180 research outputs found

    Attosecond Control of Ionization Dynamics

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    Attosecond pulses can be used to initiate and control electron dynamics on a sub-femtosecond time scale. The first step in this process occurs when an atom absorbs an ultraviolet photon leading to the formation of an attosecond electron wave packet (EWP). Until now, attosecond pulses have been used to create free EWPs in the continuum, where they quickly disperse. In this paper we use a train of attosecond pulses, synchronized to an infrared (IR) laser field, to create a series of EWPs that are below the ionization threshold in helium. We show that the ionization probability then becomes a function of the delay between the IR and attosecond fields. Calculations that reproduce the experimental results demonstrate that this ionization control results from interference between transiently bound EWPs created by different pulses in the train. In this way, we are able to observe, for the first time, wave packet interference in a strongly driven atomic system.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Differences in measures of the fiscal multiplier and the reduced-form vector autoregression

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    The literature has recently asked whether the effects of fiscal policy vary with the state of the economy (Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Rebelo 2011; Rendahl 2014; Auerbach and Gorodnichenko 2012). We study this question in the context of vector autoregression (VAR) estimation. We show formally that, if (asymptotically) the parameters of the reduced-form VAR differ, then the dynamic effects of fiscal policy differ as well, generically and for any set of identification assumptions. Thus, in theory, the econometrician can detect these differences (either across time or space) generically just by relying on reduced-form VAR estimation

    Coherent Electron Scattering Captured by an Attosecond Quantum Stroboscope

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    The basic properties of atoms, molecules and solids are governed by electron dynamics which take place on extremely short time scales. To measure and control these dynamics therefore requires ultrafast sources of radiation combined with efficient detection techniques. The generation of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond (1 as = 10-18 s) pulses has, for the first time, made direct measurements of electron dynamics possible. Nevertheless, while various applications of attosecond pulses have been demonstrated experimentally, no one has yet captured or controlled the full three dimensional motion of an electron on an attosecond time scale. Here we demonstrate an attosecond quantum stroboscope capable of guiding and imaging electron motion on a sub-femtosecond (1 fs = 10-15 s) time scale. It is based on a sequence of identical attosecond pulses which are synchronized with a guiding laser field. The pulse to pulse separation in the train is tailored to exactly match an optical cycle of the laser field and the electron momentum distributions are detected with a velocity map imaging spectrometer (VMIS). This technique has enabled us to guide ionized electrons back to their parent ion and image the scattering event. We envision that coherent electron scattering from atoms, molecules and surfaces captured by the attosecond quantum stroboscope will complement more traditional scattering techniques since it provides high temporal as well as spatial resolution.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Attosecond electron spectroscopy using a novel interferometric pump-probe technique

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    We present an interferometric pump-probe technique for the characterization of attosecond electron wave packets (WPs) that uses a free WP as a reference to measure a bound WP. We demonstrate our method by exciting helium atoms using an attosecond pulse with a bandwidth centered near the ionization threshold, thus creating both a bound and a free WP simultaneously. After a variable delay, the bound WP is ionized by a few-cycle infrared laser precisely synchronized to the original attosecond pulse. By measuring the delay-dependent photoelectron spectrum we obtain an interferogram that contains both quantum beats as well as multi-path interference. Analysis of the interferogram allows us to determine the bound WP components with a spectral resolution much better than the inverse of the attosecond pulse duration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Non-sequential triple ionization in strong fields

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    We consider the final stage of triple ionization of atoms in a strong linearly polarized laser field. We propose that for intensities below the saturation value for triple ionization the process is dominated by the simultaneous escape of three electrons from a highly excited intermediate complex. We identify within a classical model two pathways to triple ionization, one with a triangular configuration of electrons and one with a more linear one. Both are saddles in phase space. A stability analysis indicates that the triangular configuration has the larger cross sections and should be the dominant one. Trajectory simulations within the dominant symmetry subspace reproduce the experimentally observed distribution of ion momenta parallel to the polarization axis.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Generation of ultra-short light pulses by a rapidly ionizing thin foil

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    A thin and dense plasma layer is created when a sufficiently strong laser pulse impinges on a solid target. The nonlinearity introduced by the time-dependent electron density leads to the generation of harmonics. The pulse duration of the harmonic radiation is related to the risetime of the electron density and thus can be affected by the shape of the incident pulse and its peak field strength. Results are presented from numerical particle-in-cell-simulations of an intense laser pulse interacting with a thin foil target. An analytical model which shows how the harmonics are created is introduced. The proposed scheme might be a promising way towards the generation of attosecond pulses. PACS number(s): 52.40.Nk, 52.50.Jm, 52.65.RrComment: Second Revised Version, 13 pages (REVTeX), 3 figures in ps-format, submitted for publication to Physical Review E, WWW: http://www.physik.tu-darmstadt.de/tqe

    Plasma-Induced Frequency Chirp of Intense Femtosecond Lasers and Its Role in Shaping High-Order Harmonic Spectral Lines

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    We investigate the self-phase modulation of intense femtosecond laser pulses propagating in an ionizing gas and its effects on collective properties of high-order harmonics generated in the medium. Plasmas produced in the medium are shown to induce a positive frequency chirp on the leading edge of the propagating laser pulse, which subsequently drives high harmonics to become positively chirped. In certain parameter regimes, the plasma-induced positive chirp can help to generate sharply peaked high harmonics, by compensating for the dynamically-induced negative chirp that is caused by the steep intensity profile of intense short laser pulses.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    XUV digital in-line holography using high-order harmonics

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    A step towards a successful implementation of timeresolved digital in-line holography with extreme ultraviolet radiation is presented. Ultrashort XUV pulses are produced as high-order harmonics of a femtosecond laser and a Schwarzschild objective is used to focus harmonic radiation at 38 nm and to produce a strongly divergent reference beam for holographic recording. Experimental holograms of thin wires are recorded and the objects reconstructed. Descriptions of the simulation and reconstruction theory and algorithms are also given. Spatial resolution of few hundreds of nm is potentially achievable, and micrometer resolution range is demonstrated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
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