477 research outputs found

    Looping on the Bloch sphere: Oscillatory effects in dephasing of qubits subject to broad-spectrum noise

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    For many implementations of quantum computing, 1/f and other types of broad-spectrum noise are an important source of decoherence. An important step forward would be the ability to back out the characteristics of this noise from qubit measurements and to see if it leads to new physical effects. For certain types of qubits, the working point of the qubit can be varied. Using a new mathematical method that is suited to treat all working points, we present theoretical results that show how this degree of freedom can be used to extract noise parameters and to predict a new effect: noise-induced looping on the Bloch sphere. We analyze data on superconducting qubits to show that they are very near the parameter regime where this looping should be observed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Electronic inhomogeneity at magnetic domain walls in strongly-correlated systems

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    We show that nano-scale variations of the order parameter in strongly-correlated systems can induce local spatial regions such as domain walls that exhibit electronic properties representative of a different, but nearby, part of the phase diagram. This is done by means of a Landau-Ginzburg analysis of a metallic ferromagnetic system near an antiferromagnetic phase boundary. The strong spin gradients at a wall between domains of different spin orientation drive the formation of a new type of domain wall, where the central core is an insulating antiferromagnet, and connects two metallic ferromagnetic domains. We calculate the charge transport properties of this wall, and find that its resistance is large enough to account for recent experimental results in colossal magnetoresistance materials. The technological implications of this finding for switchable magnetic media are discussed.Comment: Version submitted to Physical Review Letters, except for minor revisions to reference

    Spin-Valley Kondo Effect in Multi-electron Silicon Quantum Dots

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    We study the spin-valley Kondo effect of a silicon quantum dot occupied by N% \mathcal{N} electrons, with N\mathcal{N} up to four. We show that the Kondo resonance appears in the N=1,2,3\mathcal{N}=1,2,3 Coulomb blockade regimes, but not in the N=4\mathcal{N}=4 one, in contrast to the spin-1/2 Kondo effect, which only occurs at N=\mathcal{N}= odd. Assuming large orbital level spacings, the energy states of the dot can be simply characterized by fourfold spin-valley degrees of freedom. The density of states (DOS) is obtained as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field using a finite-U equation-of-motion approach. The structure in the DOS can be detected in transport experiments. The Kondo resonance is split by the Zeeman splitting and valley splitting for double- and triple-electron Si dots, in a similar fashion to single-electron ones. The peak structure and splitting patterns are much richer for the spin-valley Kondo effect than for the pure spin Kondo effect.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, in PRB format. This paper is a sequel to the paper published in Phys. Rev. B 75, 195345 (2007

    Phase diagram of UPt3_3 in the E1gE_{1g} model

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    The phase diagram of the unconventional superconductor UPt3_3 is explained under the long-standing hypothesis that the pair wavefunction belongs to the E1gE_{1g} representation of the point group. The main objection to this theory has been that it disagrees with the experimental phase diagram when a field is applied along the c-axis. By a careful analysis of the free energy this objection is shown to be incorrect. This singlet theory also explains the unusual anisotropy in the upper critical field curves, often thought to indicate a triplet pair function.Comment: 11 pages, Revtex, 2 figures (uuencoded, gzip'ed Postscript

    Suppression of Decoherence and Disentanglement by the Exchange Interaction

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    Entangled qubit pairs can serve as a quantum memory or as a resource for quantum communication. The utility of such pairs is measured by how long they take to disentangle or decohere. To answer the question of whether qubit-qubit interactions can prolong entanglement, we calculate the dissipative dynamics of a pair of qubits coupled via the exchange interaction in the presence of random telegraph noise and 1/f1/f noise. We show that for maximally entangled (Bell) states, the exchange interaction generally suppresses decoherence and disentanglement. This suppression is more apparent for random telegraph noise if the noise is non-Markovian, whereas for 1/f1/f noise the exchange interaction should be comparable in magnitude to strongest noise source. The entangled singlet-triplet superposition state of 2 qubits (ψ±\psi_{\pm} Bell state) can be protected by the interaction, while for the triplet-triplet state (ϕ±\phi_{\pm} Bell state), it is less effective. Thus the former is more suitable for encoding quantum information

    Extinction of impurity resonances in large-gap regions of inhomogeneous d-wave superconductors

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    Impurity resonances observed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy in the superconducting state have been used to deduce properties of the underlying pure state. Here we study a longstanding puzzle associated with these measurements, the apparent extinction of these resonances for Ni and Zn impurities in large-gap regions of the inhomogeneous BSCCO superconductor. We calculate the effect of order parameter and hopping suppression near the impurity site, and find that these two effects are sufficient to explain the missing resonances in the case of Ni. There are several possible scenarios for the extinction of the Zn resonances, which we discuss in turn; in addition, we propose measurements which could distinguish among them.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Theory of Neutron Diffraction from the Vortex Lattice in UPt3

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    Neutron scattering experiments have recently been performed in the superconducting state of UPt3 to determine the structure of the vortex lattice. The data show anomalous field dependence of the aspect ratio of the unit cell in the B phase. There is apparently also a change in the effective coherence length on the transition from the B to the C phases. Such observations are not consistent with conventional superconductvity. A theory of these results is constructed based on a picture of two-component superconductivity for UPt3. In this way, these unusual observations can be understood. There is a possible discrepancy between theory and experiment in the detailed field dependence of the aspect ratio.Comment: 11 pages; uses REVTEX, APS and PRABIB styles; 2 Postscript figure files include

    Phenomenological noise model for superconducting qubits: two-state fluctuators and 1=f noise

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    We present a general phenomenological model for superconducting qubits subject to noise produced by two-state fluctuators whose couplings to the qubit are all roughly the same. In flux qubit experiments where the working point can be varied, it is possible to extract both the form of the noise spectrum and the number of fluctuators. We find that the noise has a broad spectrum consistent with 1=f noise and that the number of fluctuators with slow switching rates is surprisingly small: less than 100. If the fluctuators are interpreted as unpaired surface spins, then the size of their magnetic moments is surprisingly large.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    Exact solution of a model of qubit dephasing due to telegraph noise

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    We present a general and exact formalism for finding the evolution of a quantum system subject to external telegraph noise. The various qubit decoherence rates are determined by the eigenvalues of a transfer matrix. The formalism can be applied to a qubit subject to an arbitrary combination of dephasing and relaxational telegraph noise, in contrast to existing non-perturbative methods that treat only one or the other of these limits. We present 3 applications: 1) We obtain the full qubit dynamics on time scales short compared with the enviromental correlation times. In the strong coupling cases this reveals unexpected oscillations and induced magnetization components; 2) We find in strong coupling case strong violations of the widely used relation 1/T2_2 = 1/2T1_1 + 1/TÏ•_{\phi}, which is a result of perturbation theory; 3) We discuss the effects of bang-bang and spin-echo controls of the qubit dynamics in general settings of the telegraph noises. %The result shows that these methods are not very effective in %reducing decoherence arising from a single telegraph noise. Finally, we discuss the extension of the method to the cases of many telegraph noise sources and multiple qubits. The method still works when white noise is also present.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, revised and extende
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