6,668 research outputs found

    Heavy flavor production in high-energy pppp collisions: color dipole description

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    We present a detailed study of open heavy flavor production in high-energy pppp collisions at the LHC in the color dipole framework. The transverse momentum distributions of produced bb-jets, accounting for the jet energy loss, as well as produced open charm DD and bottom BB mesons in distinct rapidity intervals relevant for LHC measurements are computed. The dipole model results for the differential bb-jet production cross section are compared to the recent ATLAS and CMS data while the results for DD and BB mesons production cross sections -- to the corresponding LHCb data. Several models for the phenomenological dipole cross section have been employed to estimate theoretical uncertainties of the dipole model predictions. We demonstrate that the primordial transverse momentum distribution of the projectile gluon significantly affects the meson spectra at low transverse momenta and contributes to the largest uncertainty of the dipole model predictions.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Specific features of development of infrastructure of the Ukrainian culture: analytical review Особенности развития инфраструктуры культуры Украин��: аналитический обзор

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    The article reveals tendencies and gives assessment of the character of development of infrastructure of the state culture and reveals problems of its functioning. Activation of cultural processes in Ukraine resulted in changes in the network of the objects of culture. Network of cultural establishments of the club type, public and universal libraries, professional theatres and schools of aesthetic education have reduced during the period from 2005 till 2011. However, the network of museums and parks expanded significantly. The article offers to introduce a system approach to the functioning of infrastructure objects of culture, to bring them in correspondence with requirements of consumers; and to actively attract non-budget funds for support of existing and construction of new infrastructure objects.<br>В статье выявлены тенденции, произведена оценка характера развития инфраструктуры культуры государства и выявлены проблемы ее функционирования. Активизация культурных процессов в Украине обусловили изменения сети объектов культуры. На протяжении 2005–2011 гг. сократилась сеть учреждений культуры клубного типа, массовых и универсальных библиотек, профессиональных театров, школ эстетического воспитания. Однако значительно расширилась сеть музеев и парков. Предложено: внедрение системного подхода к функционированию инфраструктурных объектов культуры, приведение их в соответствие с требованиями потребителей; активное привлечение внебюджетных средств на поддержку действующих и строительство новых инфраструктурных объектов

    Decrease of vanillin sucrose intake by victorious and defeated mice: development of anhedonia?

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    Hedonic reactions to various rewards play a key role in various forms of motivated behavior. The influence of repeated experience of social victories or defeats in daily agonistic interactions between male mice on voluntary consumption of vanillin sucrose solution used as hedonic reinforcer was studied. Intake of vanillin sucrose solution was shown to decrease in the winners and losers exposed to social confrontations as compared with the controls. Three days of deprivation failed to restore the intake of vanillin sucrose solution to the control level in the losers and did so in the winners. The results obtained imply that similar reaction of animals to a hedonic non-drug reinforcer may have different motivational origin depending on positive or negative social experience

    Molecular implications of prolonged aggression experience: Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf gene expression in the ventral tegmental area of the victorious male mice

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    Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf were the genes whose mRNA levels in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain were measured in male mice that were victorious in 20 daily agonistic interactions and in a group of such victorious mice that had later not been allowed to fight for 14 days. This experiment demonstrated increased Th, Dat1 and Snca but not Bdnf mRNA levels in the former group as compared to the controls. In the latter group, the expression of the Th and Dat1 genes was still enhanced, while the level of Snca mRNA did not differ from that in the controls. These findings suggest that positive fighting experience enhances the expression of the genes concerned with dopaminergic systems and this enhanced expression is preserved for a long time afterwards. Significant positive correlations were found between the level of aggression and Th and Snca mRNA levels in the winners