collected by a set of questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis.Results: Nutritional status (b= 1.31; 95% CI = 0.41 to 2.22; p=0.004) and treatment compliance (b= 1.07; 95% CI= 0.17 to 1.97; p=0.019) directly and positively affect the cure of Tuberculosis. Nutritional status was affected by high education (b=1.62; 95% CI =0.62 to 2.63; p=0.002), family income (b=1.66; 95% CI =0.70 to 2.62; p=0.001), and strong family support (b=1.50; 95% CI =0.36 to 2.63; p=0.010). Treatment compliance was affected by high education (b= 0.84; 95% CI = -0.14 to 1.81; p=0.093), family income (b= 1.36; 95% CI =0.42 to 2.30; p=0.005), and strong family support (b=2.08; 95% CI =0.96 to 3.19; p<0.001).Conclusion: Cure of Tuberculosis is directly affected by nutritional status and treatment compliance. Education, family support, and family income, indirectly affect cure of Tuberculosis.Keywords: cure of Tuberculosis, education, nutrition status, family income, family support, treatment complianceCorrespondence: Puspitasari. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281333060714.Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health (2017), 2(2): 141-153https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2017.02.02.0

    Penerapan Konseling Kelompok Realita untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X IPS 3 di Sman 4 Pasuruan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji penerapan konseling kelompok Realita untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa kelas X IPS 3 di SMAN 4 Pasuruan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan pre-eksperimen berupa pre-test and post-test one group design. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi belajar kelas X IPS 3 SMAN 4 Pasuruan. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah 6 siswa X IPS 3 SMAN 4 Pasuruan yang teridentifikasi memiliki skor motivasi belajar rendah. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu non parametrik dengan analisis statistik uji tanda . Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh &rho; = 0,031 dengan taraf kesalahan &alpha; = 5% atau 0,05 maka &rho; &lt; &alpha;. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat dilihat adanya peningkatan skor setelah diberi perlakuan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa konseling kelompok Realita dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar di sekolah kelas X IPS 3 SMAN 4 Pasuruan. &nbsp; Kata kunci : Konseling Kelompok realita, motivasi belaja