286 research outputs found

    Development of a Low-Cost Arduino-Based Sonde for Coastal Applications

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    This project addresses the need for an expansion in the monitoring of marine environments by providing a detailed description of a low cost, robust, user friendly sonde, built on Arduino Mega 2560 (Mega) and Arduino Uno (Uno) platforms. The sonde can be made without specialized tools or training and can be easily modified to meet individual application requirements. The platform allows for internal logging of multiple parameters of which conductivity, temperature, and GPS position are demonstrated. Two design configurations for different coastal hydrographic applications are highlighted to show the robust and versatile nature of this sensor platform. The initial sonde design was intended for use on a Lagrangian style surface drifter that recorded measurements of temperature; salinity; and position for a deployment duration of less than 24 h. Functional testing of the sensor consisted of a 55 h comparison with a regularly maintained water quality sensor (i.e., YSI 6600 sonde) in Mobile Bay, AL. The temperature and salinity data were highly correlated and had acceptable RMS errors of 0.154 degrees C and 1.35 psu for the environmental conditions. A second application using the sonde platform was designed for longer duration (~3–4 weeks); subsurface (1.5–4.0 m depths) deployment, moored to permanent structures. Design alterations reflected an emphasis on minimizing power consumption, which included the elimination of the GPS capabilities, increased battery capacity, and power-saving software modifications. The sonde designs presented serve as templates that will expand the hydrographic measurement capabilities of ocean scientists, students, and teachers

    The C5 variant of the butyrylcholinesterase tetramer includes a noncovalently bound 60 kDa lamellipodin fragment

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    © 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI. Humans with the C5 genetic variant of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) have 30–200% higher plasma BChE activity, low body weight, and shorter duration of action of the muscle relaxant succinylcholine. The C5 variant has an extra, slow-moving band of BChE activity on native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This band is about 60 kDa larger than wild-type BChE. Umbilical cord BChE in 100% of newborn babies has a C5-like band. Our goal was to identify the unknown, 60 kDa protein in C5. Both wild-type and C5 BChE are under the genetic control of two independent loci, the BCHE gene on Chr 3q26.1 and the RAPH1 (lamellipodin) gene on Chr 2q33. Wild-type BChE tetramers are assembled around a 3 kDa polyproline peptide from lamellipodin. Western blot of boiled C5 and cord BChE showed a positive response with an antibody to the C-terminus of lamellipodin. The C-terminal exon of lamellipodin is about 60 kDa including an N-terminal polyproline. We propose that the unknown protein in C5 and cord BChE is encoded by the last exon of the RAPH1 gene. In 90% of the population, the 60 kDa fragment is shortened to 3 kDa during maturation to adulthood, leaving only 10% of adults with C5 BChE

    Purification of recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase on Hupresin®

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    © 2018 Affinity chromatography on procainamide-Sepharose has been an important step in the purification of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) since its introduction in 1978. The procainamide affinity gel has limitations. In the present report a new affinity gel called Hupresin® was evaluated for its ability to purify truncated, recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase (rHuBChE) expressed in a stably transfected Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line. We present a detailed example of the purification of rHuBChE secreted into 3940 mL of serum-free culture medium. The starting material contained 13,163 units of BChE activity (20.9 mg). rHuBChE was purified to homogeneity in a single step by passage over 82 mL of Hupresin® eluted with 0.1 M tetramethylammonium bromide in 20 mM TrisCl pH 7.5. The fraction with the highest specific activity of 630 units/mg contained 11 mg of BChE. Hupresin® is superior to procainamide-Sepharose for purification of BChE, but is not suitable for purifying native AChE because Hupresin® binds AChE so tightly that AChE is not released with buffers, but is desorbed with denaturing solvents such as 50% acetonitrile or 1% trifluoroacetic acid. Procainamide-Sepharose will continue to be useful for purification of AChE

    Proposed nomenclature for human butyrylcholinesterase genetic variants identified by DNA sequencing

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    1. New information identifying nucleotide alterations of human butyrylcholinesterase allows the use of more specific nomenclature for the variants commonly known as atypical, fluoride, silent, and K variant.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44278/1/10571_2004_Article_BF00712801.pd

    Brief of Intellectual Property Law Scholars As Amici Curiae in Support of Neither Party, WesternGeco LLC v. Ion Geophysical Corp., No. 16-1011, US Supreme Court

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    This amici curiae brief was filed on behalf of Intellectual Property Law Scholars in WesternGeco LLC v. Ion Geophysical Corp. in the U.S. Supreme Court. The question presented is: Whether the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit erred in holding that lost profits arising from prohibited combinations occurring outside of the United States are categorically unavailable in cases in which patent infringement is proven under 35 U.S.C. § 271(f). In RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Community, 136 S. Ct. 2090 (2016), the Supreme Court articulated a two-step method for assessing the extraterritorial reach of a US statute: 1. A court should determine whether the presumption against extraterritoriality has been rebutted—that is, whether the statute gives a clear, affirmative indication that it applies extraterritorially. If the presumption is rebutted, the statute may have extraterritorial reach. 2. But even if the presumption has not been rebutted, a court should look at the focus of the statute. If the conduct relevant to the statute\u27s focus occurred in the United States, then the case involves a permissible domestic application even if other conduct occurred abroad; but if the conduct relevant to the focus occurred in a foreign country, then the case involves an impermissible extraterritorial application regardless of any other conduct that occurred in U.S. territory. The brief of amici curiae makes the follow points: 1. The Supreme Court has not squarely answered the question as to whether the presumption against extraterritoriality applies separately to remedial provisions of a statute generally (here whether it applies to § 284). We argue it does. 2. We argue that the territorial reach § 284 necessarily depends the relevant provision of § 271 used to find liability. Here, under § 271(f), the presumption is rebutted (though it would not be generally for a case under § 271(a), with NTP v. Research in Motion may be a counter-example when one looks at the focus at step 2)). 3. We also argue that the Court should offer more guidance as to what happens even if the RJR test is satisfied. RJR Nabisco seems to operate in binary fashion -- either the statute has extraterritorial reach or it doesn\u27t. But Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp., and earlier Supreme Court decision also interpreting 35 U.S.C. § 271(f), suggests that the presumption may still have a role in interpreting a statute. We offer two suggestions on how the presumption should operate in this context. First, courts should seriously and formally consider issues of comity and potential conflicts with foreign law in assessing whether to apply U.S. law extraterritorially. Second, that territoriality should remain relevant in assessments of proximate cause

    The cloned butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE) gene maps to a single chromosome site, 3q26

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    Human tissues have two distinct cholinesterase activities: acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase. Acetylcholinesterase functions in the transmission of nerve impulses, whereas the physiological function of butyrylcholinesterase remains unknown. An atypical form of butyrylcholinesterase or the absence of its activity leads to prolonged apnea following administration of the muscle relaxant suxamethonium. Inheritance of these butyrylcholinesterase variants is consistent with the enzyme activity being encoded in a single autosomal locus, BCHE (formerly CHE1 and E1), which has been assigned to chromosome 3. Previous in situ hybridization of a BCHE cDNA probe gave evidence of homologous sequences at 3q26 and 16q11-q23, raising the possibility of more than one locus coding for butyrylcholinesterase [20.] Hum. Genet. 77: 325-328]. Using a different cDNA probe hybridized in situ to 46,XX,inv(3)(p25q21) metaphase chromosomes, we report here the localization of BCHE to a single autosomal location: 3q26.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/29109/1/0000147.pd

    Molecular polymorphism of human enzymes as the basis of individual sensitivity to drugs. Supercomputer-assisted modeling as a tool for analysis of structural changes and enzymatic activity of proteins

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.The nature of individual sensitivity to drugs associated with molecular polymorphism of human enzymes is discussed. The influence of molecular polymorphism on the activity of key human esterases, in particular, cholinesterases and carboxylesterase, responsible for hydrolytic metabolism of ester-containing drugs, is analyzed. A method was developed, which involves supercomputer-assisted modeling as a tool for assessment of molecular mechanism of the impact of point mutations on the catalytic activity of enzymes. This work is a part of a study aimed at elaboration of the concept and methods of personalized medicine

    Mass Spectrometric Analyses of Organophosphate Insecticide Oxon Protein Adducts

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    OBJECTIVE: Organophosphate (OP) insecticides continue to be used to control insect pests. Acute and chronic exposures to OP insecticides have been documented-to cause adverse health effects, but few OP-adducted proteins have been correlated with these illnesses at the molecular level. Our aim was to review the literature covering the current state of the art in mass spectrometry (MS) used to identify OP protein biomarkers. DATA SOURCES AND EXTRACTION: We identified general and specific research reports related to OP insecticides, OP toxicity, OP structure, and protein MS by searching PubMed and Chemical Abstracts for articles published before December 2008. DATA SYNTHESIS: A number of OP-based insecticides share common structural elements that result in predictable OP-protein adducts. The resultant OP-protein adducts show an increase in molecular mass that can be identified by MS and correlated with the OP agent. Customized OP-containing probes have also been used to tag and identify protein targets that can be identified by MS. CONCLUSIONS: MS is a useful and emerging tool for the identification of proteins that are modified by activated organophosphate insecticides. MS can characterize the structure of the OP adduct and also the specific amino acid residue that forms the key bond with the OP. Each protein that is modified in a unique way by an OP represents a unique molecular biomarker that with further research can lead to new correlations with exposure

    Primjena tehnologije rekombinantne DNA za pripravke kolinesteraza kao antidota i detektora organofosfata

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    To develop new avenues for synthesizing novel antidotes for organophosphate poisoning and for detection of the organophosphates, we have turned to recombinant DNA methods to synthesize cholinesterases with unusual properties. For antidotal therapy we describe mutations of the native mouse and human enzymes that allow for enhanced rates of oxime reactivation. Such enzymes, when localized in the circulation, would enable the circulating cholinesterase to become a catalytic rather than simply a stoichiometric scavenger. Hence, “oxime-assisted catalysis” provides a means for scavenging the organophosphates in the circulation thereby minimizing their tissue penetration and toxicity. Accordingly, the oxime antidote or prophylactic agent has a dual action within the circulation and at the tissue level. Second, through a novel chemistry, termed freeze-frame, click chemistry, we have used organophosphate conjugates of acetylcholinesterase as templates for the synthesis of novel nucleophilic reactivating agents. Finally, acetylcholinesterase can be modified through cysteine substitution mutagenesis and attachment of fluorophores at the substitution positions. When linked at certain locations in the molecule, the attached fluorophore is sensitive to organophosphate conjugation with acetylcholinesterase, and thus the very target of insecticide or nerve agent action becomes a detection molecule for organophosphate exposure.Razvijajući novi pristup sintezi antidota pri otrovanju organofosfatima kao i njihovu detekciju, primijenili smo metode rekombinantne DNA za pripremu kolinesteraza s neuobičajenim svojstvima. Za antidotsku terapiju istražili smo mutacije prirodnih enzima miša i čovjeka koje povećavaju brzine reaktivacije oksimom. Takvi enzimi bi po unosu u cirkulaciju postali katalitički, a ne samo stehiometrijski odstranjivači organofosfata. Na taj način “oksimom potpomognuta kataliza” omogućava čišćenje organofosfata iz cirkulacije umanjujući prodiranje organofosfata u tkiva i njihovu toksičnost. Prema tome, oksim kao antidot ima dvojaku ulogu: u cirkulaciji i na razini tkiva. S druge strane, uporabom novog sintetskog pristupa u oblikovanju biološki aktivnih spojeva poznatog kao “klik kemija” diskretnih proteinskih konformacija, organofosforilirani konjugati acetilkolinesteraze služe kao kalup u sintezi novih nukleofilnih reaktivatora. Naposljetku, acetilkolinesteraza se može mutagenezom modificirati uvo|enjem cisteina na koje se mogu vezati fluorofori. Fluorofori uvedeni na određena mjesta u molekuli acetilkolinesteraze mijenjaju svoja fluorescentna svojstva pri konjugaciji organofosfata s enzimom koji na taj način od objekta djelovanja insekticida i živčanih bojnih otrova postaje molekula za detekciju izloženosti organofosfatima

    Phylogenomics Reveals Ancient Gene Tree Discordance in the Amphibian Tree of Life

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    Molecular phylogenies have yielded strong support for many parts of the amphibian Tree of Life, but poor support for the resolution of deeper nodes, including relationships among families and orders. To clarify these relationships, we provide a phylogenomic perspective on amphibian relationships by developing a taxon-specific Anchored Hybrid Enrichment protocol targeting hundreds of conserved exons which are effective across the class. After obtaining data from 220 loci for 286 species (representing 94% of the families and 44% of the genera), we estimate a phylogeny for extant amphibians and identify gene tree–species tree conflict across the deepest branches of the amphibian phylogeny. We perform locus-by-locus genealogical interrogation of alternative topological hypotheses for amphibian monophyly, focusing on interordinal relationships. We find that phylogenetic signal deep in the amphibian phylogeny varies greatly across loci in a manner that is consistent with incomplete lineage sorting in the ancestral lineage of extant amphibians. Our results overwhelmingly support amphibian monophyly and a sister relationship between frogs and salamanders, consistent with the Batrachia hypothesis. Species tree analyses converge on a small set of topological hypotheses for the relationships among extant amphibian families. These results clarify several contentious portions of the amphibian Tree of Life, which in conjunction with a set of vetted fossil calibrations, support a surprisingly younger timescale for crown and ordinal amphibian diversification than previously reported. More broadly, our study provides insight into the sources, magnitudes, and heterogeneity of support across loci in phylogenomic data sets
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