4 research outputs found

    Ground beetle assemblages [Coleoptera, Carabidae] in the third year of regeneration of pine forests in Piska Forests destroyed by a hurricane

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    The paper presents the results of a three−year research on ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblages conducted in the stands of the Piska Primeval Forest damaged by the 2002 hurricane and in control stands. Observations were carried out in the stands categorised into 5 age classes: class I (20−40 years), class II (40−50 years), class III (50−60 years), class IV (60−70 years) and class V (over 70 years). Beetles were caught using modified Barber's traps. The soil CO2 efflux rate and C:N ratio were measured. The Ward cluster analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) clearly distinguished between carabid assemblages in the stands damaged by the hurricane and control stands. In damaged stands there was an increase in the number of Carabidae species with the simultaneous decrease in their abundance. The proportion of forest and European species has been considerably reduced. A marked decline in abundance of hygrophilous species in favour of xerophylous ones was also noted. The observed reduction in the SPC (Sum of Progressive Characteristics) index may indicate the preservation of changes in carabid assemblages and that their regeneration has not yet started

    Body size differentiation in selected carabid species inhabiting Puszcza Piska forest ecosystems disturbed by the hurricane in 2002

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    Intraspecific differentiation in body size was investigated for Carabus arcensis, C. violaceus and Pterostichus niger populations inhabiting pine forests disturbed by the hurricane and non−disturbed ones. Post−hurri−cane stands were localized in Szast Reference Forest (Pisz Forest District, NE Poland) disturbed by the hurricane in July 2002 and left "untouched" as an experimental area. Non−affected stands were set in Maskulińskie Forest District (NE Poland). Beetles were sampled using pitfall traps. The hurricane contributed to significant reduction in both C. arcensis and C. violaceus body length. However, an opposite trend was observed for P. niger, which increased considerably in body size in disturbed stands compared to control ones. The most pronounced changes were observed in 2007. Differences in habitat preferences and food resources utilization of C. arcensis, C. violaceus and P. niger are discussed

    Changes in ground beetle assemblages inhabiting forest stands disturbed by the hurricane - the results of the first 6 years of the observations in Puszcza Piska Forest

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    A survey on the structure and species composition of ground beetle assemblages inhabiting forest stands disturbed by the hurricane was carried out. During the first 6 years after the hurricane two distinct phases of carabids response to the disturbance could be observed. The first 3 years were characterised by relatively minor, although mostly statistically significant changes in carabids abundance, mean individual biomass and assemblages structure. In the 4th year after the hurricane, the second phase started comprising profound changes in all analysed parameters. The state of development of ground beetle assemblages inhabiting disturbed stands worsened considerably, however it did not reach the very low level recorded in assemblages inhabiting clear−cuts. The study revealed that the regression of carabid assemblages in post−hurricane stands occurred with a time lag of 3 years after the hurricane. Moreover, no symptoms of carabid assemblages regeneration could be observed