13 research outputs found

    A new species in the major malaria vector complex sheds light on reticulated species evolution

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    Complexes of closely related species provide key insights into the rapid and independent evolution of adaptive traits. Here, we described and studied Anopheles fontenillei sp.n., a new species in the Anopheles gambiae complex that we recently discovered in the forested areas of Gabon, Central Africa. Our analysis placed the new taxon in the phylogenetic tree of the An. gambiae complex, revealing important introgression events with other members of the complex. Particularly, we detected recent introgression, with Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii, of genes directly involved in vectorial capacity. Moreover, genome analysis of the new species allowed us to clarify the evolutionary history of the 3La inversion. Overall, An. fontenillei sp.n. analysis improved our understanding of the relationship between species within the An. gambiae complex, and provided insight into the evolution of vectorial capacity traits that are relevant for the successful control of malaria in Africa

    A Modeling Approach to Quantify the Effects of Stomatal Behavior and Mesophyll Conductance on Leaf Water Use Efficiency

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    Water use efficiency (WUE) is considered as a determinant of yield under stress and a component of crop drought resistance. Stomatal behavior regulates both transpiration rate and net assimilation and has been suggested to be crucial for improving crop WUE. In this work, a dynamic model was used to examine the impact of dynamic properties of stomata on WUE. The model includes sub-models of stomatal conductance dynamics, solute accumulation in the mesophyll, mesophyll water content, and water flow to the mesophyll. Using the instantaneous value of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, and transpiration rate were simulated using a biochemical model and Penman-Monteith equation, respectively. The model was parameterized for a cucumber leaf and model outputs were evaluated using climatic data. Our simulations revealed that WUE was higher on a cloudy than a sunny day. Fast stomata' reaction to light decreased WUE during the period of increasing light (e.g., in the morning) by up to 10.2% and increased WUE during the period of decreasing light (afternoon) by up to 6.25%. Sensitivity of daily WUE to stomata' parameters and mesophyll conductance to 002 was tested for sunny and cloudy days. Increasing mesophyll conductance to CO2 was more likely to increase WUE for all climatic conditions (up to 5.5% on the sunny day) than modifications of stomatal reaction speed to light and maximum stomatal conductance

    Urban green spaces and vector-borne disease risk in Africa : the case of an unclean forested park in Libreville (Gabon, Central Africa)

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    In Africa, vector-borne diseases are a major public health issue, especially in cities. Urban greening is increasingly considered to promote inhabitants' well-being. However, the impact of urban green spaces on vector risk remains poorly investigated, particularly urban forests in poor hygienic conditions. Therefore, using larval sampling and human landing catches, this study investigated the mosquito diversity and the vector risk in a forest patch and its inhabited surroundings in Libreville, Gabon, central Africa. Among the 104 water containers explored, 94 (90.4%) were artificial (gutters, used tires, plastic bottles) and 10 (9.6%) were natural (puddles, streams, tree holes). In total, 770 mosquitoes belonging to 14 species were collected from such water containers (73.1% outside the forested area). The mosquito community was dominated by Aedes albopictus (33.5%), Culex quinquefasciatus (30.4%), and Lutzia tigripes (16.5%). Although mosquito diversity was almost double outside compared to inside the forest (Shannon diversity index: 1.3 vs. 0.7, respectively), the species relative abundance (Morisita-Horn index = 0.7) was similar. Ae. albopictus (86.1%) was the most aggressive species, putting people at risk of Aedes-borne viruses. This study highlights the importance of waste pollution in urban forested ecosystems as a potential driver of mosquito-borne diseases