6 research outputs found

    Association of CD99 short and long forms with MHC class I, MHC class II and tetraspanin CD81 and recruitment into immunological synapses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CD99, a leukocyte surface glycoprotein, is broadly expressed in many cell types. On the cell surface, CD99 is expressed as two distinct isoforms, a long form and a short form. CD99 has been demonstrated to play a key role in several biological processes, including the regulation of T cell activation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which CD99 participates in such processes are unclear. As CD99 contains a short cytoplasmic tail, it is unlikely that CD99 itself takes part in its multi-functions. Association of CD99 with other membrane proteins has been suggested to be necessary for exerting its functions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we analyzed the association of CD99 with other cell surface molecules involved in T cell activation. We demonstrate the association of MHC class I, MHC class II and tetraspanin CD81 with CD99 molecules on the cell surface. Association of CD99 with its partners was observed for both isoforms. In addition, we determined that CD99 is a lipid raft-associated membrane protein and is recruited into the immunologic synapse during T cell activation. The implication of CD99 on T cell activation was investigated. Inhibition of anti-CD3 induced T cell proliferation by an anti-CD99 monoclonal antibody was observed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We provide evidence that CD99 directly interact and form the complex with the MHC class I and II, and tetraspanin CD81, and is functionally linked to the formation of the immunologic synapse. Upon T cell activation, CD99 engagement can inhibit T cell proliferation. We speculate that the CD99-MHC-CD81 complex is a tetraspanin web that plays an important role in T cell activation.</p

    A modified hybridoma technique for production of monoclonal antibodies having desired isotypes

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    In the present study, we describe a modified hybridoma technique for production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) having a desired isotype. Mice were immunized with the antigen of interest. After having reached a high antibody titer, cells expressing IgM or IgG molecules were isolated from spleen cells of the immunized mice using a Magnetic Cell Sorting System. The isolated cells were fused with myeloma cells using the conventional fusion protocol. With the isolated IgM+ spleen cells, more than 75% (85 ± 7%; means ± SD) were IgM producing cells and a large number of IgM mAbs specific to the protein of interest were obtained. With the isolated IgG+ spleen cells, 41 ± 40% of the generated hybridomas produced IgG antibody and no IgM producing hybridoma was generated. A large number of IgG mAbs specific to the protein of interest could be produced. The results indicate that the generated hybridomas produce corresponding antibody isotypes as expressed on the surface of their starting cells. The technique that we have developed will be very useful for production of desired mAbs having a specific isotype

    Epstein-Barr Virus Infection of Polarized Epithelial Cells via the Basolateral Surface by Memory B Cell-Mediated Transfer Infection

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    Epstein Barr virus (EBV) exhibits a distinct tropism for both B cells and epithelial cells. The virus persists as a latent infection of memory B cells in healthy individuals, but a role for infection of normal epithelial is also likely. Infection of B cells is initiated by the interaction of the major EBV glycoprotein gp350 with CD21 on the B cell surface. Fusion is triggered by the interaction of the EBV glycoprotein, gp42 with HLA class II, and is thereafter mediated by the core fusion complex, gH/gL/gp42. In contrast, direct infection of CD21-negative epithelial cells is inefficient, but efficient infection can be achieved by a process called transfer infection. In this study, we characterise the molecular interactions involved in the three stages of transfer infection of epithelial cells: (i) CD21-mediated co-capping of EBV and integrins on B cells, and activation of the adhesion molecules, (ii) conjugate formation between EBV-loaded B cells and epithelial cells via the capped adhesion molecules, and (iii) interaction of EBV glycoproteins with epithelial cells, with subsequent fusion and uptake of virions. Infection of epithelial cells required the EBV gH and gL glycoproteins, but not gp42. Using an in vitro model of normal polarized epithelia, we demonstrated that polarization of the EBV receptor(s) and adhesion molecules restricted transfer infection to the basolateral surface. Furthermore, the adhesions between EBV-loaded B cells and the basolateral surface of epithelial cells included CD11b on the B cell interacting with heparan sulphate moieties of CD44v3 and LEEP-CAM on epithelial cells. Consequently, transfer infection was efficiently mediated via CD11b-positive memory B cells but not by CD11b–negative naïve B cells. Together, these findings have important implications for understanding the mechanisms of EBV infection of normal and pre-malignant epithelial cells in vivo