141 research outputs found

    El uso del ordenador como instrumento para enseñar a manejar sistemas de adquisición de datos experimentales

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    En este trabajo vamos a presentar el estado de desarrollo de un proyecto de innovación educativa destinado a favorecer el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la formación científica y técnica de los estudiantes de Ingeniería. En concreto este proyecto se ha centrado en la elaboración y aplicación de un software educativo que permita a nuestros alumnos aprender a manejar un sistema de adquisición de datos (SAD) que después será utilizado como instrumento de medida de variables físicas en diversos procesos experimentales. Tras elaborar un primer prototipo del programa hemos comenzado a utilizar esta aplicación como instrumento de enseñanza virtual, en una fase previa al uso real del citado sistema de adquisición de datos por parte de los alumnos, en el desarrollo de experiencias de laboratorio. En este proceso hemos observado que el software elaborado contribuye a que los estudiantes comiencen a familiarizarse con la metodología experimental y el instrumental, antes de pasar a utilizarlo en la realización de experiencias reales

    Luxación aislada de codo en niños menores de 10 años: reporte de dos casos

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    La luxación de codo aislada es muy infrecuente en esqueletos inmaduros. El manejo y el tratamiento no están estandarizados debido a la baja casuística. Las luxaciones aisladas en niños <10 años constituyen un cuadro descrito como evidencia compartida en estudios de niños más grandes. El objetivo de este artículo es comunicar dos casos de luxación aislada de codo en niños <10 años. Los niños consultan a la unidad de urgencias por dolor y deformidad en el codo a las pocas horas del trauma. En ambos casos, se realizaron evaluaciones clínicas y radiográficas en busca de lesiones asociadas antes de la reducción cerrada y después. Se descartó inestabilidad articular bajo anestesia y se inmovilizó por dos semanas. Los resultados funcionales fueron excelentes en ambos casos, a los tres meses de la lesión

    The Symbiome of Llaveia Cochineals (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Monophlebidae) Includes a Gammaproteobacterial Cosymbiont Sodalis TME1 and the Known Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum

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    The genome and transcriptome of the endosymbiotic flavobacterium Candidatus Walczuchella monophlebidarum revealed its role in the synthesis of essential amino acids for its host, the wax cochineal Llaveia axin axin. There were, however, missing genes in the endosymbiont for some biosynthetic pathways. Here, we characterized TME1, another cochineal symbiont that may metabolically complement Walczuchella. TME1 was ascribed to the gammaproteobacterial genus Sodalis on a phylogenomic basis using gene sequences from 143 proteins core genome sequences and the core average nucleotide identity (ANI) confirmed its position. Additionally, we describe Sodalis as a coherent genus. TME1 genome is around 3.4 Mb and has complete gene sequences for the biosynthesis of 10 essential amino acids, for polyamines, flagella, nitrate respiration, and detoxification among many others. Transcripts from ovaries and bacteriomes allowed the identification of differentially transcribed genes from the endosymbionts and host. Highly transcribed genes were identified in TME1 and transcripts involved in amino acid biosynthesis were found. We review here that cosymbionts that derived from different bacterial classes and genera seem to be advantageous for insects that have Flavobacteria as the primary endosymbionts

    Fatores associados ao abandono do aleitamento materno durante os primeiros seis meses de vida

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    This research aimed to identify the determinants of full breastfeeding (FBF) and any breastfeeding (ABF) cessation before 6 months, through a six-month follow-up of 248 mothers going a postpartum visit. Data were collected by personal interview during the first month and telephone interviews at four and six months postpartum. Coxs proportional hazards model was used. Not having previous ABF experience, previous ABF duration &#8804;4 months and worse evaluation of previous experience were associated with cessation of ABF and FBF. Lower educational level was associated with cessation of ABF and the use of pacifiers or occasional breast-milk substitutes with cessation of FBF. Attending childbirth education was a protective factor against early FBF or ABF cessation. Activities supporting breastfeeding should be intensified for mothers with poorer access to information and with negative or without ABF previous experience. The use of pacifiers and not-medically indicated breast milk substitutes should be controlled.El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar los factores asociados al abandono de la lactancia materna (LM) y de la lactancia materna completa (LMC). Fueron acompañadas 248 madres que acudieron a la visita posparto. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante entrevista personal durante el primer mes posparto y por teléfono a los cuatro y seis meses siguientes. El análisis se realizó mediante la Regresión de Cox. Los resultados muestran una asociación con el abandono de la LMC y de la LM con no haber amamantado anteriormente, con LM anterior &#8804;4 meses, y, con una peor valoración de la experiencia anterior. El menor nivel de estudios se relaciona con un mayor abandono de la LM y los chupetes o suplementos en el hospital con el abandono de la LMC. La educación prenatal es un factor protector para la LMC y la LM. Se concluye que el apoyo a la LM debería intensificarse las madres: sin experiencia anterior, con experiencia negativa, y, con peor acceso a la información; también debería controlarse el uso de chupetes y suplementos de leche artificial (LA) no indicados.O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar os fatores associados ao abandono do aleitamento materno (AM) e do aleitamento materno completo (AMC). Foram acompanhadas 248 mães que fizeram visita pós-parto. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevista pessoal durante o primeiro mês pós-parto e, pelo telefone, aos quatro e seis meses seguintes. A análise se realizou mediante a Regressão de Cox. Os resultados mostram associação entre o abandono da AMC e do AM com o fato de não se ter amamentado anteriormente, com AM anterior &#8804;4 meses, e, com pior avaliação da experiência anterior. O menor nível de estudos se relaciona com maior abandono do AM e das chupetas, ou suplementos no hospital com o abandono da AMC. A educação pré-natal é fator protetor para o AMC e o AM. Conclui-se que o apoio ao AM deveria intensificar-se nas mães: sem experiência anterior, com experiência negativa, e, com pior acesso à informação; também deveria ser controlado o uso da chupeta e dos suplementos de leite artificial (LA) não indicados

    Experiencia con la prótesis de pericardio bovino Carpentier-Edwards® en posición pulmonar en pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas

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    Introducción. El número de pacientes con cardiopatías complejas corregidas en la infancia que necesitan una sustitución valvular pulmonar para restaurar la competencia o solucionar la estenosis del tracto de salida de ventrículo derecho ha aumentado en los últimos años. El injerto ideal continúa siendo motivo de controversia. En el servicio de cirugía cardiovascular del Hospital Ramón y Cajal de España, se comenzó a utilizar prótesis de pericardio bovina de Carpentier-Edwards® siendo el objetivo de este estudio su evaluación a corto y medio plazo. Materiales y Métodos. Entre enero de 2004 y mayo de 2010 fueron intervenidos 42 pacientes para sustitución valvular pulmonar mediante prótesis de pericardio bovino. El estudio fue ambispectivo con prospección durante los dos últimos años. Resultados. La mediana de la edad fue de 20,96 años (amplitud intercuartil 10,5 años). El número medio de cirugías previas fue de 1,9±0,9 siendo el tiempo medio entre la última cirugía y la implantación de la prótesis de 17,2±7 años. Las indicaciones quirúrgicas fueron: disfunción del ventrículo derecho (45%), su dilatación progresiva (38%), arritmias ventriculares (14%) y síncopes (3%). La mortalidad precoz de causa cardiológica fue de dos pacientes. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 2,1±1,4 años (rango entre 0,1 y 6,3 años) estando el 94,3% de ellos en clase funcional I de la New York Heart Association. El gradiente Doppler pico transprotésico por ecocardiografía fue de 18,5±17 mm Hg. No se observaron cambios degenerativos ni ningún tipo de deterioro estructural de la prótesis. Conclusiones. La prótesis de pericardio bovino en posición pulmonar presenta excelentes resultados a corto y medio plazo. Sin embargo, es necesario un seguimiento mayor para confirmar lo resultados iniciales respecto a su durabilidad y hemodinamia a largo plazo. Palabras Clave: Cardiopatías congénitas. Prótesis valvulares cardíacas. Tetralogía de Fallot. Válvula pulmonar. &nbsp;&nbsp; Experience with Carpentier Edwards® bovine pericardium prosthesis in pulmonary position in patients with congenital heart diseases.Introduction. In recent years the number of patients with complex congenital heart disease previously corrected in infancy who need a pulmonary valve replacement has increased dramatically. The ideal substitute remains a source of dispute. Nowadays, in the unit of cardiovascular surgery of the Hospital Ramon y Cajal in Spain, its being implanting in this position the bovine pericardium Carpentier-Edwards® prosthesis. The aim of the study its short and medium-term assessment. Material and methods. Between January 2004 and May of 2010, 42 patients have been operated for pulmonary valve replacement with pericardium prosthesis. The study was ambispective, being prospective in its last two years. Results. The median age of the patients was 20.96 years (interquartile 10.5 years). The mean number of surgeries prior to the pulmonary valve replacement was 1.9±0.9, being the mean time between the “corrective” surgery and the prosthetic implantation 17.2±7 years. The main indications for this surgery were: right ventricle dysfunction (45%), progressive dilation of the same ventricle (38%), ventricular arrhythmias (14%) and syncopes (3%). Two patients died in the immediate postoperative due to cardiological causes. The mean follow-up time has been 2.1±1.4 years (0.1-6.3). The 94.3 % of the surviving patients are in functional class I, according to the New York Health Association. The peak Doppler transprosthetic gradient determined by echocardiography was 18.5±17 mm Hg. In the echocardiograpic follow-up there have been neither degenerative changes nor any type of structural deterioration of the prosthesis. Conclusions. The bovine pericardium prosthesis in pulmonary position presents excellent results in the short and medium-term. However, it is necessary a longer follow-up to confirm our initial results regarding its durability and long-term haemodynamics. Keywords: Congenital abnormalities. Heart valve prosthesis. Tetralogy of Fallot. Pulmonary valve. Valve prosthesis implantation

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Materiales para una «Herpetofauna Balearica 5. Las salamanquesas y tortugas del archipiélago de CabreraEcología de una población insular mediterránea del Eslizón ibérico, Chalcides bedriagai (Sauria Scincidae).Ecología alimenticia del águila imperial ibérica (Aquila adalberti) en el Coto Doñana durante la crianza de los pollosDatos sobre la dieta invernal del colirrojo tizón (Phoenicurus ochruros) en encinares de Andalucía occidentalSobre infecciones estafilocócicas en el Aguila imperial ibérica (Aquila adalberti Brehm)Breves notas sobre el Sapo partero ibérico (Alytes cisternasii Boscá)Sobre la presencia de Hyla arborea en la provincia de BadajozAlgunas presas de Elaphe scalaris.Observaciones de Tarentola maurítanica en nido de Hirundo dauricaObservación de una culebra viperina Natrix maura en agua marinaPrimera cita de la CollaIba yebélica (Oenanthe leucopyga) en la Península ibéricaObservaciones de Phoenicopterus ruber en la Ría de Vigo (PontevedraDatos sobre el Myotis emarginatus en la Península ibérica.Peer reviewe

    Novel potential predictive markers of sunitinib outcomes in long-term responders versus primary refractory patients with metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: Several potential predictive markers of efficacy of targeted agents in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) have been identified. Interindividual heterogeneity warrants further investigation. Patients and methods: Multicenter, observational, retrospective study in patients with clear-cell mRCC treated with sunitinib. Patients were classified in two groups: long-term responders (LR) (progression-free survival (PFS)=22 months and at least stable disease), and primary refractory (PR) (progressive disease within 3-months of sunitinib onset). Objectives were to compare baseline clinical factors in both populations and to correlate tumor expression of selected signaling pathways components with sunitinib PFS. Results: 123 patients were analyzed (97 LR, 26 PR). In the LR cohort, overall response rate was 79% and median duration of best response was 30 months. Median PFS and overall survival were 43.2 (95% confidence intervals[CI]:37.2-49.3) and 63.5 months (95%CI:55.1-71.9), respectively. At baseline PR patients had a significantly lower proportion of nephrectomies, higher lactate dehydrogenase and platelets levels, lower hemoglobin, shorter time to and higher presence of metastases, and increased Fuhrman grade. Higher levels of HEYL, HEY and HES1 were observed in LR, although only HEYL discriminated populations significantly (AUC[ROC]=0.704; cut-off=34.85). Increased levels of hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR-628-5p were also associated with prolonged survival. No statistical significant associations between hsa-miR-23b or hsa-miR-27b and the expression of c-Met were found. Conclusions: Certain mRCC patients treated with sunitinib achieve extremely long-term responses. Favorable baseline hematology values and longer time to metastasis may predict longer PFS. HEYL, hsa-miR-27b, hsa-miR-23b and hsa-miR- 628-5p could be potentially used as biomarkers of sunitinib response

    Repeat cryoablation as a redo procedure for atrial fibrillation ablation: Is it a good choice?

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    Background: Ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF), both cryoablation ablation (CBA) and radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA), have demonstrated to be safe and effective. About 1 in 3 patients may face a redo due to recurrence and the best technique is unknown. The aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of CBA as a repeat procedure in patients with prior CBA or RFCA. Methods: A nation-wide CBA registry (RECABA) was analyzed and patients were compared who had previously undergone CBA (Prior-CB) or RFCA (Prior-RF). The primary endpoint was AF recurrence at 12 months after a 3-month blanking period. A survival analysis was performed, univariate and multivariate Cox models were also built. Results: Seventy-four patients were included. Thirty-three (44.6%) were in the Prior-CB group and 41 (55.4%) in the Prior-RF. There were more reconnected pulmonary veins in the Prior-RF than in Prior-CB group (40.4% vs.16.5%, p = 0.0001). The 12-month Kaplan–Meier estimate of freedom from AF recurrence after the blanking period was 61.0% (95% confidence interval [CI] 41.4–75.8%) in the Prior-CB, and 89.2% (95% CI 73.6–95.9%) in the Prior-RF group (p = 0.002).  Multivariate Cox regression pointed Prior-CB as the sole independent predictor of AF recurrence, with an adjusted HR of 2.67 (95% CI 1.05–6.79). Conclusions: Repeat CBA shows higher rates of AF recurrences compared to CBA after a previous RFCA despite presenting less reconnected veins at the procedure. These data suggest that patients with AF recurrence after CBA may benefit from other ablation techniques after a recurrence. RECABA is registered at clinicaltrials.gov with the Unique Identifier NCT02785991