16 research outputs found

    Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care, Scoping review

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    Background The integral model of Palliative Care recognizes the community as essential element in improving quality of life of patients and families. It is necessary to find a formula that allows the community to have a voice. The aim of this scoping review is to identify barriers and facilitators to engage community in PC.Methods Systematic search was conducted in NICE, Cochrane Library, Health Evidence, CINAHL and PubMed database. Keywords: Palliative care, End of life care, community networks, community engagement, public engagement, community participation, social participation, barriers and facilitators.Results Nine hundred seventy-one results were obtained. Search strategy and inclusion criteria yielded 13 studies that were read in detail to identify factors influencing community engagement in palliative care, categorized into: Public health and public engagement; Community attitudes towards palliative care, death and preferences at the end of life; Importance of volunteers in public engagement programs; Compassionate communities.Conclusion Societal awareness must be a facilitated process to catalyse public engagement efforts. National policy initiatives and regional system support provide legitimacy and focus is essential for funding. The first step is to get a sense of what is important to society, bearing in mind cultural differences and to channel those aspects through health care professionals; connecting the most assistential part with community resources. The process and long-term results need to be systematically evaluated

    Barriers and drivers of public engagement in palliative care, Scoping review

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    Background The integral model of Palliative Care recognizes the community as essential element in improving quality of life of patients and families. It is necessary to find a formula that allows the community to have a voice. The aim of this scoping review is to identify barriers and facilitators to engage community in PC.Methods Systematic search was conducted in NICE, Cochrane Library, Health Evidence, CINAHL and PubMed database. Keywords: Palliative care, End of life care, community networks, community engagement, public engagement, community participation, social participation, barriers and facilitators.Results Nine hundred seventy-one results were obtained. Search strategy and inclusion criteria yielded 13 studies that were read in detail to identify factors influencing community engagement in palliative care, categorized into: Public health and public engagement; Community attitudes towards palliative care, death and preferences at the end of life; Importance of volunteers in public engagement programs; Compassionate communities.Conclusion Societal awareness must be a facilitated process to catalyse public engagement efforts. National policy initiatives and regional system support provide legitimacy and focus is essential for funding. The first step is to get a sense of what is important to society, bearing in mind cultural differences and to channel those aspects through health care professionals; connecting the most assistential part with community resources. The process and long-term results need to be systematically evaluated

    Development of an international Core Outcome Set (COS) for best care for the dying person: study protocol

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    Background: In contrast to typical measures employed to assess outcomes in healthcare such as mortality or recovery rates, it is difficult to define which specific outcomes of care are the most important in caring for dying individuals. Despite a variety of tools employed to assess different dimensions of palliative care, there is no consensus on a set of core outcomes to be measured in the last days of life. In order to optimise decision making in clinical practice and comparability of interventional studies, we aim to identify and propose a set of core outcomes for the care of the dying person. Methods: Following the COMET initiative approach, the proposed study will proceed through four stages to develop a set of core outcomes: In stage 1, a systematic review of the literature will identify outcomes measured in existing peer reviewed literature, as well as outcomes derived through qualitative studies. Grey literature, will also be included. Stage 2 will allow for the identification and determination of patient and proxy defined outcomes of care at the end of life via quantitative and qualitative methods at an international level. In stage 3, from a list of salient outcomes identified through stages 1 and 2, international experts, family members, patients, and patient advocates will be asked to score the importance of the preselected outcomes through a Delphi process. Stage 4 consists of a face-to-face consensus meeting of in