25 research outputs found

    Consistent replication of multithreaded distributed objects

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    Determinism is mandatory for replicating distributed objects with strict consistency guarantees. Multithreaded execution of method invocations is a source of nondeterminism, but helps to improve performance and avoids deadlocks that nested invocations can cause in a single-threaded execution model. This paper contributes a novel algorithm for deterministic thread scheduling based on the interception of synchronisation statements. It assumes that shared data are protected by mutexes and client requests are sent to all replicas in total order; requests are executed concurrently as long as they do not issue potentially conflicting synchronisation operations. No additional communication is required for granting locks in a consistent order in all replicas. In addition to reentrant mutex locks, the algorithm supports condition variables and time-bounded wait operations. An experimental evaluation shows that, in some typical usage patterns of distributed objects, the algorithm is superior to other existing approaches

    SurTec - Chemiefabrik als Passivhaus Schlussbericht

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    It could be shown that it is possible to create a factory building due to the rules of passive houses. Integrated planning with all partners and consequently controlled realization is necessary. Several construction details have been developed, for example vacuum isolated doors. (orig.)Das Passivhauskonzept konnte auch fuer Fabrikgebaeude als machbar umgesetzt werden. Durch entsprechenden Mehraufwand bei der Detailplanung, besonders an Schnittstellen, an denen die herkoemmlichen Gewerke am Bau zusammentreffen, konnte das Gesamtkonzept erfolgreich umgesetzt werden. An einigen Stellen, so z.B. bei dem Profil der Pfosten und Riegel der Atriumverglasung und bei den vakuumgedaemmten Tuerfuellungen wurde Neuland betreten und technische Neuentwicklungen bereitgestellt. Eine besondere Rolle kommt beim Bau eines Gebaeudes mit anspruchsvoller Detailplanung der Bauleitung zu, die stets ein waches Auge auf der Baustelle haben muss, um zu kontrollieren, ob die geplanten neuen Wege von den ausfuehrenden Handwerkern auch wirklich umgesetzt werden. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F03B463 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman

    Umstellung bestehender Anlagen auf eine stoffverlustminimierte Prozesstechnik bei gleichzeitiger Kostensenkung. Teilvorhaben: Modellhafte Erarbeitung neuer Formen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Galvanik und Fachfirma Schlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F03B582+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman

    Design Rationale of the PURE Object-Oriented Embedded Operating System

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    The Pure project aims at providing a portable, universal runtime executive for deeply embedded parallel/distributed systems. The phrase "deeply embedded" refers to systems forced to operate under extreme resource constraints in terms of memory, CPU, and power consumption. The notion "parallel/distributed" relates to the fact that embedded systems are becoming more and more complex in terms of architectural viewpoints. This paper discusses design issues of a family-based, object-oriented operating system targeting the area of deeply embedded systems in the above-mentioned sense. It is shown that a modular system consisting of a large number of reusable abstractions can be compiled to a fairly small and compact entity

    Comprehensive Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis of Occult Hepatitis B from Liver Tissue Samples

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    Background. Occult infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a type of chronic HBV infection that is characterized by the absence of a detectable hepatitis B surface antigen in the blood and by very low levels of HBV DNA in the blood and liver. The mechanisms leading to occult HBV infection remain poorly understood but include possible genetic mutations and deletions. Recently, it has been shown that HBV has CpG islands that are methylated, raising the possibility that epigenetic changes may also be important

    Translation efficiencies of the 5 '-untranslated region of genotypes 1a and 3a in hepatitis C infected patients

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    Differences between the translation efficiencies mediated by the 5'-untranslated regions (5'UTR) of genotypes (gt) 1 and 3 of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been reported but it is unknown if such differences are biologically significant. The 5'-UTR was sequenced from paired serum and liver samples from 26 patients with chronic HCV hepatitis (11 gt la, 15 gt 3a). To determine whether there is a consistent difference between gts 1a and 3a translation efficiency, 5'-UTR (nt 1-356) and 5'-UTR plus core (nt 1-914) sequences were cloned into bicistronic, luciferase-encoding constructs and relative translation efficiencies (RTE) measured in Huh7 cells and BHK cells. The relationships between viral load, liver biopsy Ishak scores, degree of steatosis and translational activity of the patient-derive nucleotide sequence were examined. There were no differences in 5'-UTR sequence between serum and corresponding liver samples. The mean RTE of 5'-UTR sequences from gt 3a isolates was not significantly different from gt la whether or not the core encoding sequence was included, although inclusion of core led to a reduction in RTE by 93-97% for both genotypes. No correlation was found between RTE and serum HCV RNA levels, liver steatosis, inflammation, or fibrosis. However, a significant correlation was found between the presence of steatosis and infection with HCV gt 3a. It is concluded that there was no difference in translation efficiencies of 5'-UTRs from patients infected with gts 1 a and 3a, and translation activity measured in vitro does not correlate with viral load or severity of liver disease