169 research outputs found

    Biota and geomorphic processes as key environmental factors controlling soil formation at Elephant Point, Maritime Antarctica

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    We examined the main soil forming factors affecting the soil composition, soil properties and the associated soilforming processes at Elephant Point, a small ice-free environment in the South Shetland Islands, Maritime Antarctica. For this purpose, we collected twenty soil samples from each of ten different sites distributed along a linear transect running from the coast to the front of the Rotch Dome glacier. The samples were obtained from surface layers (0–10 cm) and at depth (40–50 cm), although collection was limited in the moraine area by the permafrost table. We determined pH, electrical conductivity, size particle distribution, total organic carbon, total nitrogen and total concentrations of Al, Fe, Ca and P, for physical and chemical characterization of the samples. We also analysed the samples to determine the bioavailability of nutrients and Fe, Al and P partitioning and finally examined them by isotopic (δ15N) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. The results of the analyses revealed two clear geochemical environments corresponding to the two most extensive geomorphological units in this peninsula: moraine and marine terraces. Soils from the moraine were characterized by alkaline reaction and high quantity of minerals with a low degree of crystallinity, whereas soils from the marine terraces showed acid reaction, high concentration of organometallic complexes and a high diversity of phosphate minerals (taranakite, minyulite, struvite, hydroxylapatite and leucophosphite), which seem to be generated by phosphatization of faecal matter deposited by seabirds and seals. Consequently, biota activity is the most relevant soil differentiating factor in the marine terraces, which add organic matter and activate geochemical cycles. On the other hand, geomorphic processes strongly affected by physical weathering processes such as glacial abrasion (by grinding process), frost shattering, and wind abrasion are the main soil-forming factors in moraine. These forces break up the parent material, transform it and translocate the products formed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metodologias para a análise de lineamentos geo-estruturais a partir de imagens LANDSAT e SPOT: o exemplo da região entre Vigo e Viana do Castelo (NW da Península Ibérica)

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    O presente estudo tem como objectivo a apresentação de metodologias para a detecção remota de lineamentos geo-estruturaisa partir de imagens dos satélites LANDSAT e SPOT. Será dada ênfase aos lineamentos com potencial interessegeomorfológico no NW de Portugal Continental e no SW da Galiza (Espanha), através da utilização combinada de dadosespectrais de detecção remota espacial, dos sensores ETM+ e HRVIR (satélites Landsat 7 e SPOT 4, respectivamente), bemcomo de dados altimétricos. A interpretação visual dos dados espectrais foi aperfeiçoada através da aplicação de técnicas deprocessamento digital, que consistiram na melhoria do contraste tonal por expansão linear do histograma e na aplicação deum filtro espacial de realce de contornos não direccional. Foram utilizadas várias composições coloridas RGB para aidentificação de lineamentos estruturais e compararam-se as potencialidades e fragilidades exibidas pela interpretaçãomorfoestrutural que as imagens de satélite permitiram evidenciar para a área de estudo. A identificação deste tipo deestruturas culminou na elaboração de uma cartografia de lineamentos geo-estruturais, que integrou os elementos linearesvectorizados sobre as imagens de satélite e sobre o modelo digitalde terreno (MDT)

    Late Pleistocene climate of the northern Iberian Peninsula: New insights from palaeoglaciers at Fuentes Carrionas (Cantabrian Mountains)

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    Producción CientíficaNew Be dates for glacial landforms in the Fuentes Carrionas area (Cantabrian Mountains, nothern Spain) are presented. Mapped and dated landforms in Fuentes Carrionas made possible a palaeoglacier reconstruction for four glacial stages. Results were compared to other nearby palaeoenvironmental proxies, so a final approximation on the mean annual temperature and annual precipitation that caused the four glacial advance stages is proposed. Glaciers reached their maximum extension at 36 ka, in a cold and dry environment. A second advance stage took place between 18.5 and 19.5 ka, during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), when glaciers advanced in a wet environment, with positive rainfall anomalies. A third glacial advance was dated during the Oldest Dryas, in which climate shifted to extremely cold and dry conditions. Finally, a last stage has been identified and proposed to the Younger Dryas, in which precipitation anomalies are negligible. Our results confirm some of the previously made palaeoglacial and palaeoenvironmental inferences for the Iberian Peninsula, as well as provide Q4 valuable and accurate anomalies, which are useful for climate modelling.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project CGL2015-68144-R

    Paleotsunami evidence in the Bahía Inglesa coast (Atacama, Chile) based on a multi-approach analysis

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    The Atacama coast is located in an area with a current high risk of tsunami, and the sedimentary deposits found in the Bahía Inglesa area, in the Morro sector, clearly indicate that this was also the case in the past. This investigation analyzes a paleotsunami sedimentary deposit consisting of a block field associated with three sand lobes oriented towards land on top of a marine terrace at an altitude of 70–75 m, which originated from a tsunamigenic event occurred between interglacial periods MIS 7 (ca. 210 ± 10 ky) and MIS5e (ca. 125 ± 5 ky). The deposits have been studied using a multiple approach combining geomorphological, sedimentological, biological, and geochemical criteria. The first type of criteria clearly indicate that the energy required to move the blocks and form the sand lobes could only have been generated by a tsunami. Sedimentological criteria constitute direct evidences of a marine origin due to the presence of siliceous remains from diatom species and spicules from strictly marine sponges, while geochemical criteria, such as the stable isotope signature and chemical composition, constitute evidence of a marine intrusion. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Low-cost inorganic cation exchange membrane for electrodialysis: optimum processing temperature for the cation exchanger

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    The optimum temperature for fixing zirconium phosphate, obtained by precipitation, on a low-cost ceramic support was determined in order to obtain an inorganic cation exchange membrane for electrodialysis. Zirconium phosphate ion exchange capacity maximised between 450 and 550°C, thus it was considered the optimum processing temperature. The origin of this maximum was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and termogravimetry and evolved gas analysis. Zirconium phosphate formation by precipitation in the porous network of the support was verified by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis and mercury intrusion porosimetry. The membrane obtained after thermal treatment at 450°C displayed selectivity to the cations present in the spent rinse water of the chromium plating process. This property allows the recovery of chromium by removing the cations through the cation exchange ceramic membrane.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the support given to the research study (National Basic Research Programme, Ref. CTQ2008-06750-C02-02), as well as for the FPU student grant awarded to one of the authors (Ref.: AP2009-4409).Mestre, S.; Sales, S.; Palacios, M.; Lorente, M.; Mallol, G.; Pérez-Herranz, V. (2013). Low-cost inorganic cation exchange membrane for electrodialysis: optimum processing temperature for the cation exchanger. Desalination and Water Treatment. 51(16-18):3317-3324. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2012.749177S331733245116-18Strathmann, H. (2010). Electromembrane Processes: Basic Aspects and Applications. Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering, 391-429. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-093250-7.00048-7Drioli, E., & Fontananova, E. (s. f.). Integrated Membrane Processes. Membrane Operations, 265-283. doi:10.1002/9783527626779.ch12Strathmann, H. (s. f.). Fundamentals in Electromembrane Separation Processes. Membrane Operations, 83-119. doi:10.1002/9783527626779.ch5Alberti, G., Casciola, M., Costantino, U., & Levi, G. (1978). Inorganic ion exchange membranes consisting of microcrystals of zirconium phosphate supported by Kynar®. Journal of Membrane Science, 3(2), 179-190. doi:10.1016/s0376-7388(00)83021-5Semiat, R., & Hasson, D. (s. f.). Seawater and Brackish-Water Desalination with Membrane Operations. Membrane Operations, 221-243. doi:10.1002/9783527626779.ch10Bregman, J. ., & Braman, R. . (1965). Inorganic ion exchange membranes. Journal of Colloid Science, 20(9), 913-922. doi:10.1016/0095-8522(65)90064-4Bishop, H. K., Bittles, J. A., & Guter, G. A. (1969). Investigation of inorganic ion exchange membranes for electrodialysis. Desalination, 6(3), 369-380. doi:10.1016/s0011-9164(00)80226-xRajan, K. S., Boies, D. B., Casolo, A. J., & Bregman, J. . (1966). Inorganic ion-exchange membranes and their application to electrodialysis. Desalination, 1(3), 231-246. doi:10.1016/s0011-9164(00)80255-6INAMUDDIN, KHAN, S., SIDDIQUI, W., & KHAN, A. (2007). Synthesis, characterization and ion-exchange properties of a new and novel ‘organic–inorganic’ hybrid cation-exchanger: Nylon-6,6, Zr(IV) phosphate. Talanta, 71(2), 841-847. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2006.05.042HELEN, M., VISWANATHAN, B., & MURTHY, S. (2007). Synthesis and characterization of composite membranes based on α-zirconium phosphate and silicotungstic acid. Journal of Membrane Science, 292(1-2), 98-105. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2007.01.018Yu.S. Dzyaz’ko, V.N. Belyakov, N.V. Stefanyak, S.L. Vasilyuk, Anion-exchange properties of composite ceramic membranes containing hydrated zirconium dioxide, Russ. J. Appl. Chem. 79 (2006) 769–773.Linkov, V. ., & Belyakov, V. . (2001). Novel ceramic membranes for electrodialysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 25(1-3), 57-63. doi:10.1016/s1383-5866(01)00090-9Linkov, V. M., Dzyaz’ko, Y. S., Belyakov, V. N., & Atamanyuk, V. Y. (2007). Inorganic composite membranes for electrodialytic desaltination. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 80(4), 576-581. doi:10.1134/s1070427207040118El-Sourougy, M. R., Zaki, E. E., & Aly, H. F. (1997). Transport characteristics of ceramic supported zirconium phosphate membrane. Journal of Membrane Science, 126(1), 107-113. doi:10.1016/s0376-7388(96)00273-6Sánchez, E., Mestre, S., Pérez-Herranz, V., & García-Gabaldón, M. (2005). Síntesis de membranas cerámicas para la regeneración de baños de cromado agotados. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 44(6), 409-414. doi:10.3989/cyv.2005.v44.i6.340Sánchez, E., Mestre, S., Pérez-Herranz, V., Reyes, H., & Añó, E. (2006). Membrane electrochemical reactor for continuous regeneration of spent chromium plating baths. Desalination, 200(1-3), 668-670. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2006.03.475Alberti, G., Casciola, M., Costantino, U., & Vivani, R. (1996). Layered and pillared metal(IV) phosphates and phosphonates. Advanced Materials, 8(4), 291-303. doi:10.1002/adma.19960080405Alberti, G., & Torracca, E. (1968). Crystalline insoluble salts of polybasic metals - II. Synthesis of crystalline zirconium or titanium phosphate by direct precipitation. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 30(1), 317-318. doi:10.1016/0022-1902(68)80096-xTrobajo, C., Khainakov, S. A., Espina, A., & García, J. R. (2000). On the Synthesis of α-Zirconium Phosphate. Chemistry of Materials, 12(6), 1787-1790. doi:10.1021/cm0010093Alberti, G. (1978). Syntheses, crystalline structure, and ion-exchange properties of insoluble acid salts of tetravalent metals and their salt forms. Accounts of Chemical Research, 11(4), 163-170. doi:10.1021/ar50124a007Rajeh, A. O., & szirtes, L. (1995). 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Thermoanalyncal Investigation of Some Layered Zirconium Salts and Their Various Derivatives I. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 51(2), 503-515. doi:10.1007/bf03340188Al-Othman, A., Tremblay, A. Y., Pell, W., Letaief, S., Burchell, T. J., Peppley, B. A., & Ternan, M. (2010). Zirconium phosphate as the proton conducting material in direct hydrocarbon polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells operating above the boiling point of water. Journal of Power Sources, 195(9), 2520-2525. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2009.11.052Thakkar, R., Patel, H., & Chudasama, U. (2007). A comparative study of proton transport properties of zirconium phosphate and its metal exchanged phases. Bulletin of Materials Science, 30(3), 205-209. doi:10.1007/s12034-007-0036-3Jiang, P., Pan, B., Pan, B., Zhang, W., & Zhang, Q. (2008). A comparative study on lead sorption by amorphous and crystalline zirconium phosphates. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 322(1-3), 108-112. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2008.02.035García-Gabaldón, M., Pérez-Herranz, V., García-Antón, J., & Guiñón, J. L. (2009). Use of ion-exchange membranes for the removal of tin from spent activating solutions. Desalination and Water Treatment, 3(1-3), 150-156. doi:10.5004/dwt.2009.453García-Gabaldón, M., Pérez-Herranz, V., García-Antón, J., & Guiñón, J. L. (2009). Effect of hydrochloric acid on the transport properties of tin through ion-exchange membranes. Desalination and Water Treatment, 10(1-3), 73-79. doi:10.5004/dwt.2009.69

    Studying Sun-Planet Connections Using the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO)

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    The Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO) is a software infrastructure involving a collection of web services, heliospheric data sources (e.g., solar, planetary, etc.), and event catalogues – all of which are accessible through a unified front end. In this paper we use the HELIO infrastructure to perform three case studies based on solar events that propagate through the heliosphere. These include a coronal mass ejection that intersects both Earth and Mars, a solar energetic particle event that crosses the orbit of Earth, and a high-speed solar wind stream, produced by a coronal hole, that is observed in situ at Earth (L1). A ballistic propagation model is run as one of the HELIO services and used to model these events, predicting if they will interact with a spacecraft or planet and determining the associated time of arrival. The HELIO infrastructure streamlines the method used to perform these kinds of case study by centralising the process of searching for and visualising data, indicating interesting features on the solar disk, and finally connecting remotely observed solar features with those detected by in situ solar wind and energetic particle instruments. HELIO represents an important leap forward in European heliophysics infrastructure by bridging the boundaries of traditional scientific domains

    Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation.

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    Cold-climate geomorphological processes today in the Mediterranean region are only distributed in the highest mountain environments. However, climate condition prevailing during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene have conditioned significant spatio-temporal variations of the glacial and periglacial domain in these mountains, including permafrost. In this communication we examine permafrost condition in the Mediterranean region taking into account five periods: Last Glaciation, deglaciation, Holocene, Little Ice Age (LIA) and present-day. The distribution of currently inactive permafrost-derived landforms and sedimentary records indicates that the permafrost elevation during the Last Glaciation was ca. 1000 m lower than present. Permafrost was also widespread in non-glaciated slopes above the snowline forming rock glaciers and block streams, as well as in relatively flat summit areas where meter-sized stone circles developed. As in most areas of the Northern Hemisphere, the deglaciation in the Mediterranean region started ca. 19-20 ka. The exposed terrain by retreating glaciers was affected by paraglacial dynamics and intense periglacial processes, mostly associated with permafrost condition. Many rock glaciers, protalus lobes and block streams formed in these recently deglaciated environments, becoming gradually inactive as temperatures rose during the Bølling-Allerød. Following the Younger Dryas glacial advance, the last massive deglaciation in Mediterranean mountains took place during the Early Holocene together with a progressive shift of the periglacial belt to higher elevations. It is unlikely that widespread permafrost have existed in Mediterranean mountains during the Holocene, except in the highest massifs exceeding 2500-3000 m. The colder climate prevailing during the LIA favoured a minor glacial advance and the spatial expansion of permafrost, with the development of new protalus lobes and rock glaciers in the highest massifs. Finally, the warming started during the second half of the 19th century has led to glacial retreat and/or complete melting, increased paraglacial activity, migration of periglacial processes to the highest lands and degradation of alpine permafrost along with geoecological changes

    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Murcia Region, a southern European Mediterranean area with low cardiovascular risk and high obesity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with subsequent appearance of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As compared to other Spanish regions, Murcia (southern Spain) registers increased obesity as well as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of MS and its components, awareness of obesity as a health risk and associated lifestyles.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in 2003, covering a sample of 1555 individuals 20 years and over. MS was defined according to the Revised National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (R-ATPIII), International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and Joint Interim Statement (JIS) criteria. Both low (94/80) and high (102/88) waist circumference (WC) thresholds were considered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Prevalence of MS was 27.2% (95%CI: 25.2-29.2), 32.2% (95%CI: 30.1-34.3) and 33.2% (95%CI: 31.2-35.3) according to the R-ATPIII, IDF and JIS94/80 respectively. It increased with age until reaching 52.6% (R-ATPIII) or 60.3% (JIS94/80) among persons aged 70 years and over, and was higher in persons with little or no formal education (51.7% R-ATPIII, 57.3% JIS94/80). The most common risk factors were hypertension (46.6%) and central obesity (40.7% and 66.1% according to high and low WC cut-off points respectively). Although most persons were aware that obesity increased health risks, regular exercise was very unusual (13.0% centrally obese, 27.2% non-centrally obese). Adherence to dietary recommendations was similar among centrally obese and non-centrally obese subjects.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Prevalence of MS is high in our population, is comparable to that found in northern Europe and varies with the definition used. Adherence to preventive recommendations and to adequate weight promotion is very low. In the absence of a specific treatment for MS, integrated intervention based on a sustained increase in physical activity and changes in diet should be reinforced.</p

    Differences in physical activity domains, guideline adherence, and weight history between metabolically healthy and metabolically abnormal obese adults: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the accepted health consequences of obesity, emerging research suggests that a significant segment of adults with obesity are metabolically healthy (MHO). To date, MHO individuals have been shown to have higher levels of physical activity (PA), but little is known about the importance of PA domains or the influence of weight history compared to their metabolically abnormal (MAO) counterpart. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between PA domains, PA guideline adherence, and weight history on MHO. METHODS: Pooled cycles of the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2006 (≥20 y; BMI ≥ 30 kg/m(2); N = 2,753) and harmonized criteria for metabolic syndrome (MetS) were used. Participants were categorized as “inactive” (no reported PA), “somewhat active” (>0 to < 500 metabolic equivalent (MET) min/week), and “active” (PA guideline adherence, ≥ 500 MET min/week) according to each domain of PA (total, recreational, transportation and household). Logistic and multinomial regressions were modelled for MHO and analyses were adjusted for age, sex, education, ethnicity, income, smoking and alcohol intake. RESULTS: Compared to MAO, MHO participants were younger, had lower BMI, and were more likely to be classified as active according to their total and recreational PA level. Based on total PA levels, individuals who were active had a 70 % greater likelihood of having the MHO phenotype (OR = 1.70, 95 % CI: 1.19–2.43); however, once stratified by age (20–44 y; 45–59 y; and; ≥60 y), the association remained significant only amongst those aged 45–59 y. Although moderate and vigorous PA were inconsistently related to MHO following adjustment for covariates, losing ≥30 kg in the last 10 y and not gaining ≥10 kg since age 25 y were significant predictors of MHO phenotype for all PA domains, even if adherence to the PA guidelines were not met. CONCLUSION: Although PA is associated with MHO, the beneficial effects of PA may be moderated by longer-term changes in weight. Longitudinal analysis of physical activity and weight change trajectories are necessary to isolate the contribution of duration of obesity, PA behaviours, and longer-term outcomes amongst MHO individuals

    New Palaeolithic sites from the Depresión de Monforte de Lemos (Lugo, Galicia, Spain)

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    Este artículo presenta el descubrimiento de nuevos yacimientos paleolíticos en la Depresión de Monforte de Lemos (Noroeste de la Península Ibérica). Esta zona fue rellenada con depósitos cuaternarios que han proporcionado más de 30 yacimientos al aire libre. Como consecuencia del descubrimiento casual de artefactos paleolíticos, se ha desarrollado un proyecto de intervención arqueológica sistemática, que ha demostrado el potencial de esta área. Muchos de los artefactos líticos han sido hallados en superficie, pero además contamos con dos yacimientos que tienen materiales en contexto estratigráfico (O Regueiral y Áspera). En la Depresión de Monforte hemos atestiguado poblamiento humano a lo largo del Pleistoceno medio y superior, con implementos líticos clasificados como Modo 2, Modo 3 y Modo 4. Los yacimientos más importantes son As Lamas, Chao de Fabeiro (ambos con industria lítica de Modo 2, que incluye bifaces y hendedores), O Regueiral (Modo 3) y Valverde (Modo 4). Por consiguiente, la Depresión de Monforte reúne las condiciones apropiadas para el desarrollo de un estudio diacrónico sobre la evolución del comportamiento técnico durante el Paleolítico, y su relación con la evolución del medioambiente a lo largo del PleistocenoThis paper reports the discovery of new Paleolithic sites in the Depresión de Monforte de Lemos (Monforte Basin, NW of the Iberian Peninsula). This zone was filled with Quaternary deposits that have yielded 30 open air sites. Due to the casual discovery of Paleolithic artifacts a systematic archaeological work was carried out, assessing the archaeological potential of this area. Most of these lithic artifacts were found on surface, but also we have located two sites with archaeological materials in stratigraphic context (O Regueiral and Áspera). In the basin of Monforte we have recognized a human settlement along the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, with lithic implements classified as Mode 2, Mode 3 and Mode 4. The most important sites are As Lamas, Chao de Fabeiro (both with Mode 2 lithic industry, that includes handaxes and cleavers), O Regueiral (Mode 3), and Valverde (Mode 4). Thus the Monforte Basin has the adequate conditions to accomplish a diachronic study on the evolution of the strategies of technical behavior during the Paleolithic, and its relation with the evolution of Pleistocene environmentEste trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación “Ocupaciones humanas durante el Pleistoceno de la Cuenca media del Miño” financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia y fondos FEDER de la UE (HUM2007-63662/HIST)S