15 research outputs found

    States of a SRAM Cell

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    The increasing market demand for ever smaller and application packed portable electronic devices has been fueling the relentless scaling of the CMOS transistor. The ITRS roadmap envisages that high performance CMOS circuits will require ultra-low gate oxide thickness to overcome the effects of shorter channel lengths. However, such devices will be susceptible to a more profound leakage mechanism due to carrier tunneling through the gate oxide. Consequently, the gate oxide tunneling current has emerged as the major component of the leakage power consumption of nanoscale CMOS devices. In the case of an important CMOS circuit like Static RAM (SRAM) there is a high probability for the leakage currents to be manifested with more prominence. SRAMs form a vital component of the CPU cache therefore there is a critical need for analysis, explanation, and characterization of the various tunneling mechanisms SRAMs. This paper explores the gate leakage current scenarios in the READ, WRITE and IDLE states of the SRAM which can make significant contribution to modeling and reduction of gate leakage in SRAM circuits.

    Biomedical applications of polysaccharide nanoparticles for chronic inflammatory disorders: Focus on rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and organ fibrosis

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    Polysaccharides are biopolymers distinguished by their complex secondary structures executing various roles in microorganisms, plants, and animals. They are made up of long monomers of similar type or as a combination of other monomeric chains. Polysaccharides are considered superior as compared to other polymers due to their diversity in charge and size, biodegradability, abundance, bio-compatibility, and less toxicity. These natural polymers are widely used in designing of nanoparticles (NPs) which possess wide applications in therapeutics, diagnostics, delivery and protection of bioactive compounds or drugs. The side chain reactive groups of polysaccharides are advantageous for functionalization with nanoparticle-based conjugates or therapeutic agents such as small molecules, proteins, peptides and nucleic acids. Polysaccharide NPs show excellent pharmacokinetic and drug delivery properties, facilitate improved oral absorption, control the release of drugs, increases in vivo retention capability, targeted delivery, and exert synergistic effects. This review updates the usage of polysaccharides based NPs particularly cellulose, chitosan, hyaluronic acid, alginate, dextran, starch, cyclodextrins, pullulan, and their combinations with promising applications in diabetes, organ fibrosis and arthritis