27 research outputs found
NÀr sinnet rinner bort - UppsÄtsbedömningen vid gÀrningar under sjÀlvförvÄllat rus ur ett rÀttssÀkerhetsperspektiv
FrĂ„gan om hur uppsĂ„tsbedömningen ska göras pĂ„ sjĂ€lvförvĂ„llat berusade personer Ă€r erkĂ€nt problematisk, och de olika lösningar som finns tycks aldrig bereda en fullstĂ€ndig tillfredstĂ€llelse. Just balansgĂ„ngen mellan Ă„ ena sidan effektivitetsskĂ€len och Ă„ andra sidan rĂ€ttsĂ€kerheten har visat sig svĂ„r att gĂ„, dĂ„ de Ă€r tvĂ„ motstĂ„ende intressen som bĂ„da behöver tillgodoses för att uppnĂ„ en fullgod lösning. Att HD i NJA 2011 s. 563 slog fast att uppsĂ„tsbedömningen för berusade gĂ€rningsmĂ€n ska göras med tillĂ€mpning av vanliga regler Ă€r grunden för uppsatsens undersökning, och de frĂ„gor som har blivit utredda Ă€r vilka följder detta innebĂ€r för berusade gĂ€rningsmĂ€n och deras rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet. Det faktum att uppsĂ„tsbedömningen vid sjĂ€lvförvĂ„llat rus ska ske med tillĂ€mpning av vanliga regler har visat sig innebĂ€ra att utrymmet för att tilldela en berusad person uppsĂ„t Ă€r större Ă€n för en nykter. Att riktlinjerna för uppsĂ„tsbedömningen Ă€r allmĂ€nna och alltsĂ„ frĂ€mst har utformats med en nykter persons handlande i Ă„tanke Ă€r nĂ€mligen nĂ„got som i vissa fall leder till att gĂ€rningsmannen döms för insikter han hade haft som nykter, men som han inte hade tillgĂ„ng till i gĂ€rningstillfĂ€llet. Vidare lĂ€gger domstolen i bedömningen stor vikt vid gĂ€rningsmannens faktiska agerande i gĂ€rningstillfĂ€llet, och mindre pĂ„ att utreda i vilken grad han verkligen avsĂ„g eller ens var införstĂ„dd med följderna. Visserligen kan det argumenteras för att en gĂ€rningsmans avsikter formas i de handlingar han utför, men i fallet med berusade gĂ€rningsmĂ€n Ă€r de inte pĂ„ samma sĂ€tt införstĂ„dda med vad de gör, och en stark betoning pĂ„ det faktiska agerandet innebĂ€r att den straffrĂ€ttsliga skulden blir dispositionell snarare Ă€n episodisk. Efter en genomgĂ„ng av praxis gĂ„r det sĂ„ledes att konstatera att HD ur ett rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsperspektiv inte förhĂ„llit sig lika konsekvent till skuldprincipen som de efter den förĂ€ndrade synen pĂ„ BrB 1:2 2 st. i NJA 2011 s. 563 velat ge sken av. Ă
tminstone har HD tagit för lĂ€tt pĂ„ rĂ€ttspsykiatriska bedömningar, inte varit konsekventa i NJA 2011 s. 611, samt slirat lite pĂ„ det nyligen introducerade kravet att gĂ€rningsmannen ska ha âkalkylerat med effektenâ för att ett likgiltighetsuppsĂ„t ska föreligga. LikvĂ€l har HD pĂ„ ett tydligt sĂ€tt avgrĂ€nsat tillĂ€mpningen av likgiltighetsuppsĂ„tet - för gĂ€rningar begĂ„ngna av berusade sĂ„vĂ€l som av nyktra personer - nĂ„got som i teorin mĂ„ste ses som en form av garanti för rĂ€ttssĂ€kerheten i allmĂ€nhet, och för berusade personers rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhet i synnerhet.The question about how the subjective test of intention shall be done on self-induced intoxicated persons has been recognized as problematic, and the various solutions available never seem to give sufficient satisfaction. Especially the balancing act between so called efficiency reasons and on the other hand the rule of law has been proved difficult, as they are conflicting interests that both must be met to achieve a satisfactory solution. The Supreme court in Swedenâs (âHögsta domstolenâ) pronunciation in NJA 2011 p 563 that the subjective test of intention by intoxicated offenders should be done by applying ordinary rules, forms the basis of this paper. The issues that have been investigated are which consequences this entails for intoxicated offenders and their legal certainty. That the subjective test of intention by intoxicated offenders is done with an application of the ordinary rules, inevitably means that the space for assessing intention of an intoxicated person is greater than that of a sober. The guidelines are general, and therefore primarily designed with a sober person's behaviour in mind, which in some cases leads to the offender being convicted because of retrospective insights he may have had after the fact and while sober, even though these were not available to him at the time of the deed. Furthermore, the Supreme Court generally puts a strong emphasis on the offenderâs actual conduct at the time of the deed, putting more weight on the demonstrable consequences of his actions and less weight on investigating the extent to which he really intended or was even able to perceive those consequences. It can certainly be argued that the intention of a person is formed in the factual actions he commits, but in the case of intoxicated offenders they are not aware of what they do in the same way as a sober person, and a strong emphasis on the actual behaviour means that the criminal liability becomes dispositional rather than episodic. Upon review it can thus be concluded that the practices of the Supreme Court has not been quite as consistent in accordance with the guilt-principle as it would make it seem in NJA 2011 p 563. At the very least the Supreme Court has taken too lightly on forensic psychiatric assessments, as well as not having been consistent in the case NJA 2011 p 611. The Supreme Court has furthermore made a slip on the recently introduced requirement that the offender must have "calculated with the effect" if the indifference intention (âlikgiltighetsuppsĂ„tâ) is to be actualized. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court clearly demarcated the application of the indifference intention - for acts committed by drunk as well as sober people - something that in theory should be seen as a form of guarantee for the rule of law in general, and for intoxicated offenders in particular
Preventionism i terrorismens tid â En undersökning av straffrĂ€ttens preventiva regelverk mot terrorism
Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att Ă„skĂ„dliggöra den preventionistiska strömningen inom straffrĂ€tten och de uttryck den tar sig för att bekĂ€mpa terrorism. FramstĂ€llningen stĂ„r pĂ„ tvĂ„ ben, förfĂ€ltsgĂ€rningar och preventiva tvĂ„ngsmedel, och de bĂ„da delarna redogörs inledningsvis var för sig. Först presenteras de osjĂ€lvstĂ€ndiga brottsformerna i allmĂ€nhet och sedan redogörs för de specifika gĂ€rningar som Ă„terfinns i antiterrorlagstiftningen, och dĂ„ frĂ€mst de som kriminaliserats i lagen om straff för terroristbrott. De hemliga tvĂ„ngsmedlen presenteras med bakgrund i allmĂ€nna regler för tvĂ„ngsmedelsanvĂ€ndning. DĂ€refter redogörs ingĂ„ende för lagen om Ă„tgĂ€rder för att förhindra vissa sĂ€rskilt allvarliga brott, förutsĂ€ttningarna för preventivt tvĂ„ngsmedelsanvĂ€ndande och hur tillstĂ„ndsprövningen fungerar i praktiken. Sedan utkristalliseras de samverkanseffekter som uppstĂ„r mellan förfĂ€ltsgĂ€rningarna och de preventiva tvĂ„ngsmedlen, vilka frĂ€mst visar röra sig om en möjlighet att Ă€nnu tidigare Ă€n annars intervenera i misstĂ€nkta personers privata sfĂ€r, ocksĂ„ vid gĂ€rningar som vanligtvis inte ger förutsĂ€ttningar för tvĂ„ngsmedelsanvĂ€ndning av det slaget. Undersökningen utvĂ€rderas sedan med utgĂ„ngspunkt i dikotomin defensiv- respektive offensiv straffrĂ€ttsmodell, i ett försök att stĂ€mma av vilket stadie det preventiva regelverket befinner sig pĂ„. Först görs emellertid en avstĂ„ndsmĂ€tning för att faststĂ€lla hur stora avstĂ„nden i vissa fall kan vara mellan kriminalisering och skada. HĂ€r framstĂ„r avstĂ„ndet till det skyddsvĂ€rda intresset som föreligger vid vissa förfĂ€ltsgĂ€rningar som anmĂ€rkningsvĂ€rt. DĂ€rutöver tas speciellt fasta pĂ„ det faktum att spĂ€rrar inte kan hĂ€rledas ur avstĂ„ndsmĂ€tningen som sĂ„dan, eftersom skydd för privatsfĂ€ren inte kan skapas enbart genom att förfĂ€ltsgĂ€rningar Ă€r relaterade framĂ„t. UtvĂ€rderingen visar pĂ„ att straffrĂ€tten just vad gĂ€ller antiterrorlagstiftningen har rört sig i en mer offensiv riktning i förhĂ„llande till de grundprinciper som finns inom den defensiva straffrĂ€ttsmodellen. Framförallt i form av ett fjĂ€rmande frĂ„n den begreppsliga bundenheten till en avgrĂ€nsad gĂ€rning, men ocksĂ„ mer allmĂ€nt genom att tyngdpunkten i de hĂ€r fallen Ă€r förflyttad frĂ„n att reagera pĂ„ begĂ„ngna brott till att istĂ€llet försöka förhindra att brott överhuvudtaget begĂ„s. Flera inneboende problem uppmĂ€rksammas med den preventionistiska strömningen. Terroristbrottets relativt vidstrĂ€ckta definition kan leda till godtyckliga bedömningar. SjĂ€lvstĂ€ndiggörandet av osjĂ€lvstĂ€ndiga brottsformer möjliggör en rörelse Ă€nnu lĂ€ngre ut i förfĂ€ltet. Det finns Ă€ven en fara med de bedömningar av fara eller risk som behöver göras om framtiden, nĂ€r dessa Ă€r grundade pĂ„ ett vagt empiriskt underlag och belagda med kumulativ osĂ€kerhet. Slutligen visas ocksĂ„ pĂ„ den fara för grĂ€nslöshet som Ă€r immanent i preventionismen, vilken gör att kriminaliseringen kan strĂ€cka sig hur lĂ„ngt som helst i förfĂ€ltet utan att nĂ„gra normativa begrĂ€nsningar föreligger. Uppsatsen avslutas med en reflektion över straffrĂ€ttens preventionistiska utveckling, och ett ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttande av en överdriven tro pĂ„ straffrĂ€tten. LikvĂ€l finner författaren det ocksĂ„ i viss grad motiverat med sĂ€rregleringar pĂ„ grund av terrorismens vĂ€sensskildhet frĂ„n andra brottstyper.This thesis is mainly concerned with the inchoate offences and the preventive coercive measures in the Swedish criminal law, with a specific focus on the antiterrorism-legislation. My aim is to visualize the broad deterrentist trend, which in this thesis is called âpreventionismâ. To do so, the dependent forms of crime in general are presented in the first part, together with the specific inchoate offences regarding terrorist acts. After that, the rules regarding covert coercive measures are presented with a background in the criminal procedure code (RĂ€ttegĂ„ngsbalken), before the law on measures to prevent certain serious crimes (Lagen om Ă„tgĂ€rder för att förhindra vissa sĂ€rskilt allvarliga brott) is presented in detail. After the two âlegsâ of preventionism â inchoate offences and preventive coercive measures â have been presented, the thesis wants to draw attention to the synergies of the two. Together, they provide the possibility of intervening in the private spheres of suspects even earlier in time than before, and also in case of crimes that normally would not allow the usage of that type of coercive measures. Apart from outlining the deterrentist trend in general, the trend is also reviewed from a legitimacy point of view, so that the inherent problems are to appear. Here, the distance between the primary harm and the inchoate offences is shown as noteworthy, as well as the fact that the private sphere can not be assured merely by relating the inchoate offences to a future crime. The examination is then evaluated with a starting point in the dichotomy between a model for defensive criminal law and a model for offensive criminal law, in an attempt to determine the position of the preventive body of law. It is shown that the criminal law, i.e. the antiterrorism-legislation, has shifted to a more offensive direction relative to the basic principles of the defensive model of criminal law, particularly by distancing itself from the conceptual bound that the criminal law has to a distinct act, but also more generally, that the emphasis in these cases has shifted from reacting to crimes committed and instead, in the highest degree possible, trying to prevent crimes being committed at all. Four specific problems with the deterrentist trend are being identified. First of all, that the relatively broad definition of the terrorist-crime might lead to discretionary assessments. Secondly, that dependent forms of crimes are made independent enables a movement even further away from the primary harm. Thirdly, that there is a danger in the assessment of criminal offenses regarding the future, as these will be founded on vague empirical support and characterized by cumulative uncertainty. Finally, the dangers of boundlessness are not to forget, which allows the criminalization to extend to any distance in space and time without any existing legislative restrictions. The paper ends with a reflection over the deterrentist development and a questioning of the excessive faith in the ability of criminal law to combat these types of crimes. Nevertheless, the thesis also to some extent finds the special regulations justified, because of how terrorism in its nature differs from other types of crimes
Annealing of Gadolinium-Doped Ceria (GDC) Films Produced by the Aerosol Deposition Method
Solid oxide fuel cells need a diffusion barrier layer to protect the zirconia-based electrolyte if a cobalt-containing cathode material like lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (LSCF) is used. This protective layer must prevent the direct contact and interdiffusion of both components while still retaining the oxygen ion transport. Gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC) meets these requirements. However, for a favorable cell performance, oxide ion conducting films that are thin yet dense are required. Films with a thickness in the sub-micrometer to micrometer range were produced by the dry room temperature spray-coating technique, aerosol deposition. Since commercially available GDC powders are usually optimized for the sintering of screen printed films or pressed bulk samples, their particle morphology is nanocrystalline with a high surface area that is not suitable for aerosol deposition. Therefore, different thermal and mechanical powder pretreatment procedures were investigated and linked to the morphology and integrity of the sprayed films. Only if a suitable pretreatment was conducted, dense and well-adhering GDC films were deposited. Otherwise, low-strength films were formed. The ionic conductivity of the resulting dense films was characterized by impedance spectroscopy between 300 °C and 1000 °C upon heating and cooling. A mild annealing occurred up to 900 °C during first heating that slightly increased the electric conductivity of GDC films formed by aerosol deposition
Temperature-dependent 2D-3D growth transition of ultra-thin Pt films deposited by PLD
During the growth of metal thin films on dielectric substrates at a given
deposition temperature T, the film's morphology is conditioned by the magnitude
and asymmetry of up- and downhill diffusion. Any severe change of this
mechanism leads to a growth instability, which induces an alteration of the
thin film morphology. In order to study this mechanism, ultra-thin Pt films
were deposited via pulsed laser deposition (PLD) onto
yttria-stabilized-zirconia single crystals at different deposition
temperatures. The morphological evolution of Pt thin films has been
investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force
microscopy (AFM) and standard image analysis techniques. The experimentally
obtained morphologies are compared to simulated thin film structures resulting
from a two-dimensional kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) approach. Two main
observations have been made: i) Thin Pt films deposited onto zirconia undergo a
growth transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional growth at T > 573
K. The growth transition and related morphological changes are a function of
the deposition temperature. ii) A critical cluster size of i\ast = 4 in
combination with an asymmetric Ehrlich-Schwoebel (ES) barrier favoring the
uphill diffusion of atoms allows for a computational reproduction of the
experimentally obtained film morphologies.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl