5 research outputs found

    A model of nonverbal communication and interpersonal relationship between virtual actors

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    The paper presents a model of nonverbal communication and interpersonal relationship between virtual actors. Nonverbal communication improves their believability. They react not only to the presence of the other actors but also to their postures. Furthermore, their interpersonal relationships me affected by the issue of social interactions. To avoid homogenous group behaviors, each actor is set with a different character profile. We present an application of this model to create actors involved in social interactions in a virtual public garden. The animation of virtual actors is based on the library AGENTlib which is dedicated to the management of agent entities able to coordinate perception and actio

    A behavioral animation system for autonomous actors personified by emotions

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    Presents a system dedicated to producing behavioral animation involving autonomous actors. To increase their believability, this system not only allows defining their behavior but also contains an emotional model which generates emotions felt by the actors. These emotions are defined by emergence conditions describing how and when they should emerge. The reactions selected by the actors in response are defined by their character. The use of an emotional model increases the believability of virtual actors by preventing the actors from reacting in same manner in identical contexts and gives the impression that each actor has its own distinct personalit

    Integration of motion control techniques for virtual human and avatar real-time animation

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    Real-time animation of virtual humans requires a dedicated architecture for the integration of different motion control techniques running into so-called actions. In this paper, we describe a software architecture called AGENTlib for the management of action combination. Considered actions exploit various techniques from keyframe sequence playback to inverse kinematics and motion capture. Two major requirements have to be enforced from the end user viewpoint: first, that multiple motion controllers can control simultaneously some parts or whole of the virtual human, and second, that successive actions result in a smooth motion flo

    Interaction in Virtual Worlds: Application to Music Performers

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    We present am odel for the representation of the interactions between virtual hum an figures and virtual objects in 3D virtual scenes. These interactions can depend on externally provided inform ation not being lim ited in their com plexity. The representationm odel for virtual hum ans ism odular and provides tools for representation of the interaction know-how pre-requisite.Tim ng constraints are relevant in thism odel and concurrency and synchronism are used to insure the adequacy of the resulting anim ations of virtual hum ans and associated interacted objects. Resulting gestures are derived from an adapted application of Inverse Kinem aticsm; hods. Keywords: Virtua Scenes, Virtua Hum ans, Virtua Objects, Interaction, Inverse Kinem atics, Musician Sim u ation. 1