12 research outputs found

    Impacts of riverine sand mining on freshwater ecosystems: a review of the scientific evidence and guidance for future research

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    Sand mining (used here as a generic term that includes mining of any riverine aggregates regardless of particle size) is a global activity that is receiving increasing media attention due to perceived negative environmental and social impacts. As calls grow for stronger regulation of mining, there is a need to understand the scientific evidence to support effective management. This paper summarizes the results of a structured literature review addressing the question, “What evidence is there of impacts of sand mining on ecosystem structure, process, and biodiversity in rivers, floodplains, and estuaries?” The review found that most investigations have focused on temperate rivers where sand mining occurred historically but has now ceased. Channel incision was the most common physical impact identified; other physical responses, including habitat disturbance, alteration of riparian zones, and changes to downstream sediment transport, were highly variable and dependant on river characteristics. Ecosystem attributes affected included macroinvertebrate drift, fish movements, species abundance and community structures, and food web dynamics. Studies often inferred impacts on populations, but supporting data were scarce. Limited evidence suggests that rivers can sustain extraction if volumes are within the natural sediment load variability. Significantly, the countries and rivers for which there is science‐based evidence related to sand mining are not those where extensive sand mining is currently reported. The lack of scientific and systematic studies of sand mining in these countries prevents accurate quantification of mined volumes or the type, extent, and magnitude of any impacts. Additional research into how sand mining is affecting ecosystem services, impacting biodiversity and particularly threatened species, and how mining impacts interact with other activities or threats is urgently required


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    A review on particle dynamics simulation techniques for colloidal dispersions : Methods and applications

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    Colloidal dispersions have attracted much attention both from academia and industry due to industrial significance and complex dynamic properties. Accordingly, a variety of attempts have been made to understand the complicated physics of colloidal dispersions. Particle dynamics simulation has been playing an important role in exploring colloidal systems as a strong complement to experimental approaches from which it is hard to get exact microscopic information. Our aim is to provide a well-organized and up-to-date guide to particle dynamics simulation of colloidal dispersions. Among diverse particle dynamics simulation techniques, we focus on Brownian dynamics, Stokesian dynamics, multi-particle collision dynamics, and self-consistent particle simulation techniques. First, the concept of the simulation techniques will be described. Then, for each simulation technique, pros and cons are discussed with a broad range of applications, including concentrated hard sphere suspensions and biological systems. It is expected that this article helps to identify and motivate research challenges

    A review on particle dynamics simulation techniques for colloidal dispersions: Methods and applications

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