30 research outputs found

    Population regulation in Magellanic penguins: what determines changes in colony size?

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    Seabirds are often studied at individual colonies, but the confounding effects of emigration and mortality processes in open populations may lead to inappropriate conclusions on the mechanisms underlying population changes. Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) colonies of variable population sizes are distributed along the Argentine coastline. In recent decades, several population and distributional changes have occurred, with some colonies declining and others newly established or increasing. We integrated data of eight colonies scattered along ~600 km in Northern Patagonia (from 41°26´S, 65°01´W to 45°11´S, 66°30´W, Rio Negro and Chubut provinces) and conducted analysis in terms of their growth rates, production of young and of the dependence of those vital rates on colony age, size, and location. We contrasted population trends estimated from abundance data with those derived from population modeling to understand if observed growth rates were attainable under closed population scenarios. Population trends were inversely related to colony size, suggesting a density dependent growth pattern. All colonies located in the north — which were established during the last decades — increased at high rates, with the smallest, recently established colonies growing at the fastest rate. In central-southern Chubut, where colonies are the oldest, the largest breeding aggregations declined, but smaller colonies remained relatively stable. Results provided strong evidence that dispersal played a major role in driving local trends. Breeding success was higher in northern colonies, likely mediated by favorable oceanographic conditions. However, mean foraging distance and body condition of chicks at fledging were influenced by colony size. Recruitment of penguins in the northern area may have been triggered by a combination of density dependence, likely exacerbated by less favorable oceanographic conditions in the southern sector. Our results reaffirm the idea that individual colony trends do not provide confident indicators of population health, highlighting the need to redefine the scale for the study of population changes.Fil: Pozzi, Luciana Melina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Garcia Borboroglu, Jorge Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Global Penguin Society. Washington; Estados Unidos. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Boersma, P. Dee. Global Penguin Society. Washington; Estados Unidos. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Pascual, Miguel Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia; Argentin

    Threats to seabirds: A global assessment

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    We present the first objective quantitative assessment of the threats to all 359 species of seabirds, identify the main challenges facing them, and outline priority actions for their conservation. We applied the standardised Threats Classification Scheme developed for the IUCN Red List to objectively assess threats to each species and analysed the data according to global IUCN threat status, taxonomic group, and primary foraging habitat (coastal or pelagic). The top three threats to seabirds in terms of number of species affected and average impact are: invasive alien species, affecting 165 species across all the most threatened groups; bycatch in fisheries, affecting fewer species (100) but with the greatest average impact; and climate change/severe weather, affecting 96 species. Overfishing, hunting/trapping and disturbance were also identified as major threats to seabirds. Reversing the top three threats alone would benefit two-thirds of all species and c. 380 million individual seabirds (c. 45% of the total global seabird population). Most seabirds (c. 70%), especially globally threatened species, face multiple threats. For albatrosses, petrels and penguins in particular (the three most threatened groups of seabirds), it is essential to tackle both terrestrial and marine threats to reverse declines. As the negative effects of climate change are harder to mitigate, it is vital to compensate by addressing other major threats that often affect the same species, such as invasive alien species, bycatch and overfishing, for which proven solutions exist

    Revisiting “Success” and “Failure” of Marine Protected Areas: A Conservation Scientist Perspective

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) form the cornerstone of marine conservation. Identifying which factors contribute to their success or failure is crucial considering the international conservation targets for 2020 and the limited funds generally available for marine conservation. We identified common factors of success and/or failure of MPA effectiveness using peer-reviewed publications and first-hand expert knowledge for 27 case studies around the world. We found that stakeholder engagement was considered to be the most important factor affecting MPA success, and equally, its absence, was the most important factor influencing failure. Conversely, while some factors were identified as critical for success, their absence was not considered a driver of failure, and vice versa. This mismatch provided the impetus for considering these factors more critically. Bearing in mind that most MPAs have multiple objectives, including non-biological, this highlights the need for the development and adoption of standardized effectiveness metrics, besides biological considerations, to measure factors contributing to the success or failure of MPAs to reach their objectives. Considering our conclusions, we suggest the development of specific protocols for the assessment of stakeholder engagement, the role of leadership, the capacity of enforcement and compliance with MPAs objectives. Moreover, factors defining the success and failure of MPAs should be assessed not only by technical experts and the relevant authorities, but also by other stakeholder groups whose compliance is critical for the successful functioning of an MPA. These factors should be considered along with appropriate ecological, social, and economic data and then incorporated into adaptive management to improve MPA effectiveness

    Pollution, habitat loss, fishing and climate change as critical threats to penguins

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    Cumulative human impacts across the world’s oceans are considerable. We therefore examined a single model taxonomic group, the penguins (Spheniscidae), to explore how marine species and communities might be at risk of decline or extinction in the southern hemisphere. We sought to determine the most important threats to penguins and to suggest means to mitigate these threats. Our review has relevance to other taxonomic groups in the southern hemisphere and in northern latitudes, where human impacts are greater. Our review was based on an expert assessment and literature review of all 18 penguin species; 49 scientists contributed to the process. For each penguin species, we considered their range and distribution, population trends, and main anthropogenic threats over the past approximately 250 years. These threats were harvesting adults for oil, skin, and feathers and as bait for crab and rock lobster fisheries; harvesting of eggs; terrestrial habitat degradation; marine pollution; fisheries bycatch and resource competition; environmental variability and climate change; and toxic algal poisoning and disease. Habitat loss, pollution, and fishing, all factors humans can readily mitigate, remain the primary threats for penguin species. Their future resilience to further climate change impacts will almost certainly depend on addressing current threats to existing habitat degradation on land and at sea. We suggest protection of breeding habitat, linked to the designation of appropriately scaled marine reserves, including in the High Seas, will be critical for the future conservation of penguins. However, large-scale conservation zones are not always practical or politically feasible and other ecosystem-based management methods that include spatial zoning, bycatch mitigation, and robust harvest control must be developed to maintain marine biodiversity and ensure that ecosystem functioning is maintained across a variety of scales.Los impactos humanos acumulativos a lo largo de los océanos del planeta son considerables. Por eso examinamos un solo modelo de grupo taxonómico, los pingüinos (Sphenischidae), para explorar cómo las especies y las comunidades marinas pueden estar en riesgo de disminuir o de extinguirse en el hemisferio sur. Buscamos determinar la amenaza más importante para los pingüinos y sugerir métodos para mitigar estas amenazas. Nuestra revisión tiene relevancia para otros grupos taxonómicos en el hemisferio sur y en las latitudes norteñas, donde los impactos humanos son mayores. Nuestra revisión se basó en una evaluación experta y una revisión de literaratura de las 18 especies de pingüinos; 49 científicos contribuyeron al proceso. Para cada especie de pingüino, consideramos su rango y distribución, tendencias poblacionales y las principales amenazas antropogénicas en aproximadamente los últimos 250 años. Estas amenazas fueron la captura de adultos para obtener aceite, piel y plumas y el uso como carnada para la pesca de cangrejos y langostas: la recolección de huevos; la degradación del hábitat terrestre; la contaminación marina; la pesca accesoria y la competencia por recursos; la variabilidad ambiental y el cambio climático; y el envenenamiento por algas tóxicas y enfermedades. La pérdida de hábitat, la contaminación y la pesca, todos factores que los humanos pueden mitigar, siguen siendo las amenazas principales para las especies de pingüinos. Su resiliencia futura a más impactos por cambio climático dependerá certeramente de que nos enfoquemos en las amenazas actuales a la degradación de hábitats existentes en tierra y en el mar. Sugerimos que la protección de hábitats de reproducción, en conjunto con la designación de reservas marinas de escala apropiada, incluyendo alta mar, será crítica para la conservación futura de los pingüinos. Sin embargo, las zonas de conservación a gran escala no son siempre prácticas o políticamente viables, y otros métodos de manejo basados en ecosistemas que incluyen la zonificación espacial, la mitigación de captura accesoria, y el control fuerte de captura deben desarrollarse para mantener la biodiversidad marina y asegurar que el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas se mantenga a lo largo de una variedad de escalas.Fil: Trathan, Phil N.. British Antartic Survey; Reino UnidoFil: Garcia Borboroglu, Jorge Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Boersma, P. Dee. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Bost, Charles André. Centre d´Etudes Biologiques de Chizé; FranciaFil: Crawford, Robert J. M.. Department of Environmental Affairs; SudáfricaFil: Crossin, Glenn T.. Dalhousie University Halifax; CanadáFil: Cuthbert, Richard. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds; Reino UnidoFil: Dann, Peter. Phillip Island Nature Parks; AustraliaFil: Davis, Lloyd Spencer. University Of Otago; Nueva ZelandaFil: de la Puente, Santiago. Universidad Cayetano Heredia; PerúFil: Ellenberg, Ursula. University Of Otago; Nueva ZelandaFil: Lynch, Heather J.. Stony Brook University; Estados UnidosFil: Mattern, Thomas. University Of Otago; Nueva ZelandaFil: Pütz, Klemens. Antarctic Research Trust; AlemaniaFil: Seddon, Philip J.. University Of Otago; Nueva ZelandaFil: Trivelpiece, Wayne. Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Estados UnidosFil: Wienecke, Bárbara. Australian Antarctic Division; Australi

    High-coverage genomes to elucidate the evolution of penguins

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    Background: Penguins (Sphenisciformes) are a remarkable order of flightless wing-propelled diving seabirds distributed widely across the southern hemisphere. They share a volant common ancestor with Procellariiformes close to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary (66 million years ago) and subsequently lost the ability to fly but enhanced their diving capabilities. With ∼20 species among 6 genera, penguins range from the tropical Galápagos Islands to the oceanic temperate forests of New Zealand, the rocky coastlines of the sub-Antarctic islands, and the sea ice around Antarctica. To inhabit such diverse and extreme environments, penguins evolved many physiological and morphological adaptations. However, they are also highly sensitive to climate change. Therefore, penguins provide an exciting target system for understanding the evolutionary processes of speciation, adaptation, and demography. Genomic data are an emerging resource for addressing questions about such processes. Results: Here we present a novel dataset of 19 high-coverage genomes that, together with 2 previously published genomes, encompass all extant penguin species. We also present a well-supported phylogeny to clarify the relationships among penguins. In contrast to recent studies, our results demonstrate that the genus Aptenodytes is basal and sister to all other extant penguin genera, providing intriguing new insights into the adaptation of penguins to Antarctica. As such, our dataset provides a novel resource for understanding the evolutionary history of penguins as a clade, as well as the fine-scale relationships of individual penguin lineages. Against this background, we introduce a major consortium of international scientists dedicated to studying these genomes. Moreover, we highlight emerging issues regarding ensuring legal and respectful indigenous consultation, particularly for genomic data originating from New Zealand Taonga species. Conclusions: We believe that our dataset and project will be important for understanding evolution, increasing cultural heritage and guiding the conservation of this iconic southern hemisphere species assemblage.Fil: Pan, Hailin. Bgi-shenzhen; ChinaFil: Cole, Theresa L. University Of Otago; CanadáFil: Bi, Xupeng. Bgi-shenzhen; ChinaFil: Fang, Miaoquan. Bgi-shenzhen; ChinaFil: Zhou, Chengran. Bgi-shenzhen; ChinaFil: Yang, Zhengtao. Bgi-shenzhen; ChinaFil: Ksepka, Daniel T. Bruce Museum; Estados UnidosFil: Hart, Tom. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Bouzat, Juan L.. Bowling Green State University; Estados UnidosFil: Boersma, P. Dee. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Bost, Charles-André. Centre Detudes Biologiques de Chizé; FranciaFil: Cherel, Yves. Centre Detudes Biologiques de Chizé; FranciaFil: Dann, Peter. Phillip Island Nature Parks; AustraliaFil: Mattern, Thomas. University of Otago; Nueva ZelandaFil: Ellenberg, Ursula. Global Penguin Society; Estados Unidos. La Trobe University; AustraliaFil: Garcia Borboroglu, Jorge Pablo. University of Washington; Estados Unidos. Global Penguin Society; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Argilla, Lisa S.. Otago Polytechnic; Nueva ZelandaFil: Bertelsen, Mads F.. Copenhagen Zoo; Dinamarca. University of Copenhagen; DinamarcaFil: Fiddaman, Steven R.. University of Oxford; Reino UnidoFil: Howard, Pauline. Hornby Veterinary Centre; Nueva Zelanda. South Island Wildlife Hospital; Nueva ZelandaFil: Labuschagne, Kim. National Zoological Garden; SudáfricaFil: Miller, Gary. University of Western Australia; Australia. University of Tasmania; AustraliaFil: Parker, Patricia. University of Missouri St. Louis; Estados UnidosFil: Phillips, Richard A.. Natural Environment Research Council; Reino UnidoFil: Quillfeldt, Petra. Justus-Liebig-Universit ̈ at Giessen; AlemaniaFil: Ryan, Peter G.. University of Cape Town; SudáfricaFil: Taylor, Helen. Vet Services Hawkes Bay Ltd; Nueva Zelanda. Wairoa Farm Vets; Nueva ZelandaFil: Zhang, De-Xing. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de ChinaFil: Zhang, Guojie. BGI-Shenzhen; China. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de China. University of Copenhagen; DinamarcaFil: McKinlay, Bruce. Department of Conservation; Nueva Zeland

    Sex ratio is variable and increasingly male biased at two colonies of Magellanic Penguins

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    Sex ratios are commonly skewed and variable in wild populations, but few studies track temporal trends in this demographic parameter. We examined variation in the operational sex ratio at two protected and declining breeding colonies of Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) in Chubut, Argentina. Penguins from the two colonies, separated by 105 km, migrate north in the non-breeding season and have overlapping distributions at sea. Conditions during the non-breeding season can impact long-term trends in operational sex ratio (i.e., through sex-specific survival) and interannual variation in operational sex ratio (i.e., through sex-specific breeding decisions). We found an increasingly male-biased operational sex ratio at the two disparate colonies of Magellanic Penguins, which may contribute to continued population decline. We also found that the two colonies showed synchronous interannual variation in operational sex ratio, driven by variation in the number of females present each year. This pattern may be linked to sex-specific overwintering effects that cause females to skip breeding, i.e., to remain at sea rather than returning to the colony to breed, more often than males. Contrary to our predictions, colony-wide reproductive success was not lower in years with a more male-biased operational sex ratio. We did find that males showed more evidence of fighting and were less likely to pair when the operational sex ratio was more male biased. Our results highlight an indirect mechanism through which variation in the operational sex ratio can influence populations, through a higher incidence of fighting among the less abundant sex. Because biased sex ratios can reduce the size of the breeding population and influence rates of conflict, tracking operational sex ratio is critical for conservation.Fil: Gownaris, Natasha J.. Gettysburg College; Estados UnidosFil: Garcia Borboroglu, Jorge Pablo. Global Penguin Society; Argentina. University of Washington; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; ArgentinaFil: Boersma, P. Dee. University of Washington; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina. Global Penguin Society; Argentin

    Marine protection is needed for Magellanic penguins in Argentina based on long-term data

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    Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) are listed as near threatened by the IUCN. At their largest colony, Punta Tombo, Chubut, Argentina, active nests declined >30% over 30 years. Reproductive success is low, many penguins forage far from the colony, and starvation, the major cause of chick death, kills 39% of chicks on average each year. A 210-ha provincial reserve protects part of the breeding colony but there is no marine protected area (MPA) around Punta Tombo. An MPA protecting the foraging area of adults with small chicks could reduce chick starvation, increase reproductive success, and reduce adult mortality. The Province of Chubut wants an MPA to protect penguins at Punta Tombo but when and where would an MPA be most effective? We used our long-term dataset to determine that most chicks starve within 20–30 days after hatching (November and December). We used satellite tags to track penguins foraging for chicks <20 days of age in 1997–2001 and 2006–2009. Core foraging areas for penguins whose chicks did not starve (successful) and those whose chicks starved (unsuccessful) partially overlapped. Unsuccessful penguins, however, foraged farther from the colony (59 ± 27 km, N = 39 penguins, 115 trips) and had a larger core foraging area (554 km2) than successful penguins (46 ± 19 km, N = 23 penguins, 78 trips, P = 0.002; 375 km2). Unsuccessful parents took longer to return to feed their chicks, increasing chick starvation. There is a limited window of opportunity to secure protection through adequate management of a critical foraging area for penguins and the rich assemblage of other marine species using the same area. Increases in chick growth and survival would demonstrate the effectiveness of the MPA.Fil: Boersma, P. Dee. University of Washington; Estados Unidos. Global Penguin Society; Argentina. Wildlife Conservation Society; Estados UnidosFil: Rebstock, Ginger A.. University of Washington; Estados Unidos. Global Penguin Society; Argentina. Wildlife Conservation Society; Estados UnidosFil: Garcia Borboroglu, Jorge Pablo. University of Washington; Estados Unidos. Global Penguin Society; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin