5 research outputs found

    Experimental setup for fast BEC generation and number-stabilized atomic ensembles

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    Ultracold atomic ensembles represent a cornerstone of today’s modern quantum experiments. In particular, the generation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) has paved the way for a myriad of fundamental research topics as well as novel experimental concepts and related applications. As coherent matter waves, BECs promise to be a valuable resource for atom interferometry that allows for high-precision sensing of gravitational fields or inertial moments as accelerations and rotations. In general, the sensitivity of state-of-the-art atom interferometers is fundamentally restricted by the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL). Multi-particle entangled states (e.g. spin-squeezed states, Twin-Fock states, Schrödinger cat states) generated in BECs can be employed to surpass the SQL and shift the sensitivity limit further towards the more fundamental Heisenberg Limit (HL). However, in current real-world atom interferometric applications, ultracold but uncondensed atomic clouds are employed, due to their speed advantage in the sample preparation. The creation of a BEC can take up several tens of seconds, while standard high-precision atom interferometers operate with a cycle rate of several Hz. In addition, the pursued entangled states can be only beneficial if technical noise sources, such as magnetic field or detection noise are not dominating the measurement resolution. These challenges need to be overcome in order to fully exploit the potential sensitivity gain offered by a quantum-enhanced atom interferometer. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a new experimental setup for Heisenberg-limited atom interferometry, which incorporates a high-flux BEC source and the manipulation and detection of atoms at the single-particle level. The presented fast BEC preparation includes a high-flux atom source in a double magneto-optical trap (MOT) configuration that allows to collect 87Rb atoms in a 3D-MOT, which is supplied by a 2D+-MOT with 2×10^10 atoms/s. Forced evaporative cooling of the atoms is divided into two stages, which is sequentially carried out in a magnetic quadrupole trap (QPT) and a crossed-beam optical dipole trap (cODT). The high-flux atom source together with the hybrid evaporation scheme allows to consistently produce BECs with an average of 2×10^5 atoms within 3.5 s. The capabilities of the single-particle resolving detection are demonstrated by realizing a feedback control loop to stabilize the captured number of atoms in a small MOT. A proof-of-principle measurement is demonstrated for the successful stabilization of a target number of 7 atoms with sub-Poissonian fluctuations. The number noise is suppressed by 18 dB below shot noise, which corresponds to a preparation fidelity of 92%. Based on this success, the thesis presents an even improved single-particle resolution. The system comprises a six-channel fiber-based optical setup, which provides independent intensity stabilization and frequency detuning, improved pointing stability as well as a better spatial overlap of the MOT beams. The presented high-speed BEC production combined with accurate atom number preparation and detection, as the two main features of the experimental apparatus, pave the way for a future entanglement-enhanced performance of atom interferometers

    Rapid generation and number-resolved detection of spinor Rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates

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    High data acquisition rates and low-noise detection of ultracold neutral atoms present important challenges for the state tomography and interferometric application of entangled quantum states in Bose-Einstein condensates. In this article, we present a high-flux source of 87^{87}Rb Bose-Einstein condensates combined with a number-resolving detection. We create Bose-Einstein condensates of 2×1052\times10^5 atoms with no discernible thermal fraction within 3.33.3 s using a hybrid evaporation approach in a magnetic/optical trap. For the high-fidelity tomography of many-body quantum states in the spin degree of freedom [arXiv:2207.01270], it is desirable to select a single mode for a number-resolving detection. We demonstrate the low-noise selection of subsamples of up to 1616 atoms and their subsequent detection with a counting noise below 0.20.2 atoms. The presented techniques offer an exciting path towards the creation and analysis of mesoscopic quantum states with unprecedented fidelities, and their exploitation for fundamental and metrological applications.Comment: Corrected figures, updated reference

    Number-resolved preparation of mesoscopic atomic ensembles

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    The analysis of entangled atomic ensembles and their application for interferometry beyond the standard quantum limit requires an accurate determination of the number of atoms. We present an accurate fluorescence detection technique for atoms that is fully integrated into an experimental apparatus for the production of many-particle entangled quantum states. Number-resolved fluorescence measurements with single-atom accuracy for 1 up to 30 atoms are presented. According to our noise analysis, we extrapolate that the single-atom accuracy extends to a limiting atom number of 390(20) atoms. We utilize the accurate atom number detection for a number stabilization of the laser-cooled atomic ensemble. For a target ensemble size of 7 atoms prepared on demand, we achieve a 92(2)% preparation fidelity and reach number fluctuations 18(1) dB below the shot noise level using real-time feedback on the magneto-optical trap

    Number-resolved preparation of mesoscopic atomic ensembles

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    The analysis of entangled atomic ensembles and their application for interferometry beyond the standard quantum limit requires an accurate determination of the number of atoms. We present an accurate fluorescence detection technique for atoms that is fully integrated into an experimental apparatus for the production of many-particle entangled quantum states. Number-resolved fluorescence measurements with single-atom accuracy for 1 up to 30 atoms are presented. According to our noise analysis, we extrapolate that the single-atom accuracy extends to a limiting atom number of 390(20) atoms. We utilize the accurate atom number detection for a number stabilization of the laser-cooled atomic ensemble. For a target ensemble size of 7 atoms prepared on demand, we achieve a 92(2)% preparation fidelity and reach number fluctuations 18(1) dB below the shot noise level using real-time feedback on the magneto-optical trap

    Rapid generation and number-resolved detection of spinor rubidium Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Hohe Datenerfassungsraten und rauscharme Detektion von ultrakalten neutralen Atomen stellen wichtige Herausforderungen für die Zustandstomographie und interferometrische Anwendung von verschränkten Quantenzuständen in Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten dar. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir eine Quelle mit hohem Fluss von Rb-87 Bose-Einstein-Kondensaten in Kombination mit einer Zahl-auflösenden Detektion vor. Wir erzeugen Bose-Einstein-Kondensate von 2*10^5 Atomen ohne erkennbaren thermischen Anteil innerhalb von 3,3 s mit einem hybriden Evaporationsverfahren in einer magnetischen und optischen Falle. Für die High-Fidelity-Tomographie von Vielkörper-Quantenzuständen im Spin-Freiheitsgrad ist es wünschenswert, eine einzelne Mode für eine Zahl-auflösende Detektion auszuwählen. Wir demonstrieren die rauscharme Auswahl von Teilmengen von bis zu 16 Atomen und deren anschließende Detektion mit einem Zählrauschen unter 0,2 Atomen. Die vorgestellten Techniken bieten einen spannenden Weg zur Erzeugung und Analyse mesoskopischer Quantenzustände mit verbesserter Zuverlässigkeit und zu deren Nutzung für fundamentale und metrologische Anwendungen