40,313 research outputs found

    Dyson-Schwinger Equations and Coulomb Gauge Yang-Mills Theory

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    Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills theory is considered within the first order formalism. It is shown that the action is invariant under both the standard BRS transform and an additional component. The Ward-Takahashi identity arising from this non-standard transform is shown to be automatically satisfied by the equations of motion.Comment: 3 pages, talk given at Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII (2-7 Sep, 2006), Ponta Delgada, Azore

    The ghost propagator in Coulomb gauge

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    We present results for a numerical study of the ghost propagator in Coulomb gauge whereby lattice results for the spatial gluon propagator are used as input to solving the ghost Dyson-Schwinger equation. We show that in order to solve completely, the ghost equation must be supplemented by a boundary condition (the value of the inverse ghost propagator dressing function at zero momentum) which determines if the solution is critical (zero value for the boundary condition) or subcritical (finite value). The various solutions exhibit a characteristic behavior where all curves follow the same (critical) solution when going from high to low momenta until `forced' to freeze out in the infrared to the value of the boundary condition. The boundary condition can be interpreted in terms of the Gribov gauge-fixing ambiguity; we also demonstrate that this is not connected to the renormalization. Further, the connection to the temporal gluon propagator and the infrared slavery picture of confinement is discussed.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at "Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IX", Madrid, August 30-September 3, 2010, to appear in the proceeding

    Coulomb gauge confinement in the heavy quark limit

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    The relationship between the nonperturbative Green's functions of Yang-Mills theory and the confinement potential is investigated. By rewriting the generating functional of quantum chromodynamics in terms of a heavy quark mass expansion in Coulomb gauge, restricting to leading order in this expansion and considering only the two-point functions of the Yang-Mills sector, the rainbow-ladder approximation to the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations is shown to be exact in this case and an analytic, nonperturbative solution is presented. It is found that there is a direct connection between the string tension and the temporal gluon propagator. Further, it is shown that for the 4-point quark correlation functions, only confined bound states of color-singlet quark-antiquark (meson) and quark-quark (baryon) pairs exist.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    A Bethe--Salpeter Description of Light Mesons

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    We present a covariant approach to describe the low--lying scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axialvector mesons as quark--antiquark bound states.This approach is based on an effective interaction modeling of the non--perturbative structure of the gluon propagator that enters the quark Schwinger--Dyson and meson Bethe--Salpeter equations. We extract the meson masses and compute the pion and kaon decay constants. We obtain a quantitatively correct description for pions, kaons and vector mesons while the calculated spectra of scalar and axialvector mesons suggest that their structure is more complex than being quark--antiquark bound states.Comment: Talk presented by HW at the international Scalar Meson Workshop, Utica, NY, May 2003; 12 pages, uses aip style file

    Leading order infrared quantum chromodynamics in Coulomb gauge

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    A truncation scheme for the Dyson-Schwinger equations of quantum chromodynamics in Coulomb gauge within the first order formalism is presented. The truncation is based on an Ansatz for the Coulomb kernel occurring in the action. Results at leading loop order and in the infrared are discussed for both the Yang-Mills and quark sectors. It is found that the resulting equations for the static gluon and quark propagators agree with those derived in a quasi-particle approximation to the canonical Hamiltonian approach. Moreover, a connection to the heavy quark limit is established. The equations are analyzed numerically and it is seen that in both the gluonic and quark sectors, a nontrivial dynamical infrared mass scale emerges.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Perturbation Theory of Coulomb Gauge Yang-Mills Theory Within the First Order Formalism

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    Perturbative Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills theory within the first order formalism is considered. Using a differential equation technique and dimensional regularization, analytic results for both the ultraviolet divergent and finite parts of the two-point functions at one-loop order are derived. It is shown how the non-ultraviolet divergent parts of the results are finite at spacelike momenta with kinematical singularities on the light-cone and subsequent branch cuts extending into the timelike region.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Quark-gluon vertex dressing and meson masses beyond ladder-rainbow truncation

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    We include a generalized infinite class of quark-gluon vertex dressing diagrams in a study of how dynamics beyond the ladder-rainbow truncation influences the Bethe-Salpeter description of light quark pseudoscalar and vector mesons. The diagrammatic specification of the vertex is mapped into a corresponding specification of the Bethe-Salpeter kernel, which preserves chiral symmetry. This study adopts the algebraic format afforded by the simple interaction kernel used in previous work on this topic. The new feature of the present work is that in every diagram summed for the vertex and the corresponding Bethe-Salpeter kernel, each quark-gluon vertex is required to be the self-consistent vertex solution. We also adopt from previous work the effective accounting for the role of the explicitly non-Abelian three gluon coupling in a global manner through one parameter determined from recent lattice-QCD data for the vertex. With the more consistent vertex used here, the error in ladder-rainbow truncation for vector mesons is never more than 10% as the current quark mass is varied from the u/d region to the b region.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
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