6,799 research outputs found

    Web of Failure: The Relationship Between Foster Care and Homelessness

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    The purpose of this project is to examine the connection between foster care and homelessness and to determine whether or not there is an over-representation of people with a foster care history in the homeless population. In order to examine this issue, the project used four sources of information: (1) existing research on the connection between foster care and homelessness; (2) data collected from organizations which serve homeless people and which gather information on their clients' foster care history; (3) data obtained directly from a sample of homeless people; and (4) case studies of people who are or were homeless and who have a foster care history

    Utility Function and Fiscal Illusion from Grants

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    Regime changes in stock returns

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    The authors model stock returns as a stochastic function of a constant expected return and the financing costs resulting from delayed delivery, to examine three potential sources of instability in stock-return model parameter estimates.Stock - Prices ; Stock market

    QCD resummation for light-particle jets

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    We construct an evolution equation for the invariant-mass distribution of light-quark and gluon jets in the framework of QCD resummation. The solution of the evolution equation exhibits a behavior consistent with Tevatron CDF data: the jet distribution vanishes in the small invariant-mass limit, and its peak moves toward the high invariant-mass region with the jet energy. We also construct an evolution equation for the energy profile of the light-quark and gluon jets in the similar framework. The solution shows that the energy accumulates faster within a light-quark jet cone than within a gluon jet cone. The jet energy profile convoluted with hard scattering and parton distribution functions matches well with the Tevatron CDF and the large-hadron-collider (LHC) CMS data. Moreover, comparison with the CDF and CMS data implies that jets with large (small) transverse momentum are mainly composed of the light-quark (gluon) jets. At last, we discuss the application of the above solutions for the light-particle jets to the identification of highly-boosted heavy particles produced at LHC.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    United We Ride National Dialogue

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    The Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) asked the National Academy of Public Administration and Easter Seals Project ACTION to develop and host the first United We Ride (UWR) National Dialogue. The goal of the Dialogue was to help shape future policy direction and provide input to the next CCAM strategic plan. The National Academy also assembled a small work group with representatives of the Federal Interagency Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility, Easter Seals Project ACTION, and the National Resource Center on Human Service Transportation to help guide the process of design and implementation.The CCAM includes 11 federal departments, nine of which are responsible for providing transportation for people with disabilities, older adults, and people with limited incomes. CCAM officially launched United We Ride in 2004 to (1) provide more rides for target populations while using the same or fewer assets, (2) simplify access, and (3) increase customer satisfaction.Key FindingsThe process used to create coordinated transportation plans needs improvement. Significant federal policy barriers still exist to strategies that would facilitate access to transportation services. Mobility management strategies are underutilized in communities across the country, and missed opportunities to bridge gaps between transportation and other community services still need to be addressed

    Ethnicity and the Mental Health Act 1983

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    Background Black and minority ethnic (BME) patients are disproportionately detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. There has been no systematic exploration of differences within and between ethnic groups, nor of the explanations put forward for this excess. Aims To systematically review detention and ethnicity, with meta-analyses of detention rates for BME groups, and to explore the explanations offered for ethnic differences in detention rates. Method Literature search and meta-analysis. Explanations offered were categorised, supporting literature was accessed and the strength of the evidence evaluated. Results In all, 49 studies met inclusion criteria; of these, 19 were included in the meta-analyses. Compared with White patients, Black patients were 3.83 times, BME patients 3.35 times and Asian patients 2.06 times more likely to be detained. The most common explanations related to misdiagnosis and discrimination against BME patients, higher incidence of psychosis and differences in illness expression. Many explanations, including that of racism within mental health services, were not supported by clear evidence. Conclusions Although BME status predicts psychiatric detention in the UK, most explanations offered for the excess detention of BME patients are largely unsupported

    c-Myc induced changes in higher order rDNA structure accompany growth factor stimulation of quiescent cells

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    Human c-Myc is believed to be a high level coordinator of protein synthesis capacity and cell growth rate, capable of activating transcription by all three nuclear RNA Polymerases. Direct activation of rDNA transcription by c-Myc is functionally conserved in rat cells, despite high divergence in non-coding rDNA sequences, suggesting that this coordinating role is likely to be a general within mammals. Upon re-feeding of starved cells, c-Myc activity enhances the efficiency of RNA Polymerase I and SL1/TIF-1B recruitment to the rDNA and rapidly induces higher order gene loop structures in rDNA chromatin that juxtapose upstream and downstream rDNA sequences. Furthermore c-Myc induced gene-loop formation in rDNA genes occurs independently of rDNA transcription, implying that it may be an early step in the re-programming of quiescent cells as they enter the growth cycle

    The Structure of the Cold Neutral ISM on 10-100 Astronomical Unit Scales

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    We have used the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and the Very Large Array (VLA) to image Galactic neutral hydrogen in absorption towards four compact extragalactic radio sources with 10 milliarcsecond resolution. Previous VLBA data by Faison et al (1998) have shown the existence of prominent structures in the direction of the extragalactic source 3C~138 with scale sizes of 10-20 AU with changes in HI optical depth in excess of 0.8 ±\pm 0.1. In this paper we confirm the small scale \hi optical depth variations toward 3C~147 suggested earlier at a level up to 20 % ±\pm 5% . The sources 3C~119, 2352+495 and 0831+557 show no significant change in \hi optical depth across the sources with one sigma limits of 30%, 50%, and 100%. Of the seven sources recently investigated with the VLBA and VLA, only 3C~138 and 3C~147 show statistically significant variations in HI opacities. Deshpande (2000) have attempted to explain the observed small-scale structure as an extension of the observed power spectrum of structure on parsec size scales. The predictions of Deshpande (2000) are consistent with the VLBA HI data observed in the directions of a number of sources, including 3C~147, but are not consistent with our previous observations of the HI opacity structure toward 3C~138

    Spectral responses in granular compaction

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    The slow compaction of a gently tapped granular packing is reminiscent of the low-temperature dynamics of structural and spin glasses. Here, I probe the dynamical spectrum of granular compaction by measuring a complex (frequency-dependent) volumetric susceptibility χ~v\tilde{\chi}_v. While the packing density ρ\rho displays glass-like slow relaxations (aging) and history-dependence (memory) at low tapping amplitudes, the susceptibility χ~v\tilde{\chi}_v displays very weak aging effects, and its spectrum shows no sign of a rapidly growing timescale. These features place χ~v\tilde{\chi}_v in sharp contrast to its dielectric and magnetic counterparts in structural and spin glasses; instead, χ~v\tilde\chi_v bears close similarities to the complex specific heat of spin glasses. This, I suggest, indicates the glass-like dynamics in granular compaction are governed by statistically rare relaxation processes that become increasingly separated in timescale from the typical relaxations of the system. Finally, I examine the effect of finite system size on the spectrum of compaction dynamics. Starting from the ansatz that low frequency processes correspond to large scale particle rearrangements, I suggest the observed finite size effects are consistent with the suppression of large-scale collective rearrangements in small systems.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to PR