2 research outputs found

    Matrix form of the Bayes theorem and diagnostic tests

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    In order to solve certain problems in calculating probabilities, such as Markov chains or conditional specification of discrete distributions, the use of matrix and vector treatment of conditioned probabilities and of vectors of marginal probabilities is common. Following these ideas, the present study obtains matrix forms of some elementary results of probability theory, such as the total probability and Bayes theorems. These results and methodology are applied to the matrix study of results of diagnostic tests, allowing an immediate generalization to tests with more than two results. In addition,we propose safety and validity measures of a test based on matrix rules, which in some cases are related to the well-known Youden index

    Nivel de eficiencia del uso de recursos por las organizaciones públicas. Caso: sistemas sanitarios españoles

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    Objectives: This paper seeks to detect, in the Spanish health system, which health services are efficient, and which are not, as well as propose corrective measures that allow inefficient health services to achieve efficiency. Methods: This paper applies the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, which allows obtaining natural and managerial efficiencies, as well as deviations from inefficient units in relation to efficient ones and proposing corrective measures that imply only budgetary (natural) modifications or changes in the policies of resource management (management). Results: Through the efficiencies, or the lack of them, the health services of the 17 Spanish autonomous communities are classified into four groups: With high, medium-high, medium-low or low natural or managerial efficiency. Conclusions: The lack of natural efficiency can be corrected with a greater budgetary endowment and the lack of managerial efficiency with a budget cut and changes in resource management policies. This tendency contrary to the adjustments is precisely what gives this work of interest and novelty with respect to others that apply the DEA in different sectors such as those that study the impact on the environment of resource consumption. Another important aspect of this study is the possibility of applying it to other countries with similar political structures.Objetivos: Con este trabajo se persigue detectar, en el sistema sanitario español, que servicios sanitarios son eficientes y cuáles no, así como proponer medidas correctoras que permitan a los servicios sanitarios ineficientes alcanzar la eficiencia. Metodología: Este trabajo aplica la metodología del análisis envolvente de datos (DEA), que permite obtener las eficiencias natural y gerencial, así como las desviaciones de las unidades ineficientes con relación a las eficientes, y proponer medidas correctoras que impliquen únicamente modificaciones presupuestarias (natural) o cambios en las políticas de gestión de recursos (gerencial). Resultados: A través de las eficiencias, o la falta de ellas, los servicios sanitarios de las 17 comunidades autónomas españolas se clasifican en cuatro grupos: Con eficiencia natural o gerencial alta, media-alta, media-baja o baja. Conclusiones: La falta de eficiencia natural puede corregirse con una mayor dotación presupuestaria, la falta de eficiencia gerencial con un recorte presupuestario y cambios en las políticas de gestión de recursos. Esta tendencia contraria de los ajustes es precisamente la que dota este trabajo del interés y novedad con respectos a otros que aplican el DEA en sectores diferentes como aquellos que estudian el impacto en el medioambiente de los consumos de recursos. Otro aspecto importante de este estudio es la posibilidad de aplicarlo a otros países con estructuras políticas similares