3,295 research outputs found

    Optimal two-qubit gate for generation of random bipartite entanglement

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    We numerically study protocols consisting of repeated applications of two qubit gates used for generating random pure states. A necessary number of steps needed in order to generate states displaying bipartite entanglement typical of random states is obtained. For generic two qubit entangling gate the decay rate of purity is found to scale as n\sim n and therefore of order n2\sim n^2 steps are necessary to reach random bipartite entanglement. We also numerically identify the optimal two qubit gate for which the convergence is the fastest. Perhaps surprisingly, applying the same good two qubit gate in addition to a random single qubit rotations at each step leads to a faster generation of entanglement than applying a random two qubit transformation at each step.Comment: 9 pages, 9 PS figures; published versio

    Scaling of running time of quantum adiabatic algorithm for propositional satisfiability

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    We numerically study quantum adiabatic algorithm for the propositional satisfiability. A new class of previously unknown hard instances is identified among random problems. We numerically find that the running time for such instances grows exponentially with their size. Worst case complexity of quantum adiabatic algorithm therefore seems to be exponential.Comment: 7 page

    Bending and Base-Stacking Interactions in Double-Stranded Semiflexible Polymer

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    Simple expressions for the bending and the base-stacking energy of double-stranded semiflexible biopolymers (such as DNA and actin) are derived. The distribution of the folding angle between the two strands is obtained by solving a Schr\"{o}dinger equation variationally. Theoretical results based on this model on the extension versus force and extension versus degree of supercoiling relations of DNA chain are in good agreement with the experimental observations of Cluzel {\it et al.} [Science {\bf 271}, 792 (1996)], Smith {\it et al.} [{\it ibid.} {\bf 271}, 795 (1996)], and Strick {\it et al.} [{\it ibid.} {\bf 271}, 1835 (1996)].Comment: 8 pages in Revtex format, with 4 EPS figure

    Bright Source of Cold Ions for Surface-Electrode Traps

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    We produce large numbers of low-energy ions by photoionization of laser-cooled atoms inside a surface-electrode-based Paul trap. The isotope-selective trap loading rate of 4×1054\times10^{5} Yb+^{+} ions/s exceeds that attained by photoionization (electron impact ionization) of an atomic beam by four (six) orders of magnitude. Traps as shallow as 0.13 eV are easily loaded with this technique. The ions are confined in the same spatial region as the laser-cooled atoms, which will allow the experimental investigation of interactions between cold ions and cold atoms or Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: Paper submitted to PRL for review on 2/1/0

    Exponential complexity of an adiabatic algorithm for an NP-complete problem

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    We prove an analytical expression for the size of the gap between the ground and the first excited state of quantum adiabatic algorithm for the 3-satisfiability, where the initial Hamiltonian is a projector on the subspace complementary to the ground state. For large problem sizes the gap decreases exponentially and as a consequence the required running time is also exponential.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; v3. published versio

    Reply to Comment on "Exact analytic solution for the generalized Lyapunov exponent of the 2-dimensional Anderson localization"

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    We reply to comments by P.Markos˘\breve{s}, L.Schweitzer and M.Weyrauch [preceding paper] on our recent paper [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 63, 13777 (2002)]. We demonstrate that our quite different viewpoints stem for the different physical assumptions made prior to the choice of the mathematical formalism. The authors of the Comment expect \emph{a priori} to see a single thermodynamic phase while our approach is capable of detecting co-existence of distinct pure phases. The limitations of the transfer matrix techniques for the multi-dimensional Anderson localization problem are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in J.Phys.: Condens. Mat

    A matrix product solution for a nonequilibrium steady state of an XX chain

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    A one dimensional XX spin chain of finite length coupled to reservoirs at both ends is solved exactly in terms of a matrix product state ansatz. An explicit representation of matrices of fixed dimension 4 independent of the chain length is found. Expectations of all observables are evaluated, showing that all connected correlations, apart from nearest neighbor z-z, are zero.Comment: 11 page

    Sequence Effects on DNA Entropic Elasticity

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    DNA stretching experiments are usually interpreted using the worm-like chain model; the persistence length A appearing in the model is then interpreted as the elastic stiffness of the double helix. In fact the persistence length obtained by this method is a combination of bend stiffness and intrinsic bend effects reflecting sequence information, just as at zero stretching force. This observation resolves the discrepancy between the value of A measured in these experiments and the larger ``dynamic persistence length'' measured by other means. On the other hand, the twist persistence length deduced from torsionally-constrained stretching experiments suffers no such correction. Our calculation is very simple and analytic; it applies to DNA and other polymers with weak intrinsic disorder.Comment: LaTeX; postscript available at http://dept.physics.upenn.edu/~nelson/index.shtm

    Can quantum chaos enhance stability of quantum computation?

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    We consider stability of a general quantum algorithm with respect to a fixed but unknown residual interaction between qubits, and show a surprising fact, namely that the average fidelity of quantum computation increases by decreasing average time correlation function of the perturbing operator in sequences of consecutive quantum gates. Our thinking is applied to the quantum Fourier transformation where an alternative 'less regular' quantum algorithm is devised which is qualitatively more robust against static random residual n-qubit interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figures (3 color

    UV continuum emission and diagnostics of hydrogen-containing non-equilibrium plasmas

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    For the first time the emission of the radiative dissociation continuum of the hydrogen molecule (a3Σg+b3Σu+a^{3}\Sigma_{g}^{+} \to b^{3}\Sigma_{u}^{+} electronic transition) is proposed to be used as a source of information for the spectroscopic diagnostics of non-equilibrium plasmas. The detailed analysis of excitation-deactivation kinetics, rate constants of various collisional and radiative transitions and fitting procedures made it possible to develop two new methods of diagnostics of: (1) the ground X1Σg+X^{1}\Sigma_{g}^{+} state vibrational temperature TvibT_{\text{vib}} from the relative intensity distribution, and (2) the rate of electron impact dissociation (d[\mbox{H_{2}}]/dt)_{\text{diss}} from the absolute intensity of the continuum. A known method of determination of TvibT_{\text{vib}} from relative intensities of Fulcher-α\alpha bands was seriously corrected and simplified due to the revision of dad \to a transition probabilities and cross sections of dXd \gets X electron impact excitation. General considerations are illustrated with examples of experiments in pure hydrogen capillary-arc and H2_{2}+Ar microwave discharges.Comment: REVTeX, 25 pages + 12 figures + 9 tables. Phys. Rev. E, eprint replaced because of resubmission to journal after referee's 2nd repor