32 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of combining rolling deformation with wire-arc additive manufacture on β-Grain refinement and texture modification in Ti-6Al-4V

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    In Additive Manufacture (AM), with the widely used titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V, the solidification conditions typically result in undesirable, coarse-columnar, primary β grain structures. This can result in a strong texture and mechanical anisotropy in AM components. Here, we have investigated the efficacy of a new approach to promote β grain refinement in Wire–Arc Additive Manufacture (WAAM) of large scale parts, which combines a rolling step sequentially with layer deposition. It has been found that when applied in-process, to each added layer, only a surprisingly low level of deformation is required to greatly reduce the β grain size. From EBSD analysis of the rolling strain distribution in each layer and reconstruction of the prior β grain structure, it has been demonstrated that the normally coarse centimetre scale columnar β grain structure could be refined down to < 100 μm. Moreover, in the process both the β and α phase textures were substantially weakened to close to random. It is postulated that the deformation step causes new β orientations to develop, through local heterogeneities in the deformation structure, which act as nuclei during the α → β transformation that occurs as each layer is re-heated by the subsequent deposition pass

    Non-invasive management of peripheral arterial disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is common and symptoms can be debilitating and lethal. Risk management, exercise, radiological and surgical intervention are all valuable therapies, but morbidity and mortality rates from this disease are increasing. Circulatory enhancement can be achieved using simple medical electronic devices, with claims of minimal adverse side effects. The evidence for these is variable, prompting a review of the available literature. METHODS: Embase and Medline were interrogated for full text articles in humans and written in English. Any external medical devices used in the management of peripheral arterial disease were included if they had objective outcome data. RESULTS: Thirty-one papers met inclusion criteria, but protocols were heterogenous. The medical devices reported were intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), electronic nerve (NMES) or muscle stimulators (EMS), and galvanic electrical dressings. In patients with intermittent claudication, IPC devices increase popliteal artery velocity (49-70 %) and flow (49-84 %). Gastrocnemius EMS increased superficial femoral artery flow by 140 %. Over 4.5-6 months IPC increased intermittent claudication distance (ICD) (97-150 %) and absolute walking distance (AWD) (84-112 %), with an associated increase in quality of life. NMES of the calf increased ICD and AWD by 82 % and 61-150 % at 4 weeks, and 26 % and 34 % at 8 weeks. In patients with critical limb ischaemia IPC reduced rest pain in 40-100 % and was associated with ulcer healing rates of 26 %. IPC had an early limb salvage rate of 58-83 % at 1-3 months, and 58-94 % at 1.5-3.5 years. No studies have reported the use of EMS or NMES in the management of CLI. CONCLUSION: There is evidence to support the use of IPC in the management of claudication and CLI. There is a building body of literature to support the use of electrical stimulators in PAD, but this is low level to date. Devices may be of special benefit to those with limited exercise capacity, and in non-reconstructable critical limb ischaemia. Galvanic stimulation is not recommended

    Children’s rights online: challenges, dilemmas and emerging directions

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    In debates over internet governance, the interests of children figure unevenly, and only partial progress has been made in supporting children’s rights online globally. This chapter examines how the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is helpful in mapping children’s rights to provision, protection and participation as they apply online as well as offline. However, challenges remain. First, opportunities and risks are positively linked, policy approaches are needed to resolve the potential conflict between protection on the one hand, and provision and participation on the other. Second, while parents may be relied on to some degree to balance their child’s rights and needs, the evidence suggests that a minority of parents are ill-equipped to manage this. Third, resolution is needed regarding the responsibility for implementing digital rights, since many governments prefer self-regulation in relation to internet governance. The chapter concludes by calling for a global governance body charged with ensuring the delivery of children’s rights

    Carburization of stainless steel clad by uranium-plutonium carbide fuel

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    Carburization of stainless steel clad by the fuel in fast reactor fuel pins, containing uranium-plutonium mixed carbide, would adversely affect the mechanical properties of the clad. The extent of carburization depends on the relative carbon potentials of the fuel and the clad. The measurement of the carbon potential of stainless steel as a function of temperature in the operating range of the fuel pins was recently reported from this laboratory. The method is based on equilibration of SS specimens with liquid sodium while simultaneously monitoring the carbon potential of sodium with an electrochemical carbon meter. In the present work, the same procedure was extended to the fuel and results obtained with both UC and (U,Pu)C in the range of 840 to 960 K are reported. Using the present results and the earlier data on carbon potential of SS, the possibility of clad carburization is analysed

    Stabilities of ternary carbides UWC<sub>1.75</sub> and UWC<sub>2</sub>

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    The methane-hydrogen gas equilibration technique has been used to measure the chemical potential of carbon associated with two three-phase fields of the system U-W-C in the temperature range 973 to 1173 K. By combining the values of the chemical potential of carbon in the three-phase fields UC + W + UWC<sub>1.75</sub> and UC + UWC<sub>1.75</sub> + UWC<sub>2</sub> obtained in this study with the data on the Gibbs energy of formation of UC available in the literature, expressions for the Gibbs energies of formation of the two ternary carbides were derived: Δ<sub>f</sub>G° (UWC<sub>1.75</sub>) = -131, 600 - 30.0 T (± 8000) J mol-1 Δ<sub>f</sub>G° (UWC<sub>2</sub>) = - 144, 800 - 32.0 T (± 10.000) J mol<sup>-1</sup> .Although estimates of Gibbs energies of formation of the two ternary carbides UWC<sub>1.75</sub> and UWC<sub>2</sub> have been reported, there have been no previous experimental determinations of thermodynamic properties of these compounds

    Gibbs energies of formation of chromium carbides

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    The carbon potentials corresponding to the two-phase mixtures Cr + Cr23C6, Cr23C6 + Cr7C3, and Cr7C3 + Cr3C2 in the binary system Cr-C were measured in the temperature range 973 to 1173 K by using the methane-hydrogen gas equilibration technique. Special precautions were taken to prevent oxidation of the samples and to minimize thermal segregation in the gas phase. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of Cr23C6, Cr7C3, and Cr3C2 were derived from the measured carbon potentials. These values are compared with those reported in the literature. The Gibbs energies obtained in this study agree well with those obtained from solid-state cells incorporating CaF2 and ThO2(Y2O3) as solid electrolytes and sealed capsule isopiestic measurements reported in the literature

    Chemical potential of carbon in the system U-Pu-C-O-N: measurements and calculation

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    The carbon potential of (U,Pu) mixed carbides with Pu/(U + Pu) ratios of 0.55 and 0.70 was measured in the temperature range 973 to 1173 K by employing a methane-hydrogen gas equilibration technique. The technique was validated by measuring the Gibbs energy of formation of WC. The compatibility of the mixed carbides with the stainless steel clad was analysed by using the measured carbon potentials. The carbon potentials of mixed carbides of other compositions were calculated theoretically in order to assess their compatibility. The calculations assume ideal solution behavior for all the solid solutions present in the U-Pu-C-O-N system