13 research outputs found

    Evaluación de los esquemas de tratamiento para el Asma durante el embarazo indicado por los Médicos de primer contacto en Monterrey

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    Antecedentes: El asma es una enfermedad crónica muy común. Su prevalencia varía en el mundo pero más del 5% de la población mundial padece asma. El asma mal controlada puede llevar a complicaciones maternas y fetales durante el embarazo. A pesar del conocimiento de los riesgos del pobre control del asma durante el embarazo y la necesidad de incrementar el tratamiento cuando esto sea necesario, existe preocupación de que el abordaje y tratamiento del asma durante el embarazo no sea el adecuado. Objetivo: Determinar el conocimiento y adherencia por parte de los médicos de primer contacto, ginecoobstetras y alergólogos a las guías de tratamiento del asma durante el embarazo. Material y métodos: Se distribuyó el cuestionario para ser contestado por los médicos de primer contacto, ginecoobstetras y alergólogos. Posteriormente se recolectaron los datos obtenidos de los cuestionarios y se realizó el análisis de la información. Resultados: Se incluyeron 400 cuestionarios en el estudio. Se realizó la comparación de la variable de “recomendación de nivel de adherencia” entre los 7 alergólogos y cada uno de los otros grupos (médicos generales, médicos familiares, ginecoobstetras) reportándose una diferencia significativa con una P<.00001. Al comparar el resto de los grupos entre ellos no se encontraron diferencias significativas. Conclusiones: El estudio confirma que existe poca adherencia a las guías de tratamiento del asma durante el embarazo por los médicos de primer contacto. Se observó diferencia significativa entre los grupos de especialidades


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    La mastocitosis es una de las ocho subcategorías de las neoplasias mieloproliferativas de la clasificación de tumores de tejidos linfoides y hematopoyéticos de 2008 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud; es un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades mieloproliferativas que se distinguen por la proliferación excesiva de mastocitos morfológica e inmunofenotípicamente atípicos, además de la acumulación de estas células en uno o varios órganos o tejidos, incluidos la piel, la médula ósea, el hígado, el bazo y los ganglios linfáticos. ABSTRACT Mastocytosis is one of the eight subcategories of the myeloproliferative neoplasms of the classification of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissues’ tumors of 2008 of World Health Organization; it is an heterogeneous group of myeloproliferative diseases characterized by the excessive proliferation of atypical mastocytes in morphological and immunophenotype terms, besides the cumulus of these cells in one or several organs or tissues, including skin, bone marrow, liver, spleen and lymph nodes

    Perfil de sensibilización a alergenos en niños con dermatitis atópica atendidos en el Servicio de Alergología del Hospital Universitario de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México

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    La sensibilización a alergenos observada en la dermatitis atópica aumenta el riesgo del niño a padecer rinitis alérgica y asma. Los estudios recientes indican que entre mayor actividad de proteasas haya en los alergenos a los que se está sensibilizado, hay mayor defecto en la barrera cutánea y mayor gravedad de la enfermedad. ABSTRACT Sensitization to allergens in atopic dermatitis patients is a risk factor for developing asthma and allergic rhinitis in the future, as well as an aggravating factor in the course of the disease. Recent studies have attributed the activity of the proteases of some antigens to cause a grater defect in the epithelial barrier and a more severe disease

    Efectos de la reforestación en la sensibilización al polen de árboles en habitantes de Nuevo León, México

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    Las áreas verdes urbanas son importantes en la planeación de las ciudades para promover la interacción de los ciudadanos con el ambiente y la salud. La falta de planeación y diseño de estas áreas y la mala selección de árboles han contribuido a aumentar la incidencia de alergia al polen entre la población. Con frecuencia los programas de reforestación ambiental no toman en cuenta el potencial alergénico de algunas especies. El gobierno de Nuevo León en los últimos cuatro años ha plantado cerca de 18 mil árboles de la especie Quercus, además de un número indeterminado de árboles de la especie Fraxinus, cuyo polen es alergénico. Objetivos: identificar el cambio en la sensibilización al polen de árboles de acuerdo con los programas de reforestación ambiental. ABSTRACT Climate change has implications for health, ecology and society. Urban green areas are a key element in the planning of cities, promoting citizen interaction with the environment, as well as health. Lack of planning and design of these areas as well as the selection of ornamental trees can be a trigger of pollen allergy in the surrounding population. Reforestation is among the programs implemented by the government that have an impact on allergy. Environmental reforestation programs do not take into account the allergenic potential of some species. In the last 4 years, the government of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, has planted nearly 18,000 Quercus species trees, in addition to an unknown number of Fraxinus species trees that are listed as tree species with high pollen production. Objective: To identify changes in tree pollen sensitization, based on environmental reforestation programs

    Hipersensibilidad a la picadura de mosquito manifestada como síndrome de Skeeter

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    Las reacciones por picaduras de mosquito son reacciones inmunoló- gicas con afectación de la hipersensibilidad mediada por IgE, IgG y linfocitos T. Éstas son frecuentes y van desde reacciones locales pe- queñas o grandes, hasta reacciones alérgicas sistémicas. El síndrome de Skeeter es una reacción inflamatoria local grande inducida por la picadura de mosquito, en ocasiones acompañada de síntomas sistémicos como fiebre y vómito. ABSTRACT The reactions to mosquito bites are immunological reactions with involvement of IgE, IgG and T cells mediated hypersensitivity. These reactions are common and range from small local reactions, large local reactions to systemic allergic reactions. Skeeter syndrome is defined as a large local induced inflammatory reaction to mosquito bite and sometimes accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever and vomiting


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    Mastocytosis is one of the eight subcategories of the myeloproliferative neoplasms of the classification of lymphoid and hematopoietic tissues’ tumors of 2008 of World Health Organization; it is an heterogeneous group of myeloproliferative diseases characterized by the excessive proliferation of atypical mastocytes in morphological and immunophenotype terms, besides the cumulus of these cells in one or several organs or tissues, including skin, bone marrow, liver, spleen and lymph nodes

    Hipersensibilidad a la picadura de mosquito manifestada como sindrome de Skeeter. Reporte de un caso

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    Las reacciones de hipersensibilidad a picaduras de mosquito se deben a respuestas inmunológicas contra proteínas de su saliva

    Sensitization to food and spt wheal magnitud among children attending to an allergy service in a major mexican city near the United States (abs)

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    Se analiza que tan diferente es la sensibilidad a alimentos en los niños en una ciudad mexicana cerca de los Estados Unidos y la sensibilidad que presentan los niños residentes de Estados Unidos

    Profile of sensitization to allergens in children with atopic dermatitis assisting to Allergology Service of University Hospital, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

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    Background: Sensitization to allergens in atopic dermatitis patients is a risk factor for developing asthma and allergic rhinitis in the future, as well as an aggravating factor in the course of the disease. Recent studies have attributed the activity of the proteases of some antigens to cause a grater defect in the epithelial barrier and a more severe disease. Objectives: To know the sensitization to allergens pattern in children with atopic dermatitis attended at Allergology Service of University Hospital of UANL, Mexico, and to know if these children have higher sensitization to antigens with proteolytic activity. Material and method: A retrospective study was done reviewing the skin prick test reports done in our service to children ranging from 5 months to 16 years old, diagnosed with atopic dermatitis during a period of 2 years, from January 2012 to January 2014. The frequency of sensitization to aeroallergens and food were analyzed as well as the weal size (≥6mm) on the skin in response to each particular allergen in the case of food skin prick test. Results: Reports of skin tests of 66 children, 30 boys and 36 girls, were included; 37 of children were sensitized to more than one allergen, 18/66 had asthma and/or allergic rhinitis, 40/66 60% skin prick tests were positive to high activity protease aeroallergens (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus/Dermatophagoides farinae). Regarding food, sensitization was seen in 38 children; fruits and vegetables were the two most common foods. Only seven children had skin prick weal bigger than 6 mm, mainly to egg, fish and cow’s milk.  Conclusion: Children with atopic dermatitis are often sensitized to high protease activity aeroallergens, polysensitization is very common and the association with airway allergy is seen early in life. Sensitization to food is also common in these patients, but only a small percentage showed a response large enough to be associated with disease severity

    Hypersensitivity to mosquito bite manifested as Skeeter syndrome

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    The reactions to mosquito bites are immunological reactions with involvement of IgE, IgG and T cells mediated hypersensitivity. These reactions are common and range from small local reactions, large local reactions to systemic allergic reactions. Skeeter syndrome is defined as a large local induced inflammatory reaction to mosquito bite and sometimes accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever and vomiting. Diagnosis is based on clinical history and physical examination, supported by the identification of specific IgE by skin testing. Treatment includes prevention, antihistamines and steroids in some cases. Specific immunotherapy still requires further study. This paper reports two cases of patients with hypersensitivity reactions to mosquito bites, which were evaluated in our center presenting positive skin tests