694 research outputs found
Causality Constraints on Hadron Production In High Energy Collisions
For hadron production in high energy collisions, causality requirements lead
to the counterpart of the cosmological horizon problem: the production occurs
in a number of causally disconnected regions of finite space-time size. As a
result, globally conserved quantum numbers (charge, strangeness, baryon number)
must be conserved locally in spatially restricted correlation clusters. This
provides a theoretical basis for the observed suppression of strangeness
production in elementary interactions (pp, e^+e^-). In contrast, the space-time
superposition of many collisions in heavy ion interactions largely removes
these causality constraints, resulting in an ideal hadronic resonance gas in
full equilibrium.Comment: 16 pages,8 figure
Hawking-Unruh Hadronization and Strangeness Production in High Energy Collisions
The thermal multihadron production observed in different high energy
collisions poses many basic problems: why do even elementary, and
hadron-hadron, collisions show thermal behaviour? Why is there in such
interactions a suppression of strange particle production? Why does the
strangeness suppression almost disappear in relativistic heavy ion collisions?
Why in these collisions is the thermalization time less than fm/c?
We show that the recently proposed mechanism of thermal hadron production
through Hawking-Unruh radiation can naturally answer the previous questions.
Indeed, the interpretation of quark- antiquark pairs production, by the
sequential string breaking, as tunneling through the event horizon of colour
confinement leads to thermal behavior with a universal temperature, Mev,related to the quark acceleration, a, by . The resulting
temperature depends on the quark mass and then on the content of the produced
hadrons, causing a deviation from full equilibrium and hence a suppression of
strange particle production in elementary collisions. In nucleus-nucleus
collisions, where the quark density is much bigger, one has to introduce an
average temperature (acceleration) which dilutes the quark mass effect and the
strangeness suppression almost disappears.Comment: Contribution to special issue of Adv. High Energy Phys. entitled
"Experimental Tests of Quantum Gravity and Exotic Quantum Field Theory
Nuclear Structure Functions at Low- in a Holographic Approach
Nuclear effects in deep inelastic scattering at low are
phenomenologically described changing the typical dynamical and/or kinematical
scales characterizing the free nucleon case. In a holographic approach, this
rescaling is an analytical property of the computed structure function
. This function is given by the sum of a conformal term and of a
contribution due to quark confinement, depending on IR hard-wall parameter
and on the mean square distances, related to a parameter ,
among quarks and gluons in the target. The holographic structure function per
nucleon in a nucleus is evaluated showing that a rescaling of the typical
nucleon size, and , due to nuclear binding, can be reabsorbed
in a -rescaling scheme. The difference between neutron and proton
structure functions and the effects of the longitudinal structure functions can
also be taken into account. The obtained theoretical results favourably compare
with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
A Classification Scheme for Phenomenological Universalities in Growth Problems
A classification in universality classes of broad categories of
phenomenologies, belonging to different disciplines, may be very useful for a
crossfertilization among them and for the purpose of pattern recognition. We
present here a simple scheme for the classification of nonlinear growth
problems. The success of the scheme in predicting and characterizing the well
known Gompertz, West and logistic models suggests to us the study of a hitherto
unexplored class of nonlinear growth problems.Comment: 4 pages,1 figur
Effective degrees of freedom and gluon condensation in the high temperature deconfined phase
The Equation of State and the properties of matter in the high temperature
deconfined phase are analyzed by a quasiparticle approach for . In
order to fix the parameters of our model we employ the lattice QCD data of
energy density and pressure. First we consider the pure SU(3) gluon plasma and
it turns out that such a system can be described in terms of a gluon condensate
and of gluonic quasiparticles whose effective number of degrees of freedom and
mass decrease with increasing temperature. Then we analyze QCD with finite
quark masses. In this case the numerical lattice data for energy density and
pressure can be fitted assuming that the system consists of a mixture of gluon
quasiparticles, fermion quasiparticles, boson correlated pairs (corresponding
to in-medium mesonic states) and gluon condensate. We find that the effective
number of boson degrees of freedom and the in-medium fermion masses decrease
with increasing temperature. At only the correlated pairs
corresponding to the mesonic nonet survive and they completely disappear at . The temperature dependence of the velocity of sound of the
various quasiparticles, the effects of the breaking of conformal invariance and
the thermodynamic consistency are discussed in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure
Thermodynamic Geometry of Nambu -- Jona Lasinio model
The formalism of Riemannian geometry is applied to study the phase
transitions in Nambu -Jona Lasinio (NJL) model. Thermodynamic geometry reliably
describes the phase diagram, both in the chiral limit and for finite quark
masses. The comparison between the geometrical study of NJL model and of (2+1)
Quantum Chromodynamics at high temperature and small baryon density shows a
clear connection between chiral symmetry restoration/breaking and
deconfinement/confinement regimes
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