372 research outputs found
Extrahepatikus és hepatikus szövődmények pathogenezise idült májbetegségekben = Pathogenesis of extrahep and hepatic complications in chronic liver diseases
Primer biliaris cirrhosisban (PBC) magas szĂ©rum osteoprotegerin (OPG) Ă©s alacsony RANKL szintet mutattunk ki. A betegekben az OPG szintje szignifikánsan magasabb volt az egĂ©szsĂ©ges kontrollokhoz, valamint az osteopeniás nĹ‘khöz kĂ©pest. Adataink szerint az OPG nem csak az oszteoblasztokbĂłl származhat. Ezt a lehetĹ‘sĂ©get támasztja alá, hogy krĂłnikus C hepatitisben is magas OPG szintet mutattunk ki. Az ATP7B gĂ©n mutáciĂłit vizsgáltuk Wilson kĂłrban. Ă–sszesen 11 kĂĽlönbözĹ‘, köztĂĽk 3 Ăşj mutáciĂłt mutattunk ki. Adataink szerint más közĂ©p-eurĂłpai országhoz hasonlĂłan Magyaroszágon is leggyakoribb a H1069Q mutáciĂł. Kimutattuk, hogy a plazma nociceptin (NC) szint Wilson kĂłrban Ă©s PBC-ben magas. Hepatocelluláris carcinomás betegekben Ă©s patkányban, kĂsĂ©rletes májrák esetĂ©n a liquorban, plazmában Ă©s daganatszövetben is nagyobb NC koncentráciĂłt mĂ©rtĂĽnk. Adataink szerint az extrĂ©m magas plazma NC szint a hepatocelluláris carcinoma egyik indikátora. Primer biliaris cirrhosisos betegekben bizonyĂtottuk, hogy a 24 Ăłrás szĂvfrekvencia variabilitás analĂzise Ă©rzĂ©kenyebb mĂłdszer az autonom neuropathia kimutatására. Kimutattuk, hogy az autonom diszfunkciĂł a betegsĂ©g sĂşlyosságával Ă©s fennállásának idejĂ©vel összefĂĽgg. A szĂ©rum leptin szintet primer biliaris cirrhosisban alacsonynak, a solubilis leptin receptor szintet pedig magasabbnak találtuk. EredmĂ©nyeink hozzájárulhatnak a vizsgált betegsĂ©gek Ă©s szövĹ‘dmĂ©nyeik jobb megismerĂ©sĂ©hez, a korai diagnĂłzishoz Ă©s a megfelelĹ‘ kezelĂ©shez. | We found higher serum osteoprotegerin (OPG) levels in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) patients than in healthy controls and in osteopenic women. High OPG levels found in chronic C hepatitis might suggest that inflammatory process in the liver could also contribute to the elevation of osteoprotegerin. We investigated the ATP7B gene mutations in Wilson patients. 11 different mutations including 3 new ones were found. Similarly to other Central-Eastern European countries, the H1069Q mutation was the most frequent one. We reported, that the plasma nociceptin (NC) levels are elevated in Wilson disease and PBC. High NC levels were found in hepatocellular carcinoma patients and in cerebrospinal fluid, plasma and tumor tissue in experimentally induced liver cancer in rats. High NC plasma level seems to be an indicator for hepatocellular carcinoma. We proved that autonomic and sensory dysfunctions are frequent in PBC. 24-hour heart rate variability analysis is more sensitive, than standard cardiovascular tests for detection of both parasympathetic and sympathetic impairments. Autonomic dysfunction is related to the duration and severity of PBC. Lower serum leptin levels and higher soluble leptin receptor levels were was found in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis compared to the healthy controls. Our results may contribute to the better understanding of the pathomechanism of liver diseases and their complications, and also to the earlier diagnosis and appropriate treatment
A syndecan és decorin proteoglikánok kóroki szerepének modellezése májbetegségekben = Experimental models to study the significance of syndecan-1 and decorin in the development of liver diseases
Az elmĂşlt 4 Ă©vben olyan modellrendszereket dolgoztunk ki, melyekben a proteoglikánok kifejezĹ‘dĂ©sĂ©t megváltoztattuk. Kialakitottunk egy decorin -/- TGF bĂ©ta-1 +/- kettĹ‘s transzgĂ©n egĂ©rtörzset, melyen a cirrhosis Ă©s a hepatokarcinogenezis esemĂ©nyeit tanulmányoztuk. EredmĂ©nyeiket a vad tĂpusĂş Ă©s egyszeres transzgĂ©n állatokĂ©vel hasonlĂtottuk össze. MegállapĂtottuk, hogy a decorin hiányában a thioacetamid indukált májcirrhosis sĂşlyosabb Ă©s nehezebben gyĂłgyul, Ă©s az állatokban több daganat alakul ki. A DEN indukált májrákok kialakulását szintĂ©n elĹ‘segĂti a decorin hiánya, de kisebb mĂ©rtĂ©kben. A syndecan-1 fehĂ©rje szerepĂ©t in vitro rendszerben hepatĂłma Ă©s fibroszarkĂłma sejteken Ă©s in vivo szájĂĽregi laphámrákokon tanulmányoztuk. MegállapĂtottuk, hogy a hepatomákban a csonkolt syndecan a tumorvonal differenciáciĂłját idĂ©zi elĹ‘, melynek hátterĂ©ben az Ets-1 protoonkogĂ©n gátlása áll. Ugyanakkor a fibroszarkĂłma sejtek agresszivitását a syndecan-1 növeli, egĂ©rbe oltva gyorsabban nĹ‘ Ă©s tĂĽdőáttĂ©teket ad. Itt Ets-1 Ă©rintettsĂ©get nem találtunk.. Adataink szerint tehát a syndecan-1 hatása attĂłl fĂĽgg, milyen jelátviteli utakkal lĂ©p kapcsolatba a fehĂ©rje. A molekuláris mechanismus további tanulmányozására folyamatban van egy a syndecan-1-t a májban kifejezĹ‘ transzgĂ©n egĂ©r kialakĂtása. KerestĂĽk, milyen más proteoglikánok játszhatnak szerepet májbetegsĂ©gekben. FelfedeztĂĽk, hogy a bazális membrán heparánszulfát agrin alkalmas a májrákok Ă©s az epeĂştrákok kimutatására Ă©s ekĂĽlönĂtĂ©sĂ©re. | In the last four years we attempted to establish experimental models help to explain our observations foind on human material. We created decorin -/- TGF beta-1 +/- double transgenic mice and used them to induce cirrhosis and cancer. They were compared with wild type and single transgenic animals. We found that decorin KO animals are much more prone to develop cirrhosis and heal slower after the withdrawal of the toxic agent thioacetamide. Furthermore we found much more cancer in their liver. The lack of decorin promotes the development of DEN induced cancer, as well, but in a less extent. The role of syndecan-1 was studied in an in vitro system, where the wild type and truncated versions of syndecan-1 was cloned into expression vector and transfected into hepatoma and fibrosarcoma cell lines. The truncated form of syndecan-1 induced differentiation of hepatoma cell lines, and the central factor in this phenomenon was the downregulation of Ets-1 protooncogen. We proved that the Ets-1 regulates the amount of syndecan and syndecan-1 exerts negative feedback to the transcription factor. This is not true for the HT1080 fibrosarcoma, where syndecan-1 increased the aggressivity of the tumor. To study the role of this proteoglycan a syndecan-1 transgenic mice is in progress. We were proceeding with the characterization of proteoglycan pattern of liver diseases. A new marker the heparan sulfate proteoglycan agrin was was descibed as a useful tool to detect liver cancer
Intracelluláris vĂ©dekezĹ‘ mechanizmusok akut pancreatitisben: kĂsĂ©rletes Ă©s klinikai vizsgálatok = Intracellular protective mechanisms in acute pancreatitis: experimental and clinical investigations
● Arginin (Arg)-indukálta kĂsĂ©rletes pancreatitis során az Arg specifikus Ă©s dĂłzis-fĂĽggĹ‘ NF-kB aktiváciĂłt okoz. ● Pyrrolidin dithiocarbamáttal Ă©s steroidokkal vĂ©gzett elĹ‘kezelĂ©s blokkolja az NF-kB aktiváciĂłt, Ă©s csökkenti a pancreatitis intenzitását. A steroid receptor antagonista RU-38486 fokozta a pancreatitis indukálta gyulladásos jeleket. ● Szintetikus NF-kB gátlĂł peptidet (PN50) ill. azt a sejtbe transzportálĂł penetratin analĂłgot állĂtottunk elĹ‘, melyek alkalmazásával az elĹ‘- Ă©s utĂłkezelĂ©s egyaránt jelentĹ‘sen csökkentette a cholecystokinin (CCK)-indukálta kĂsĂ©rletes pancreatitis sĂşlyosságát. ● A szintetikus proteoszĂłma inhibitor MG132 tripeptid jelentĹ‘sen gátolta az IkB degradáciĂłt Ă©s a következmĂ©nyes NF-kB aktiváciĂłt. Ez a magyarázata annak, hogy az MG132-vel vĂ©gzett elĹ‘- Ă©s utĂłkezelĂ©s egyaránt jelentĹ‘sen csökkentette a CCK-indukálta kĂsĂ©rletes pancreatitis sĂşlyosságát. ● Ischemia-reperfĂşziĂłval kiváltott nekrotizálĂł pancreatitis kialakulásában igazoltuk a gyulladásos cytokinek, Ă©s a nitrogĂ©n monoxid szerepĂ©t, Ă©s azt, hogy az apoptosis fokozásával mĂ©rsĂ©kelhetĹ‘ a necrosis mĂ©rtĂ©ke. ● Genetikai eredmĂ©nyeink arra utalnak, hogy a humán acut pancreatitis sĂşlyosságát a CD14 LPS receptor polymorfizmusa nem befolyásolja. A HSP70-2G Ă©s a TNF-?-308 allĂ©lek elĹ‘fordulása azonban jelentĹ‘sen gyakoribb volt a sĂşlyos nekrotizálĂł formákban. | ● Arginine (Arg) induces a dose-dependent activation of NF-kB in Arg-induced pancreatitis. ● Both pyrrolidin dithiocarbamate (PDTC) and steroid pretreatment blocked the activation of NF-kB with simultaneous decrease in the intensity of the inflammation. The steroid receptor antagonist RU-38486 had an opposite effect. ● Both the synthetic inhibitory peptide (PN50) of NF-kB and the cell transporter penetratin significantly decreased the severity of CCK-induced experimental pancreatitis. As sign of cyto-protection, PN50 increased the proportion of apoptosis versus necrosis of acinar cells. ● The synthetic proteasome inhibitor MG132 tripeptide (Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-aldehyd) significantly inhibited the degradation of IkB and the activation of NF-kB. ● Melatonin and resveratrol diminished severity and mortality of pancreatitis. ● In human studies we have demonstrated that high frequencies of the HSP70-2 G and the TNF-?-308 alleles were associated with risk of severe acute pancreatitis. Genotype assessments with determination of the polymorphisms of these genes may be important prognostic tools to predict disease severity and the course of acute pancreatitis. ● Pancreatic ductal epithelium derived from guinea pig was infected with genetically modified (non-virulent) pseudorabies virus. These results may open the possibility for gene transfer and gene therapy of the pancreas
Exploratory data analysis on the Upper-Tisza section using single and multi-variate data analysis methods
The River Tisza is one of Central Europe's most important rivers. In the last one and a half century numerous anthropogenic activities have influenced its watershed. As a result measures need to be taken to protect its water quality, necessitating a comprehensive picture of the spatial and temporal variability of its processes, which this study aims to extend further. In this study five sampling locations were analyzed in the upper section of the Tisza over the time interval 1974–2005, dealing with 24 parameters using multi-variate data analysis methods. Employing time series analysis and taking the river's tributaries into account, the strong influence of the River Szamos was pointed out, while stochastic connections indicated the influence of the Tiszalök Water Barrage System on the spatial variation of the Tisza's processes. Finally, by using principal component analysis (PCA), the different background factors were revealed in space and time (seasonal separation) as well. During summer the processes tended to be nitrogen-related, while during winter inorganic compounds play a greater role. Most importantly, spatial variety was observable in the factors
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