79 research outputs found

    Az észt névtervezés az észt nyelvpolitikai modell tükrében

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    The Estonian model of language planning and policy, which has been serving the development and protection of the Estonian language in its current form since 2004, is one of the most successful of such strategies in Europe. It owes it success to the broad social and scientific consensus reached in questions of language policy, regardless of changes in government. The Development Plan of the Estonian Language divides Estonian language planning and policy into three parts: status planning, corpus planning and prestige planning. Name management is a part of corpus planning, although certain aspects are also connected to legal and prestige planning. Name management strategies are present in all components of the Estonian model of language planning and policy, as linguistically appropriate name use is not only a socio-cultural, but economic question, as informative and easy to understand names contribute to measurable economic advantages. The paper mainly demonstrates the dilemmas and answers of Estonian name management through examples from personal name giving practices, but questions concerning the problems of name use in a multicultural environment and the difficulties of place name and firm name management are also discussed

    Az orvosi kommunikáció sajátosságai a gyermekonkológia területén, különös tekintettel a palliatív ellátásra

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    Absztrakt: A gyermekkori rosszindulatú daganatos megbetegedések esetében meghatározó jelentőségű a beteg gyermek, a családja és a kezelőorvos között kialakult kapcsolat. Ennek alakulásában döntő szerepe van az orvosi kommunikációnak. Különösen nagy hangsúlyt kap a kommunikáció színvonala abban a helyzetben, amikor nincs lehetőség a gyermek megmentésére, és a palliatív kezelés kerül az ellátás középpontjába. A gyermekkori palliatív ellátás esetében a megfelelő orvosi kommunikáció jelenleg is intenzív kutatás tárgya, melyet nagyban nehezít a téma érzékenysége, a palliatív ellátásban részesülő vagy elhunyt gyermekek szüleinek, illetve az ellátószemélyzetnek a bevonási nehézségei. A jelen munkában áttekintjük a gyermekonkológiai palliatív ellátással kapcsolatos szakirodalmat. A széles körű kutatások ellenére alacsony azon vizsgálatok száma, melyek az orvosi kommunikáció gyakorlati aspektusait igyekeznek felmérni. A szakirodalomban bőségesen rendelkezésre álló elméletek gyakorlati megvalósításának eredményességéről nem szólnak vizsgálatok. A területtel kapcsolatos általános következtetések levonását nehezítik a szociokulturális különbségek, köztük az orvosokkal szemben támasztott elvárások eltérése a különböző kulturális, vallási környezetekben. Nincs eltérés annak megítélésében, hogy a palliatív ellátás korai integrációja elengedhetetlen a diagnózisközléssel egy időben. A már rendelkezésre álló ismeretek tükrében fontos e kutatások végzése a különböző szociokulturális környezetek speciális keretei között. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(9): 323–329. | Abstract: Relation between the treating physician, the child with cancer and his/her parents is decisive in the field of pediatric oncology. Medical communication plays a crucial role in this relation. The quality of communication is particularly emphasized during the phase of palliative care in the case of children with incurable malignant disease. The proper medical communication during pediatric palliative care is subject of intensive research which is hindered by the sensitivity of the topic and the difficulties with inclusion of parents whose child has been lost or receiving palliative treatment and of health-care providers, respectively. In the present work, we review the publications focusing on palliative care in the field of pediatric oncology. Despite extensive research, only few investigations focus on the practical aspects of medical communication. Reports on the effectiveness of practical implementation of the existing theories are lacking. Drawing general conclusions is highly hindered by socio-cultural differences, including the diverse parental expectations towards doctors in different cultural and religious settings. However, there is a general agreement that early, simultaneous integration of palliative care at the time of diagnosis sharing is crucial. With the current knowledge, it is essential to conduct further research in this field considering the different socio-cultural backgrounds as well. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(9): 323–329

    Development of discrete element simulation method of vegetable oil press

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    During the process of plant oil extraction major part of the power input transforms into thermal energy caused by friction. The evolved heat has a very significant effect on the quality of the oil. Our aim is to approach the real pressure and thermal phenomenon with the support of discrete element method (DEM) simulations. In the present stage of our research we have created a model with more complex geometry which represents the next stage of the evolutionary model development. The article presents our newest results

    A Simulation Model for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Rapeseed using the Discrete Element Method

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    This paper describes the mechanical modeling of rapeseed using the 3D Discrete Element Method (DEM). We investigated rapeseeds as a set of granular material points using a linear elastic material model with Coulomb friction and cohesive bonds. The parameters of the model were determined through physical and mechanical investigations. The mechanical properties were validated against actual measurement results using a single-axis compression box and a direct shear box. The investigations yielded the following micro-mechanical parameters: normal particle stiness (Kn): 437 kN/m; particle shear stiness (Ks): 100 kN/m; particle-to-particle friction coefficient () 0.5; particle-to-wall friction coecient () 0.2; wall normal stiness (Kn): 1311 kN/m; wall shear stiness (Ks): 300 kN/m; local damping coecient (): 0.7. The results proved that the DEM method is suitable for simulating the macro-mechanical behavior of rapeseed for the pressing process

    Car Simulator Study for the Development of a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) Dashboard Concept

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    In-Vehicle Information Systems (IVIS) have evolved with the integration of advanced technologies like touchscreens, enhancing vehicle functionality and infotainment features. However, the development of sustainable and user-centric dashboard interfaces embracing the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) concept remains limited. This research aims to explore the usability, advantages, and disadvantages of the BYOD concept within the context of IVIS. Specifically, it investigated the control of the onboard air conditioning system and selected Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) functions. To accomplish this, a complex simulation environment using Unity, Blender, and C# was developed. Eye-tracking technology was utilized to record participants' gaze patterns and attention allocation during experimental tasks. Following the simulation, participants provided subjective usability assessments of the system through questionnaires. The integration of a mobile phone with a suitable user interface as part of the BYOD concept generally led to enhanced usability and reduced distraction. This study underscores the potential benefits of integrating the BYOD concept into IVIS, emphasizing improved usability, sustainability, and user-friendliness. These findings hold significance for advancing the design of user-centric, sustainable interfaces in automotive technology

    Effect of a multivitamin preparation supplemented with phytosterol on serum lipids and infarct size in rats fed with normal and high cholesterol diet

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    BACKGROUND: Although complex multivitamin products are widely used as dietary supplements to maintain health or as special medical food in certain diseases, the effects of these products were not investigated in hyperlipidemia which is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, here we investigated if a preparation developed for human use containing different vitamins, minerals and trace elements enriched with phytosterol (VMTP) affects the severity of experimental hyperlipidemia as well as myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were fed a normal or cholesterol-enriched (2% cholesterol + 0.25% cholate) diet for 12 weeks to induce hyperlipidemia. From week 8, rats in both groups were fed with a VMTP preparation or placebo for 4 weeks. Serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels were measured at week 0, 8 and 12. At week 12, hearts were isolated, perfused according to Langendorff and subjected to a 30-min coronary occlusion followed by 120 min reperfusion to measure infarct size. RESULTS: At week 8, cholesterol-fed rats showed significantly higher serum cholesterol level as compared to normal animals, however, serum triglyceride level did not change. VMTP treatment significantly decreased serum cholesterol level in the hyperlipidemic group by week 12 without affecting triglyceride levels. However, VMTP did not show beneficial effect on infarct size. The inflammatory marker hs-CRP and the antioxidant uric acid were also not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first demonstration that treatment of hyperlipidemic subjects with a VMTP preparation reduces serum cholesterol, the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease; however, it does not provide cardioprotection

    MOBILMIN 2005. A személyközlekedési-mobilitási közszolgáltatások EU-konform ügyfélkapcsolatai minőségmenedzsmentjének alapelvei, alapelemei és módszertani alapjai = Elements and methodical fundamentals of EU conform customer service quality management in public transport mobility services

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    A 3 éves kutatás keretében 3 kutatóhely 10 kutatója kutatott együtt a kutatási programban, amelyben a következő főbb feladatok - amelyek egyben a kutatás tervezett céljai és eredményei is - végrehajtására került sor: a személyszállítási-mobilitási szolgáltatási minőségre vonatkozó szabványok, előírások, hazai és nemzetközi publikációk feltárása, katalogizálása, kritikai értékelése, a szolgáltatások minőségsajátosságainak meghatározása az egyes szakági területek, személyszállítási módok vonatkozásában, a szolgáltatások minőségfogalmainak azonosítása, általános definíciója, átfogó minőségértékelési mutatószámrendszer kialakítása, a mutatószám rendszeren alapuló minőség- és elégedettségmérési és értékelési általános módszertan kialakítása, és az ügyfélkapcsolatmenedzsment-rendszermodell meghatározása. Az alapkutatás eredményei 7 könyvben (könyvfejezetként) jelentek meg, 4 cikkben kerültek publikálásra tudományos folyóiratban (továbbiak vannak publikációs előkészítési fázisban), és 12 tudományos konferencián, illetve előadáson kerültek bemutatásra (ezt a továbbiakban is tervezzük), valamint 17 oktatási segédletben, továbbá 12 OTKA tanulmányban kerültek összefoglalásra, így megállapítható, hogy a kutatás kívánt és tervezett célja és eredménye megvalósult. | Within the scope of the 3 years' research work of this research programme 10 experts of of 3 research places have been working together and the following essential task had been fulfilled: survey, listing and critical evaulation of standards, statutes and regulations as well as of international publications about the quality of public transport and mobility services, definition of the service quality and characteristcs in connection with the competence of the professional fields of activities as well as of the transport modes, identification of the service quality concepts and their definition in general, elaborating of a coprehensive evaulation system, developing of an universal evaulating method for measuring and estimation of the quality and customer satisfaction on the basis of indices in the field of public transport and working out of the service quality and customer satisfaction evaulation methods and indices for the different public transport modes, and elaborating of the system modell for customer relationship management. The results of the basic research are the following: 4 articles have been published in scientific journal and 7 in book, at 12 scientific conferences,they have been summarized in 17 teaching papers as well as in 12 OTKA studies. According to the above mentioned it can be stated that the aim and the expected results of the project have been carried in to effect