2,633 research outputs found

    Sound recordings of leading professors of Spanish Manufacturing Engineering. Analysis of contents.

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    ISBN 978-84-09-10387-4"Academic Lives in Industrial Engineering" is one of the different initiatives developed by PATRIF, a Working Group of the Manufacturing Engineering Society (MES) / Sociedad de Ingeniería de Fabricación (SIF). This activity intends to create a sound recording archive with interview format, in order to disseminate the trajectory of the great professors of the Spanish Industrial Engineers Faculties. It seeks to preserve and bring closer to the new generations the experiences and the personality of these professors, with a story told in the first person. This work aims to show the characteristics of this activity, presenting the profile of the interviewees, pointing out the most outstanding aspects of their interventions, carrying out an analysis of the follow-up of the broadcasted interviews and assessing their impact. Despite other areas of engineering are covered in this initiative, present work limit its analysis to the group of professors who have developed their academic and professional life within the Manufacturing Engineering and it also wants to serve as tribute and recognition to their trajectories and dedication to the Spanish Manufacturing Engineering.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Observed degradation in photovoltaic plants affected by hot-spots

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    A number of findings have shown that the test procedures currently available to determine the reliability and durability of photovoltaic (PV) modules are insufficient to detect certain problems. To improve these procedures, ongoing research into the actual performance of the modules in the field is required. However, scientific literature contains but few references to field studies of defective modules. This article studies two different localized heating phenomena affecting the PV modules of two large-scale PV plants in Spain. The first problem relates to weak solder joints whilst the second is due to microcracks on the module cells. For both cases, the cause is identified, and consideration is given with regard to the effect on performance, the potential deterioration over time, and a way to detect the problems identified. The findings contained in this paper will prove to be of considerable interest to maintenance personnel at large-scale PV plants and also to those responsible for setting module quality standards and specifications, and even the PV module manufacturers themselves

    STC power for 15MW of PV comparing nameplate, initial power and power after 4 years

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    To date, the majority of quality controls performed at PV plants are based on the measurement of a small sample of individual modules. Consequently, there is very little representative data on the real Standard Test Conditions (STC) power output values for PV generators. This paper presents the power output values for more than 1300 PV generators having a total installed power capacity of almost 15.3 MW. The values were obtained by the INGEPER-UPNA group, in collaboration with the IES-UPM, through a study to monitor the power output of a number of PV plants from 2006 to 2009. This work has made it possible to determine, amongst other things, the power dispersion that can be expected amongst generators made by different manufacturers, amongst generators made by the same manufacturer but comprising modules of different nameplate ratings and also amongst generators formed by modules with the same characteristics. The work also analyses the STC power output evolution over time in the course of this 4-year study. The values presented here could be considered to be representative of generators with fault-free modules

    The added value of implementing the Planet Game scenario with Collage and Gridcole

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    This paper discusses the suitability and the added value of Collage and Gridcole when contrasted with other solutions participating in the ICALT 2006 workshop titled “Comparing educational modelling languages on a case study.” In this workshop each proposed solution was challenged to implement a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning situation (CSCL) posed by the workshop’s organizers. Collage is a pattern-based authoring tool for the creation of CSCL scripts compliant with IMS Learning Design (IMS LD). These IMS LD scripts can be enacted by the Gridcole tailorable CSCL system. The analysis presented in the paper is organized as a case study which considers the data recorded in the workshop discussion as well the information reported in the workshop contributions. The results of this analysis show how Collage and Gridcole succeed in implementing the scenario and also point out some significant advantages in terms of design reusability and generality, user-friendliness, and enactment flexibility

    Tres cruces parroquiales (madera, bronce y plata) de la iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción de Grijalba de Vidriales, Zamora

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    La iglesia de Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción de Grijalba de Vidriales (Zamora) conserva una cruz parroquial de bronce (ca. 1500) de tradición gótica, y una meritoria cruz de plata (1590), inédita hasta la fecha, de autoría desconocida. Los libros parroquiales documentan, además, una cruz de madera anterior a las otras dos. A estas insignias se suman las noticias documentales sobre el pendón concejil (desde el siglo XVII), renovado hasta el actual, construido en 1879

    Analysis of documental heritage of CETA in standardization of the Spanish manufacturing automotive industry

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    El presente trabajo muestra el proceso de recopilación, análisis, revisión y gestión realizada sobre el conjunto de normas CETA (Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Automoción), que constituyeron un interesante proceso de normalización llevado a cabo en el sector industrial relacionado con la fabricación de vehículos automóviles y que es uno de los elementos más desconocidos del patrimonio normalizador español. Asimismo, se ha realizado una evaluación comparativa con la normativa UNE vigente. La normativa analizada presenta una serie de características que la diferencian de la normalización actual. Los resultados muestran la influencia positiva que las normas CETA ejercieron en el desarrollo del propio sector así como la importancia que las mismas tuvieron en la generación de contenidos de actuales normas UNE.Universidad de Málaga – Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Online machine learning algorithms to predict link quality in community wireless mesh networks

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    Producción CientíficaAccurate link quality predictions are key in community wireless mesh networks (CWMNs) to improve the performance of routing protocols. Unlike other techniques, online machine learning algorithms can be used to build link quality predictors that are adaptive without requiring a predeployment effort. However, the use of these algorithms to make link quality predictions in a CWMN has not been previously explored. This paper analyses the performance of 4 well-known online machine learning algorithms for link quality prediction in a CWMN in terms of accuracy and computational load. Based on this study, a new hybrid online algorithm for link quality prediction is proposed. The evaluation of the proposed algorithm using data from a real large scale CWMN shows that it can achieve a high accuracy while generating a low computational load.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA082U16

    A self-scalable distributed network simulation environment based on cloud computing

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    Producción CientíficaWhile parameter sweep simulations can help undergraduate students and researchers to understand computer networks, their usage in the academia is hindered by the significant computational load they convey. This paper proposes DNSE3, a service oriented computer network simulator that, deployed in a cloud computing infrastructure, leverages its elasticity and pay-per-use features to compute parameter sweeps. The performance and cost of using this application is evaluated in several experiments applying different scalability policies, with results that meet the demands of users in educational institutions. Additionally, the usability of the application has been measured following industry standards with real students, yielding a very satisfactory user experience.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R and TIN2017-85179-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA082U16

    Infraestructura de comunicación e interacción para el sector turístico

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    Vivimos en un mundo totalmente señalizado y marcado por el uso de las tecnologías móviles, donde el sector turístico se aventaja de múltiples avances como la conexión a Internet, la Nube, la geolocalización, la señalización inteligente y diversos métodos publicitarios que atraen a los viajeros. Todos estos servicios tratan de ofrecer una mejor experiencia al turista, ahorrándole una gran carga de trabajo a la hora de decidir qué tipo de actividades realizar, dónde alojarse o en qué restaurantes merece la pena comer, además de proporcionar información sobre los puntos de interés más comunes de la zona turística. Con todo esto, el viajante tiene un amplio abanico de posibilidades a la hora de planear un viaje. Escogerá un hotel donde hospedarse y en unos días habrá vivido una experiencia inolvidable. Sin embargo, hay un factor poco desarrollado en el mundo del turismo: un sistema de comunicación transparente que permita a la persona interactuar con el proveedor de los servicios a los que se ha suscrito. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se ha realizado una colaboración con la empresa turística Sismotur, propulsora de un nuevo sistema de información turística digital por medio del uso de señalización inteligente, llamado Inventrip, que se apoya en tecnologías novedosas como beacons basados en Bluetooth que han sido usadas por compañías como Google y Apple. El proyecto abarca la realización de un chat para Inventrip, cubriendo diversos casos de uso concretos y útiles tanto para el turista en su aplicación móvil como para el usuario administrador, ya sea la recepción de un hotel o un guía turístico