125 research outputs found

    Why Omphalotus illudens (Schwein.) Bresinsky et Besl i an independent species

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    Per qué Omphalotus illudens (Schwein.) Bresinsky et Besi és una espècie independent. El gènere Omphalotus viu des de la zona tropical a la temperada de tot el món. Actualment, hi ha vuit espècies descrites. Dues, O. Olearius i O. Illudens viuen a Europa. Tenint en compte que aquestes dues espècies són morfològicament molt semblants, el seu estatus taxonòmic és encara matèria de controvèrsia. Aquest estudi es basa en una revisió detallada d'aquest problema: s' hi evaluen dades morfol ògiques, quimiotaxonòmiques, moleculars, i també experiments d'encreuament. Els resultats ens porten a la conclusió que O. olearius i O. Illudens són dues espècies diferents.Por qué Omphalotus illudens (Schwein.) Bresinsky et Besi es una especie independiente. El género Omplialotus es conocido de la zona tropical a la templada, en todo el mundo. Actualmente, hay ocho especies descritas. Dos de ellas, O. olearius y O. Illudens viven en Europa. Ya que estas dos especies son morfológicamentc muy similares, aún existe discusión sobre su estatus taxonómico. Este estudio proporciona una revisión detallada de este problema: los datos morfológicos, quimiotaxonómicos, moleculares, al igual que experimentos de cruzamiento, son sometidos a evaluación. Los resultados llevan a la conclusión de que O. olearius y O. Illudens son dos especies distintas.Why Omphalotus illudens (Schwein.) Bresinsky et Besi is an independent species. The genus Omphalotus is known from tropical or temperate areas all over the world. Currently, eight species are described. Two of them, O. olearius and O. illudens. occur in Europe. Since these two species are morphologically very similar, their taxonomical status is still controversial. This study provides a careful review of the problem: morphological, chemotaxo nomical, molecular data as well as data from mating experiments are evaluated. The results point to the conclusion that O. olearius and O. illudens are distinct species

    Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabarés: a synonym of Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh

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    Partint dels resultats d'una revisió acurada del material tipus i d'un gran nombre d'altres Recol·leccions, Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabarés es sinonimitza amb Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh. La variabilitat considerablement alta dels caràcters, tant macroscòpics com microscòpics, d'aquesta espècie és descrita i il·lustrada, i la seva delimitació respecte a altres tàxons propers és concretada i raonada.Based on the results of a careful revision of type material and of a large number of additional collections, Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabarés, is synonymised with Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh. The considerably high variability of both macroscopic and microscopic characters of this species is illustrated, and its delimitation from similar taxa is discussed.Basandose en los resultados de una profunda revisión del material tipo y de un gran número de otras recolecciones, Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabards debe sinonimizarse con Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh. Se describe e ilustra la variabilidad considerablemente elevada de los caracteres, tanto macroscópicos, como microscópicos de esta especie y se razona su delimitación con respecto a taxones parecidos

    First record of a plasmodiophorid parasite in grapevine

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    In the context of an interdisciplinary project on grape pests and pathogens in Rheingau (Germany), the fine root system of grafted rootstocks has been screened for pathogenic fungi associated with root galls induced by grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch)). In several insect-induced galls, masses of resting spores of a plasmodiophorid could be seen. An additional selective screening revealed the occurrence of the plasmodiophorid parasite also in samples of gall-free rootlets: cortical cells of small necrotic areas were crowded with resting spores or other developmental stages of its life cycle. According to current taxonomic concepts, this plasmodiophorid could be identified as a member of the genus Sorosphaera Schroeter, resembling S. veronicae Schroeter. This is the first record of a plasmodiophorid parasite in grapevine

    Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabarés: a synonym of Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh

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    Partint dels resultats d'una revisió acurada del material tipus i d'un gran nombre d'altres Recol·leccions, Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabarés es sinonimitza amb Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh. La variabilitat considerablement alta dels caràcters, tant macroscòpics com microscòpics, d'aquesta espècie és descrita i il·lustrada, i la seva delimitació respecte a altres tàxons propers és concretada i raonada.Based on the results of a careful revision of type material and of a large number of additional collections, Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabarés, is synonymised with Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh. The considerably high variability of both macroscopic and microscopic characters of this species is illustrated, and its delimitation from similar taxa is discussed.Basandose en los resultados de una profunda revisión del material tipo y de un gran número de otras recolecciones, Boletellus catalaunicus Pöder, Moreno, Rocabruna et Tabards debe sinonimizarse con Xerocomus ripariellus Redeuilh. Se describe e ilustra la variabilidad considerablemente elevada de los caracteres, tanto macroscópicos, como microscópicos de esta especie y se razona su delimitación con respecto a taxones parecidos

    Objective and Subjective Factors as Predictors of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Parents of Children with Cancer – A Longitudinal Study

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    BACKGROUND: Parents of children with cancer report post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) years after the child's successful treatment is completed. The aim of the present study was to analyze a number of objective and subjective childhood cancer-related factors as predictors of parental PTSS. METHODS: Data were collected from 224 parents during and after their child's cancer treatment. Data sources include self-report questionnaires and medical records. RESULTS: In a multivariate hierarchical model death of the child, parent's perception of child psychological distress and total symptom burden predicted higher levels of PTSS. In addition, immigrants and unemployed parents reported higher levels of PTSS. The following factors did not predict PTSS: parent gender, family income, previous trauma, child's prognosis, treatment intensity, non-fatal relapse, and parent's satisfaction with the child's care. CONCLUSIONS: Although medical complications can be temporarily stressful, a parent's perception of the child's distress is a more powerful predictor of parental PTSS. The vulnerability of unemployed parents and immigrants should be acknowledged. In addition, findings highlight that the death of a child is as traumatic as could be expected

    Posttraumatic stress among parents of children on cancer treatment: support, care and distress

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    The main aim of this thesis was to longitudinally investigate the potential occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among parents of children on cancer treatment (Study I). Additional aims were to describe parents’ perceptions of emotional support and satisfaction with the child’s care (II), perceptions of the child’s symptom burden (III), and parents’ stories about having a child on cancer treatment (IV). The design was prospective, longitudinal, and data was collected at: one week, two months, and four months after the child’s diagnosis and one week/six months after the end of successful treatment/transplantation. Parents (N=259) were consecutively included during the years 2002-2004 and answered questionnaires and open-ended questions over the telephone. Parenting a child with cancer is a very demanding, potentially traumatic, event. Approximately a fourth of the parents report symptoms corresponding to PTSD. The symptom level is related to being a mother, not working before the child’s diagnosis, and to previous trauma experience. Less than half of those who report a need to talk with a psychologist report having had the opportunity to do so. Parents are generally satisfied with the care and report the highest satisfaction with the technical care. Emotional distress, fatigue, nutrition, and pain are, according to parents, the most problematic symptom areas for their children. Pain is identified as especially problematic. Parents in paediatric oncology care should be acknowledged as potential care-recipients. In order to prevent development of PTSD parents of children on cancer treatment should be supported to maintain an ordinary life, for example pursue work and/or activities, and to get sufficient rest. As a means towards this parents need help with e.g. household duties and childcare. In addition to this, parents in approximately two fifths of the families need extended psychosocial support aiming at reducing posttraumatic stress

    Kovenanttien käyttö osakassopimuksessa pääomasijoittajan riskienhallinnan näkökulmasta

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    Tutkielman aiheena on pääomasijoittajan osakassopimuksessa käyttämät riskienhallintakeinot erilaisin kovenantein. Tutkielmassa käsitellään osakassopimuksen suhdetta pääomasijoittamiseen sekä pääomasijoittajan osakassopimukseen sisällyttämiä kovenantteja. Tutkielman metodi on pääsääntöisesti lainopillinen, ottaen kuitenkin huomioon myös oikeustaloustieteellisiä näkökulmia. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on esittää kannanottoja yhtiöoikeudellisesta näkökulmasta ottaen kuitenkin huomioon myös sopimusoikeudelliset periaatteet. Pääomasijoittamisella tarkoitetaan määräaikaisten ja ammattimaisten sijoitusten tekemistä julkisesti noteeraamattomiin yrityksiin arvonnousua tavoitellen. Pääomasijoittajan ja julkisesti noteeraamattomiin yrityksiin tehtyjä sijoituksia sääntelee osapuolten välisessä suhteessa osakassopimus. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan pääomasijoitustoimintaan erityisesti osakassopimuksen soveltamiseen liittyviä ja osakassopimuksen yhtiöoikeudellisen sitovuusvaikutuksen puutteesta aiheutuvia riskejä. Tutkielmassa argumentoidaan, että vaikka yhtiöoikeudellinen sitovuusvaikutus puuttuu, ei se tee osakassopimuksesta kuitenkaan pääomasijoittajalle toimimatonta työkalua ja esitetään erilaisia näkökulmia yhtiöoikeudellisen sitovuusvaikutus ongelman ratkaisemiseksi yhtiöoikeudellisella tasolla muun muassa yhtiöjärjestyksen määräyksillä ja osakeyhtiön päätöksentekoon liittyvillä kysymyksillä. Lopputuloksena on systematisoiva kokonaisuus erilaisten riskien kartoittamiseksi