49,017 research outputs found

    The IBIS view of the galactic centre: INTEGRAL's imager observations simulations

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    The Imager on Board Integral Satellite (IBIS) is the imaging instrument of the INTEGRAL satellite, the hard-X/soft-gamma ray ESA mission to be launched in 2001. It provides diagnostic capabilities of fine imaging (12' FWHM), source identification and spectral sensitivity to both continuum and broad lines over a broad (15 keV--10 MeV) energy range. It has a continuum sensitivity of 2~10^{-7} ph cm^{-2} s^{-1} at 1 MeV for a 10^6 seconds observation and a spectral resolution better than 7 % at 100 keV and of 6 % at 1 MeV. The imaging capabilities of the IBIS are characterized by the coupling of the above quoted source discrimination capability with a very wide field of view (FOV), namely 9 x 9 degrees fully coded, 29 x 29 degrees partially coded FOV. We present simulations of IBIS observations of the Galactic Center based on the results of the SIGMA Galactic Center survey. They show the capabilities of this instrument in discriminating between different sources while at the same time monitoring a huge FOV. It will be possible to simultaneously take spectra of all of these sources over the FOV even if the sensitivity decreases out of the fully coded area. It is envisaged that a proper exploitation of both the FOV dimension and the source localization capability of the IBIS will be a key factor in maximizing its scientific output.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, to be published in the 4th Compton Symposium Conference Proceedings, uses aipproc.cls, aipproc.sty (included

    Degenerations of LeBrun twistor spaces

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    We investigate various limits of the twistor spaces associated to the self-dual metrics on n CP ^2, the connected sum of the complex projective planes, constructed by C. LeBrun. In particular, we explicitly present the following 3 kinds of degenerations whose limits of the metrics are: (a) LeBrun metrics on (n-1) CP ^2$, (b) (Another) LeBrun metrics on the total space of the line bundle O(-n) over CP ^1 (c) The hyper-Kaehler metrics on the small resolution of rational double points of type A_{n-1}, constructed by Gibbons and Hawking.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. V2: A new section added at the end of the article. V3: Reference slightly update

    Monopole metrics and the orbifold Yamabe problem

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    We consider the self-dual conformal classes on n#CP^2 discovered by LeBrun. These depend upon a choice of n points in hyperbolic 3-space, called monopole points. We investigate the limiting behavior of various constant scalar curvature metrics in these conformal classes as the points approach each other, or as the points tend to the boundary of hyperbolic space. There is a close connection to the orbifold Yamabe problem, which we show is not always solvable (in contrast to the case of compact manifolds). In particular, we show that there is no constant scalar curvature orbifold metric in the conformal class of a conformally compactified non-flat hyperkahler ALE space in dimension four.Comment: 34 pages, to appear in Annales de L'Institut Fourie

    Toric LeBrun metrics and Joyce metrics

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    We show that, on the connected sum of complex projective planes, any toric LeBrun metric can be identified with a Joyce metric admitting a semi-free circle action through an explicit conformal equivalence. A crucial ingredient of the proof is an explicit connection form for toric LeBrun metrics.Comment: 10 page
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