3 research outputs found


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    In the paper "Adoption of technological innovations by sports spectators" we make a brief analysis of the importance of technology in sports and in the fans' experience, and in the last part a technology used by both athletes and fans is presented, which is revolutionizing the sports field. Just as it happens in any other field, in the case of professional sports, modern technology has produced important changes. And if we think about everyday life, instead of going up the stairs, you use the elevator, instead of writing on paper, you use your computer or laptop at the office, the phone, you pay with a card when you go to the table. Technology becomes part of our lives once we come into contact with it, so it is normal to see the world of professional sports very interested in new technologies. We already see many of these technologies in tennis, where the ball can be tracked with amazing precision, in football, where we have the replay and detailed analysis of any movement made by the players on the field. Others are there, but not so well know


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    We spend more time at home, but above all, health is a priority. And because exercise is part of a balanced lifestyle, here are mobile sports apps to help you exercise and exercise at home. When the weather outside is not friendly to be able to exercise outdoors or when it is recommended to stay indoors for a long period, as was the case in past years, to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we must not give up to physical exercises, but we have to find alternative solutions. Here's the best alternative for outdoor exercise: mobile sports apps that help you exercise at home. In the paper "Sport fans usage of fitness Apps" we have presented a brief history of the appearance of fitness applications, a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of these applications and a short description of two studies carried out in this field of sports application


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    Globally, sponsorship has grown impressive over the last 30 years, receiving an increased importance in the communication mix of companies. Sport organizations have understood the importance and the role sponsorship it plays for the financial support they need. Sponsorship is the material support of an event, activity or organization by an unaffiliated partner. It is a good way to increase brand awareness, which helps to generate consumer preferences and promote brand loyalty and also improves the brand image. Brands play an important role in the development of companies because they bring a number of benefits to them. The paper "Innovation’s impact on sponsorship activation" aims to present a series of theoretical elements of activating sponsorship, as well as the element of innovation in this process, an element represented by the social media presence in our lives and in the last part of the paper is presented a study based on a survey on our topic. REZUMAT. Rolul social-media în activarea sponsorizării. La nivel global, sponsorizarea a crescut impresionant în ultimii 30 de ani, primind o importanță crescută în mixul de comunicare al companiilor. Organizațiile sportive au înțeles importanța și rolul de sponsorizare pe care îl joacă pentru sprijinul financiar de care au nevoie. Sponsorizarea este sprijinul material al unui eveniment, activitate sau organizație de către un partener neafiliat. Este o modalitate bună de a crește gradul de conștientizare a mărcii, care ajută la generarea preferințelor consumatorilor și la promovarea loialității mărcii și, de asemenea, îmbunătățește imaginea mărcii. Mărcile joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea companiilor, deoarece le aduc o serie de beneficii. Lucrarea „Impactul inovației asupra activării sponsorizării” își propune să prezinte o serie de elemente teoretice ale activării sponsorizării, precum și elementul de inovație în acest proces, element reprezentat de prezența social media în viețile noastre și în ultima parte a lucrării este prezentat un studiu bazat pe un sondaj pe tema noastră. Cuvinte cheie: Marcă, Activare Sponsorizare, Rețele Sociale, Sportiv