12 research outputs found

    Increased serum level of membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP-14) in patients with breast cancer.

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    Different types of matrix metalloproteinases, including membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP-14) can be easily detected in biological fluids and therefore may be contemplated as putative tumor markers. Although increased activity of MT1-MMP/MMP-14 have already been found in breast cancer, little is known about its circulating levels. The aim of the present study was therefore to evaluate serum levels of active form of membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP-14). A novel type of activity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect serum levels of MT1-MMP/MMP-14 in 18 patients with invasive ductal breast cancer and 11 healthy controls. In the breast cancer group of patients MT1-MMP/MMP-14 mean (+/-SD) concentration was 16.91+/-5.87 ng/ml which was significantly higher (

    The Use of the Neoglycolipid-Based Oligosaccharide Microarray System in the Diagnosis of Endometriosis – Preliminary Study

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    Cezary Wojtyla,1,2 Ignacy Tołwiński,3 Piotr Laudański1,2,4 1Women’s Health Research Institute, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland; 2OVIklinika Infertility Center, Warsaw, Poland; 3Warsaw Southern Hospital, Warsaw, Poland; 4Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, PolandCorrespondence: Cezary Wojtyla, Women’s Health Research Institute, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland, Email [email protected]: Endometriosis presents diagnostic challenges, and there is a need for developing novel biomarkers with satisfactory specificity and sensitivity. Glycomics, exploring glycosylation changes in glycoproteins, offers potential solutions. The aim of this study was to analyze the carbohydrate-binding properties of IgG and IgM antibodies in the plasma and peritoneal fluid samples and to identify any differences in the presence and the specificities of anti-carbohydrate antibodies in the endometriosis patient and the controls.Methods: Multicenter study was conducted in Poland between 2018 and 2019. Plasma and peritoneal fluid samples were collected from women undergoing laparoscopic surgery. Endometriosis patients (n=8) and controls (n=8), matched for cycle phase and disease stage, were selected. The neoglycolipid-based oligosaccharide microarray system was used to investigate IgG and IgM antibody binding properties to glycan-related probes in biological materials.Results: In peritoneal fluid samples, IgM binding to the following probes was significantly higher in endometriosis: GSC-915-4 (new), LNFP-I, NeuAcα-(6’)LNnO (F1), B-like decaosylceramide, log10(GM1-penta), and log10(GSC-915-5). In a control group higher IgG binding to log10(Orsay-5-AO) was observed. In plasma samples, endometriosis showed higher IgG binding to log10(NeuAcα-(6’)LNnO (F1)) and lower IgG binding to Gal2GlcNAc(1-3)-AO. After Benjamin–Hochberg correction, differences were not significant. Effect sizes highlighted some glycan probes in both plasma and peritoneal fluid. Strong correlations were observed among binding to certain glycan probes.Conclusion: This preliminary study suggests glycomics’ potential contribution to endometriosis diagnosis and understanding of its pathophysiology. Neoglycolipid-based microarrays hold promise for non-invasive endometriosis diagnostic tools. Further investigations with larger cohorts are warranted to validate these findings and explore potential correlations with antibody levels in plasma and peritoneal fluid. Glycomics emerges as a valuable diagnostic asset in endometriosis research.Keywords: endometriosis, glycomics, diagnosis, microarra

    Holothuria scabra

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    Total matrix metalloproteinase-8 serum levels in patients labouring preterm and patients with threatened preterm delivery.

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    Preterm labour and prematurity are still a main cause of perinatal morbidity nowadays. The aim of our study was to assess the role of MMP-8 as a predictive marker of preterm delivery. Four groups of patients were involved to the study: I - pregnant women at 24-34 weeks of gestation with any symptoms of threatened preterm labour; II - threatened preterm labour patients between 24-34 weeks of gestation; III - preterm vaginal delivery patients; IV - healthy term vaginal delivery patients. Serum concentration of total MMP-8 was measured using two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. There were no significant differences in the median concentrations of total MMP-8 between physiological pregnancy and threatened preterm labour patients with existing uterine contractility. No significant differences of total MMP-8 were either found between healthy term and preterm labouring patients. The studies on a larger population are needed to reject the hypothesis that preterm labour is connected with increased MMP-8 plasma concentrations of women in preterm labour and threatened preterm delivery