69 research outputs found

    Cooperative internal conversion process by proton exchange

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    A generalization of the recently discovered cooperative internal conversion process is investigated theoretically. In the cooperative internal conversion process by proton exchange investigated the coupling of bound-free electron and proton transitions due to the dipole term of their Coulomb interaction permits cooperation of two nuclei leading to proton exchange and an electron emission. General expression of the cross section of the process obtained in the one particle spherical nuclear shell model is presented. As a numerical example the cooperative internal conversion process by proton exchange in AlAl is dealt with. As a further generalization, cooperative internal conversion process by heavy charged particle exchange and as an example of it the cooperative internal conversion process by triton exchange is discussed. The process is also connected to the field of nuclear waste disposal.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.07164, arXiv:1502.0147

    Photo-induced nuclear cooperation

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    Reactions nγγ+n_{\gamma }\gamma + d+d+ z2A2X→(nγ±1)γ+_{z_{2}}^{A_{2}}X\rightarrow \left( n_{\gamma }\pm 1\right) \gamma + p+p+ z2A2+1X_{z_{2}}^{A_{2}+1}X and especially the reaction d+d+ z2A2X→γ+_{z_{2}}^{A_{2}}X\rightarrow \gamma + p+p+ z2A2+1X% _{z_{2}}^{A_{2}+1}X, called photo-induced nuclear cooperation and cooperative spontaneous γ\gamma emission with neutron exchange, respectively, are investigated theoretically. In the case of photo-induced nuclear cooperation it is supposed that the energy of γ\gamma photons of the beam is less than the binding energy of the deuteron. The cross section and the transition probability per unit time, respectively, are determined with the aid of standard second order perturbation calculation of quantum mechanics. The calculations are extended to photo-induced nuclear cooperation and cooperative spontaneous γ\gamma emission with proton exchange as well. With the aid of the results obtained, recent observations of nuclear activity of samples of large deuteron content after irradiation by photon-flux of photon energy smaller than the deuteron binding energy are discussed

    Effect of impurities on nuclear fusion

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    Modification of nuclear reactions due to impurities in plasma is investigated. The hindering effect of Coulomb repulsion between reacting particles, that is effective in direct reactions, can practically disappear if Coulomb interaction of the reacting particles with impurities embedded in plasma is taken into account. The change of the wavefunction of reacting particles in nuclear range due to their Coulomb interaction with impurity is determined using standard time independent perturbation calculation of quantum mechanics. The result can be interpreted as if a slow, quasi-free particle (e.g. a proton) were pushed by a heavy, assisting particle (impurity) of the surroundings and can get (virtually) such a great magnitude of momentum which significantly increases the nuclear contact probability density and also the probability of its capture by an other nucleus. As a sample reaction the process, called impurity assisted nuclear % pd reaction is investigated and the rate and power densities produced by the reaction are numerically calculated. With the aid of astrophysical factors the rate and power densities of the impurity assisted % d(d,n)_{2}^{3}He, d(d,p)td(d,p)t, d(t,n)24Hed(t,n)_{2}^{4}He, 23He(d,p)24He_{2}^{3}He(d,p)_{2}^{4}He% , 36Li(p,α)23He_{3}^{6}Li(p,\alpha )_{2}^{3}He, 37Li(p,α)24He_{3}^{7}Li(p,\alpha )_{2}^{4}He, %_{4}^{9}Be(p,\alpha )_{3}^{6}Li, 49Be(p,d)48Be_{4}^{9}Be(p,d)_{4}^{8}Be, %_{4}^{9}Be(\alpha ,n)_{6}^{12}C, 510B(p,α)47Be_{5}^{10}B(p,\alpha )_{4}^{7}Be and %_{5}^{11}B(p,\alpha )_{4}^{8}Be reactions are also estimated. The affect of plasma-wall interaction on the process is also considered. A partial survey of impurity assisted nuclear reactions which may have practical importance in energy production is also presented

    Resonance-like nuclear processes in solids: 3rd and 4th order processes

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    It is recognized that in the family of heavy charged particle and electron assisted double nuclear processes resonance-like behavior can appear. The transition rates of the heavy particle assisted 3rd-order and electron assisted 4th-order resonance like double nuclear processes are determined. The power of low energy nuclear reactions in Ni−HNi-H systems formed in NiNi placed in H2H_{2} gas environment is treated. Nuclear power produced by quasi-resonant electron assisted double nuclear processes in these Ni−HNi-H systems is calculated. The power obtained tallies with experiments and its magnitude is considerable for practical applications

    Charged particle assisted nuclear reactions in solid state environment: renaissance of low energy nuclear physics

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    The features of electron assisted neutron exchange processes in crystalline solids are survayed. It is stated that, contrary to expectations, the cross section of these processes may reach an observable magnitude even in the very low energy case because of the extremely huge increment caused by the Coulomb factor of the electron assisted processes and by the effect of the crystal-lattice. The features of electron assisted heavy charged particle exchange processes, electron assisted nuclear capure processes and heavy charged particle assisted nuclear processes are also overviewed. Experimental observations, which may be related to our theoretical findings, are dealt with. The anomalous screening phenomenon is related to electron assisted neutron and proton exchange processes in crystalline solids. A possible explanation of observations by Fleischmann and Pons is presented. The possibility of the phenomenon of nuclear transmutation is qualitatively explained with the aid of usual and charged particle assisted reactions. The electron assisted neutron exchange processes in pure NiNi and Li−NiLi-Ni composite systems (in the Rossi-type E-Cat) are analyzed and it is concluded that these reactions may be responsible for recent experimental observations.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.549

    Electron assisted dddd reactions in metals

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    The electron assisted low energy dddd reactions in deuterized metals are investigated. It is shown that if a metal is irradiated with slow, free deuterons then the e+d+d→e′+p+te+d+d\rightarrow e^{\prime }+p+t and e+d+d→e′+n+e+d+d\rightarrow e^{\prime }+n+ 3He^{3}He\ electron assisted dddd processes will have measurable probabilities even in the case of slow deuterons. The cross sections and the yields in an irradiated sample are determined. The results are associated with the so called anomalous screening effect. It is concluded that the electron dddd processes have to be taken into account when evaluating the experimental data of low energy fusion reactions in metals

    Near threshold laser-modified proton emission in nuclear photoeffect

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    The change of the probability of proton emission in nuclear photoeffect due to an intense coherent (laser) field is discussed near the threshold, where the hindering effect of the Coulomb field of the remainder nucleus is essential. The ratio of laser-assisted and laser free differential cross section is deduced and found to be independent of the polarization state of the γ\gamma field and the two types of initial nuclear state considered. The numerical values of this ratio are given at some characteristic parameters of the intense field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electron assisted neutron exchange process in solid state environment

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    Electron assisted neutron exchange process in solid state environment is investigated. It is shown that if a metal is irradiated with free electrons then the e+e+ ZA1X+_{Z}^{A_{1}}X+ ZA2X→e′+_{Z}^{A_{2}}X\rightarrow e^{\prime }+ %_{Z}^{A_{1}-1}X+ ZA2+1X+Δ_{Z}^{A_{2}+1}X+\Delta electron assisted neutron exchange process has measurable probability even in the case of slow electrons of energy much less than the reaction energy Δ\Delta . The transition probability per unit time, the cross section of the process and the yield in an irradiated sample are determined in the Weisskopf and long wavelength approximations and in the single particle shell model. Numerical data for the e+e+ 28A1Ni+_{28}^{A_{1}}Ni+ 28A2Ni→e′+_{28}^{A_{2}}Ni\rightarrow e^{\prime }+ 28A1+1Ni+_{28}^{A_{1}+1}Ni+ 28A2−1Ni+Δ_{28}^{A_{2}-1}Ni+\Delta and the e+e+ %_{46}^{A_{1}}Pd+ 46A2Pd→e′+_{46}^{A_{2}}Pd\rightarrow e^{\prime }+ %_{46}^{A_{1}+1}Pd+ 46A2−1Pd+Δ_{46}^{A_{2}-1}Pd+\Delta electron assisted neutron exchange reactions are also presented

    Nuclear processes in solids: basic 2nd-order processes

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    Nuclear processes in solid environment are investigated. It is shown that if a slow, quasi-free heavy particle of positive charge interacts with a "free" electron of a metallic host, it can obtain such a great magnitude of momentum in its intermediate state that the probability of its nuclear reaction with an other positively charged, slow, heavy particle can significantly increase. It is also shown that if a quasi-free heavy particle of positive charge of intermediately low energy interacts with a heavy particle of positive charge of the solid host, it can obtain much greater momentum relative to the former case in the intermediate state and consequently, the probability of a nuclear reaction with a positively charged, heavy particle can even more increase. This mechanism opens the door to a great variety of nuclear processes which up till know are thought to have negligible rate at low energies. Low energy nuclear reactions allowed by the Coulomb assistance of heavy charged particles is partly overviewed. Nuclear pdpd and dddd reactions are investigated numerically. It was found that the leading channel in all the discussed charged particle assisted dddd reactions is the electron assisted d+d→d+d\rightarrow 4He^{4}He process

    Laser-assisted nuclear photoeffect reexamined

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    The S-matrix element and the cross section of the laser-assisted nuclear photoeffect are recalculated in a gauge invariant manner taking into account the effect of the Coulomb field of the remainder nucleus. The \gamma-photon energy dependence of the laser free cross section obtained in the plane wave and long-wavelength Coulomb-Volkov approximations are compared. Numerically the laser-assisted partial cross sections with laser photon energy 2 keV and some different polarization states of \gamma-photon of energy 3 MeV are investigated.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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