687 research outputs found

    Antitumoral actions of natural stilbenes derived from Vitis Vinifera.

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    217 p.Grapes and red wine are the main sources of resveratrol, a polyphenol widely known for its beneficial effects on various diseases. However, other parts of the vine (wood, canes and roots) are important and cheap sources of other bioactive stilbenes. The main objective of this thesis was 1) to carry out a preliminary screening of a series of novel stilbenes (including glucosides and oligomers of resveratrol) from Vitis vinifera vine for their cytotoxic and anti¿inflammatory potential, and 2) to select the most potent one to establish its mechanism of action. We tested cytotoxicity in human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 (wild-type p53) and Hep3B (p53-null), and inflammation in the murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cell line. Several glucosides, which had never before been extracted from the woody part of the vine, showed moderate cytotoxic activity. Piceatannol and the oligomers, ¿-viniferin, hopeaphenol and isohopeaphenol, inhibited the inflammatory response decreasing the levels of nitric oxide, reactive oxygen species, and cytokines. Of the oligomers tested, R2¿viniferin (tetramer) was the most potent in inducing cell death in HepG2, not affecting human non¿transformed hepatocyes. R2¿viniferin exerted its toxic action by a p53¿dependent mechanism, that involved DNA damage, increased H2O2, upregulation of mitochondrial SOD, and apoptosis. We conclude that Vitis vinifera cane is a source of R2¿viniferin, a promising natural compound in the development of chemotherapies against p53¿positive human hepatocellular carcinomas

    El paper de les gosseres i protectores. És l'abandonament d'animals de companyia realment un problema?

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Exploración y análisis de las políticas educativas relativas a la educación rural en Centroamérica : casos de Costa Rica y Nicaragua

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    Différents organismes internationaux se sont penchés sur l’école rurale des pays en émergence. La plupart de ces travaux de recherche montrent que ces écoles n’offrent pas une éducation adaptée au milieu dans lesquelles elles sont situées, du fait essentiellement qu’on y a implanté la structure administrative et pédagogique des écoles urbaines sans tenir compte des caractéristiques de la population infantile des zones rurales. Afin de tenter de remédier aux difficultés identifiées, ces organismes ont proposé diverses solutions ou préconisé des politiques adaptées à ce contexte particulier. Le but de cette recherche est d’étudier comment ces recommandations convergent-elles avec les politiques éducatives et dans le quotidien des écoles en milieu rural de deux pays de l’Amérique centrale, le Costa Rica et le Nicaragua. À cette fin, comme cadre d'analyse, nous avons établi six catégories : condition socio-économique, plan d'études et pédagogie, relation école et communauté, enseignants, technologie et finalement, gestion et gouvernance. Pour ce faire, nous analysons les recommandations globales formulées par diverses organisations internationales et d’autres organismes des pays développés à propos de l'éducation rurale. Nous comparons ensuite ces informations avec les décisions politiques prises ces dernières vingt années, dans les deux pays sélectionnés afin de favoriser le développement éducatif des zones rurales. Pour finir, nous observons sur le terrain le quotidien de quelques écoles rurales des deux pays retenus. En partant de l’hypothèse qu’il existe suffisamment d’information et de recommandations permettant l’élaboration des politiques éducatives appropriées pour améliorer les conditions des écoles rurales, le travail présente une analyse multiniveaux (recommandations globales, politiques nationales et pratiques scolaires) en établissant la convergence ou la divergence dans chacune des catégories. Les principaux résultats de la recherche démontrent qu'il existe une convergence entre les pratiques scolaires et les politiques éducatives émises par les pays étudiés, avec quelques exceptions. Quant à la convergence entre les recommandations globales et les politiques émises par ces pays, on ne peut pas parler de convergence de façon générale. La recherche propose l'élaboration de profil de politiques nationales pour chaque pays, en fonction de la manière par laquelle ils abordent la problématique de l'éducation rurale : soit par l’assignation des ressources pour étendre les services éducatifs normalisés pour tous les enfants, ou en produisant des politiques focalisées, créant des programmes spécifiques, faisant remarquer la différence du monde rural.Various international organizations have studied rural schools in developing countries and the majority of the research shows that these schools do not offer an education adapted to the community in which they are located. This is primarily due to the fact that the schools are integrating administrative and teaching structures of urban schools without taking into consideration the characteristics of child populations in rural zones. In response to the identified difficulties, these organizations proposed various solutions or recommended policies adapted to this particular context. The goal of this research is to study how these recommendations translate into educational policies and their impact on daily life of rural schools in two Central American countries, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. For this purpose, we’ve created an analysis framework with six categories: socio-economic status, curriculum and pedagogy, school and community relationships, teachers, technology, and lastly, management and governance. With this intention, we’ve analyzed the recommendations made by various international organizations and other organizations from developed countries related to rural education. We’ve compared this information to the political decisions on educational development in rural communities made in the last twenty in these two countries. Lastly, we’ve completed the research with field observations, studying the day-to-day work in rural schools. Working from the hypothesis that there exists sufficient valid information and recommendations to issue appropriate policies that improve conditions in rural schools, this work presents a multi-level analysis (global recommendations, national policies and school practices) by determining convergences and divergences in each of these levels. The main results of the research show that there is a convergence between school practices and education policies created by the countries, with some minor exceptions. When it comes to convergence between global recommendations and the countries’ policies, we cannot speak of convergence in general. This research proposes the use of national policy profiles for each country, depending on how they deal with the challenges of rural education: assigning resources to extend standard educational services to all children, or generating targeted policies, creating specific programs that highlight the difference of the rural world

    Conocimiento de las adolescentes y jóvenes de 15 a 22 años que asisten al área de planificación familiar del centro de salud de Villa Libertad–Managua durante el segundo semestre del 2015

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    Este estudio se ha realizado con la finalidad de conocer cuánto saben las adolescentes y jóvenes que asisten al área de planificación familiar del centro de salud Villa Libertad – Managua, también deseamos conocer las consecuencias que produce el desconocimiento de las mismas. Las adolescentes enfrentan riesgos muy serios para su salud por desconocer o tener conceptos errados en temas relacionados a Salud Reproductiva y Planificación Familiar, situación que se agrava por el poco acceso a estos servicios que ofrece el Ministerio de Salud, hoy en día podemos observar que la tasa de embarazos está aumentando significativamente, siendo esta una de las causas del por qué muchas jóvenes embarazadas pierden la oportunidad de desarrollarse y de tener mejores oportunidades, tanto en lo laboral, personal y académico, debido a factores económico, geográfico, de tiempo, tabúes sociales, temor al rechazo o a la crítica. Toda esta situación los vuelve vulnerables al momento de ejercer su sexualidad, exponiéndolos a contraer una infección de transmisión sexual incluido el VIH/SIDA o de tener un embarazo no planificado. Este trabajo de investigación va a ser útil para la población, los adolescentes y administradores de la salud en este centro de salud, para tener un panorama de cuanto saben las pacientes y tomar algunas medidas para informar, prevenir y enfrentar este problema social que está generando un incremento en la tasa de morbimortalidad en recién nacido

    Factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en edades tempranas: diseño longitudinal con preescolares españoles

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    Previous studies have shown that there are several significant early-life risk factors associated with childhood overweight. However, research has mainly focused on school-aged children. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in a community sample of Spanish preschoolers. A sample of 622 three-year-olds was monitored until the age of 5, and their height and weight were registered annually. Overweight status was defined by World Health Organization standards. A large set of risk factors including sociodemographic variables, family structure, pregnancy, birth, postnatal period, school and neighborhood were measured through semi-structured interviews. Stepwise logistic regressions created predictive models with the best predictors of overweight for each age group. This is the first longitudinal study to examine a large set of risk factors among Spanish preschoolers. Several potential early risk factors in preschool children were associated with later overweight: high birth weight, ethnicity, excess screen time, low attention span, maternal smoking during pregnancy, inconsistent discipline, fewer rules, corporal punishment and parents psychopathology. Among them, the most powerful factor was high birth-weight (odds ratio = 1.89 at age 3, 1.87 at age 4, and 2.35 at age 5), underlining the importance of weight monitoring from postpartum and routine screening for overweight in children who have high birth weight. With the increasing prevalence of overweight in children at early ages, understanding the determinants for overweight risk becomes crucial for public health professionals and policy-makers in order to implement effective prevention and intervention programs ResumenDiferentes estudios han mostrado una asociación clara en­tre determinados factores de riesgo en edad temprana y so­brepeso en la infancia. Sin embargo, hasta ahora la inves­tigación solo se ha centrado en niños en edad escolar. El objetivo de este estudio es el de examinar en niños prees­colares los factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en una muestra comunitaria de niños españoles. En el presente es­tudio se seleccionó una muestra de 622 niños de 3 años de edad a los que se siguió anualmente hasta los 5 años. El peso y la talla fueron registrados anualmente y el sobre­peso fue definido siguiendo los criterios definidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. A través de una entre­vista semi-estructurada, se analizaron diversos factores de riesgo tales como estructura familiar, embarazo, parto, pe­ríodo post-natal, escuela y vecindario. Las regresiones lo­gísticas múltiples permitieron crear modelos predictivos que seleccionaron los mejores predictores de sobrepeso para cada grupo de edad. El presente estudio es el primer estudio longitudinal en examinar diferentes factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en niños españoles con edad preescolar. Diferentes factores de riesgo están asociados a un posterior sobrepeso: mayor peso al nacer, etnia, uso ex­cesivo de pantallas, capacidad de atención baja, madre fu­madora durante el embarazo, disciplina inconsistente, cas­tigo físico y psicopatología parental. De entre ellos, el fac­tor más importante fue: mayor peso al nacer (razón de pro­babilidades = 1.89 a los 3 años, 1.87 a los 4 años y 2.35 a los 5 años), subrayando la importancia de monitorizar el peso del niño desde el post-parto y realizar cribados ruti­narios de sobrepeso en aquellos niños que nacieron con un peso elevado. La prevalencia cada vez mayor de sobrepeso en niños cada vez más pequeños hace que la comprensión e identificación de los factores de riesgo relacionados con el sobrepeso sea crucial para que los profesionales públi­cos de salud y los responsables políticos implementen pro­gramas de prevención e intervención efectivos.AbstractPrevious studies have shown that there are several significant early-life risk factors associated with childhood overweight. However, research has mainly focused on school-aged children. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in a community sample of Spanish preschoolers. A sample of 622 three-year-olds was monitored until the age of 5, and their height and weight were registered annually. Overweight status was defined by World Health Organization standards. A large set of risk factors including sociodemographic variables, family structure, pregnancy, birth, postnatal period, school and neighborhood were measured through semi-structured interviews. Stepwise logistic regressions created predictive models with the best predictors of overweight for each age group. This is the first longitudinal study to examine a large set of risk factors among Spanish preschoolers. Several potential early risk factors in preschool children were associated with later overweight: high birth weight, ethnicity, excess screen time, low attention span, maternal smoking during pregnancy, inconsistent discipline, fewer rules, corporal punishment and parents psychopathology. Among them, the most powerful factor was high birth-weight (odds ratio = 1.89 at age 3, 1.87 at age 4, and 2.35 at age 5), underlining the importance of weight monitoring from postpartum and routine screening for overweight in children who have high birth weight. With the increasing prevalence of overweight in children at early ages, understanding the determinants for overweight risk becomes crucial for public health professionals and policy-makers in order to implement effective prevention and intervention programs

    Dietary B group vitamin intake and the bladder cancer risk: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies

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    This work was partly funded by the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF 2012/590) and European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-618308). The Netherlands Cohort Study on diet and cancer was supported by the Dutch Cancer Society. The RERF atomic bomb survivors Study was supported by The Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, a public interest foundation funded by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) and the US Department of Energy (DOE). The research was also funded in part through DOE award DE-HS0000031 to the National Academy of Sciences. This publication was supported by RERF Research Protocol RP-A5-12. The VITamins and Lifestyle Study (VITAL) was supported by a grant (R01CA74846) from the National Cancer Institute. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) was carried out with financial support of the `Europe Against Cancer' Programme of the European Commission (SANCO); Ligue contre le Cancer (France); Societe 3 M (France); Mutuelle Generale de l'Education Nationale; Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM); Institute Gustave Roussy; German Cancer Aid; German Cancer Research Centre; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Danish Cancer Society; Health Research Fund (FIS) of the Spanish Ministry of Health; the Spanish Regional Governments of Andalucia, Asturias, Basque Country, Murcia and Navarra; Cancer Research UK; Medical Research Council, UK; Stroke Association, UK; British Heart Foundation; Department of Health, UK; Food Standards Agency, UK; Wellcome Trust, UK; Greek Ministry of Health; Greek Ministry of Education; Italian Association for Research on Cancer; Italian National Research Council; Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports; Dutch Prevention Funds; LK Research Funds; Dutch ZON (Zorg Onderzoek Nederland); World Cancer Research Fund; Swedish Cancer Society; Swedish Scientific Council; Regional Government of Skane, Sweden; Norwegian Cancer Society; Norwegian Research Council. Partial support for the publication of this supplement was provided by the Centre de Recherche et d'Information Nutritionnelles (CERIN).Purpose Diet may play an essential role in the aetiology of bladder cancer (BC). The B group complex vitamins involve diverse biological functions that could be influential in cancer prevention. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between various components of the B group vitamin complex and BC risk. Methods Dietary data were pooled from four cohort studies. Food item intake was converted to daily intakes of B group vitamins and pooled multivariate hazard ratios (HRs), with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs), were obtained using Cox-regression models. Dose–response relationships were examined using a nonparametric test for trend. Results In total, 2915 BC cases and 530,012 non-cases were included in the analyses. The present study showed an increased BC risk for moderate intake of vitamin B1 ( HRB1: 1.13, 95% CI: 1.00–1.20). In men, moderate intake of the vitamins B1, B2, energy-related vitamins and high intake of vitamin B1 were associated with an increased BC risk (HR (95% CI): 1.13 (1.02–1.26), 1.14 (1.02–1.26), 1.13 (1.02–1.26; 1.13 (1.02–1.26), respectively). In women, high intake of all vitamins and vitamin combinations, except for the entire complex, showed an inverse association (HR (95% CI): 0.80 (0.67–0.97), 0.83 (0.70–1.00); 0.77 (0.63–0.93), 0.73 (0.61–0.88), 0.82 (0.68–0.99), 0.79 (0.66–0.95), 0.80 (0.66–0.96), 0.74 (0.62–0.89), 0.76 (0.63–0.92), respectively). Dose–response analyses showed an increased BC risk for higher intake of vitamin B1 and B12. Conclusion Our findings highlight the importance of future research on the food sources of B group vitamins in the context of the overall and sex-stratified diet.World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF) WCRF 2012/590European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre FP7-PEOPLE-618308KWF KankerbestrijdingRadiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF)Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan public interest foundation - Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)United States Department of Energy (DOE) DE-HS0000031RERF Research Protocol RP-A5-12United States Department of Health & Human ServicesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) - USANIH National Cancer Institute (NCI) R01CA74846European Commission European Commission Joint Research CentreLigue contre le Cancer (France) 3MMutuelle Generale de l'Education NationaleInstitut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm)Institute Gustave RoussyDeutsche KrebshilfeGerman Cancer Research CentreFederal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)Danish Cancer SocietyInstituto de Salud Carlos IIISpanish Regional Governments of Andalucia, Asturias, Basque Country, Murcia and NavarraUK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Medical Research Council UK (MRC) Cancer Research UK Stroke Association, UKBritish Heart Foundation Department of Health, UK Food Standards Agency, UKWellcome TrustGreek Ministry of Development-GSRTFondazione AIRC per la ricerca sul cancro Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports Dutch Prevention FundsLK Research FundsNetherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF)Swedish Cancer Society Swedish Scientific Council Regional Government of Skane, SwedenNorwegian Cancer Society Research Council of NorwayEuropean CommissionCentre de Recherche et d'Information Nutritionnelles (CERIN

    Método de valoración activo y pasivo de la dorsiflexión de tobillo en futbolistas

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podologia, Escola Universitària d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Montse Marugán de los BueisObjetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue definir los valores de dorsiflexión de tobillo en jugadores de fútbol relacionando los resultados obtenidos en cada individuo y entre los individuos con el fin de obtener un buen método de valoración. Método: Se midió el rango de movimiento de la dorsiflexión de tobillo en carga y descarga de forma activa y pasiva. 96 jugadores de fútbol del sexo femenino y masculino formaron parte de este estudio. Resultados: Los examinadores resultan intercambiables estadísticamente por la fiabilidad inter-examinador obtenida. En la valoración de la dorsiflexión de tobillo activa se obtienen sistemáticamente 4,5º más de rango en cada jugador que en la medición pasiva con un p- valor <0,0001. Conclusiones: Debería realizarse la valoración de la dorsiflexión de tobillo de forma activa para aumentar la fiabilidad de las mediciones y minimizar la existencia de falsos diagnósticos de retracción del complejo muscular gastrocnemio-sóle

    Absorción gastrointestinal de la nevirapina en la rata y potenciales interacciones farmacocinéticas con fármacos antidepresivos

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    En la actualidad, el síndrome de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) es una enfermedad incurable. Sin embargo, el uso de una adecuada terapia antirretroviral reduce la morbilidad y la mortalidad relacionadas con esta enfermedad y permite retrasar su progresión clínica. El tratamiento de elección consiste en la combinación de, al menos, tres fármacos antirretrovirales, estando presente en muchas de estas combinaciones la nevirapina (NVP), un inhibidor no nucleósido de la transcriptasa inversa del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 (VIH-1). En los pacientes VIH-positivos, la depresión es una de las comorbilidades psicosociales más comunes, presentando una prevalencia del 20-45 %. En este trabajo se han realizado dos tipos de estudios: ensayos in vivo, en los que se han utilizado ratas como animal de experimentación, y ensayos in vitro, realizados con microsomas hepáticos de rata y de humanos. En los ensayos in vivo se estudió la farmacocinética, la biodisponibilidad oral y subcutánea, y la absorción de la NVP en diferentes segmentos del tracto gastrointestinal de la rata. Asimismo, se estudió la posible interacción farmacocinética entre NVP y el antidepresivo tricíclico nortripilina (NT). Los ensayos in vivo mostraron que los procesos de distribución y absorción de la NVP en ratas y en humanos siguen pautas similares. El volumen de distribución obtenido en ratas (1,6-1,8 L/Kg) fue ligeramente superior al valor descrito en humanos (1,21 L/Kg) y la biodisponibilidad de la NVP administrada por vía oral y por vía subcutánea fue, en ambos casos, del 91 %, prácticamente igual a la biodisponibilidad oral descrita en humanos (91-93 %). La velocidad de absorción de la NVP siguió el orden duodeno > íleon > colon > estómago, de forma semejante a lo descrito en humanos. Estos resultados indican que la rata constituye un animal de laboratorio adecuado para efectuar estudios farmacocinéticos y biofarmacéuticos con distintas formas farmacéuticas de NVP con una elevada probabilidad de que los resultados obtenidos sean extrapolables a la especie humana. En los estudios realizados con tramos intestinales se observó que la presencia de bilis favorece la absorción de la NVP en el duodeno. La coadministración de NVP y NT dio lugar a concentraciones plasmáticas de NVP significativamente mayores que las obtenidas en el grupo control (animales administrados solo con NVP), obteniéndose concentraciones plasmáticas máximas 2-5 veces mayores y un aclaramiento 7 veces menor. Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los parámetros farmacocinéticos de NT obtenidos en ausencia y presencia de NVP. En los ensayos in vitro se estudió la inhibición del metabolismo de la NVP por la NT en microsomas de rata y humanos. Además, se determinó la posible interacción de la NVP con otros fármacos antidepresivos pertenecientes al grupo de los inhibidores selectivos de la recaptación de serotonina. Los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos in vitro mostraron una inhibición del metabolismo hepático de la NVP por la NT de tipo competitivo y tiempo-dependiente, siendo la inhibición más intensa en los microsomas de rata que en los de humanos. Al comparar el efecto inhibidor de la NT con otros fármacos antidepresivos se observó que la NT posee una potencia inhibitoria similar a la fluoxetina (valores de IC50: 3,37 y 3,88 µM, respectivamente) y superior a la de sertralina y fluvoxamina (valores de IC50: 38,09 y 16,15 µM, respectivamente). Se precisan estudios in vivo en humanos para evaluar la relevancia clínica de la interacción detectada en ratas entre NVP y NT.Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is, at present, an incurable disease. However, the administration of an adequate antiretroviral therapy has resulted in a dramatic reduction of AIDS-related morbidity and mortality, delaying its clinical progression. Highly active antiretroviral therapy consist of the combination of at least three active drugs of multiple drug classes, nevirapine (NVP) frequently being one of them. NVP is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). One of the most frequent comorbidities in individuals with HIV infection is depression, with a lifetime prevalence of 22 to 45 %. In this work, two types of studies have been performed: in vivo assays, using rats as experimental animals, and in vitro assays, using rat and human liver microsomes. In the in vivo assays, oral and subcutaneous pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of NVP and its absorption in the different segments of the rat gastrointestinal tract were studied. The potential pharmacokinetic interaction between NVP and the tricyclic antidepressant nortripyline (NT) was also studied. The in vivo results showed that the processes of distribution and absorption of NVP in rats and humans follow similar patterns. The volume of distribution obtained in rats (1.6-1.8 L/kg) was slightly higher than the value reported in humans (1.21 L/kg) and the bioavailability estimated in rats (91 % for oral and subcutaneous administration routes) was practically equal to that reported in humans (91-93 %) after oral administration of therapeutic doses. The absorption rate of NVP followed the order duodenum > ileum > colon > stomach, similar to that described in humans. These results indicate that the rat is a suitable laboratory animal to perform pharmacokinetic and biopharmaceutical studies with different pharmaceutical forms of NVP, in such a way that the obtained results could be extrapolated to humans. In the studies with the intestinal sections of rats it was observed that the presence of bile in the duodenum increased the absorption rate of NVP. NVP plasma concentrations were significantly higher when this drug was coadministered with NT in the rats. The maximum plasma concentration of NVP increased 2-5 times, and total plasma clearance decreased 7-fold in the presence of NT. However, statistically significant differences were not found between the pharmacokinetic parameters of NT obtained in absence and presence of NVP. The in vitro assays were performed to evaluate the inhibitory effect of NT on the NVP metabolism in rat and human hepatic microsomes. In addition, potential interactions between NVP and other antidepressant drugs belonging to the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were also studied. The in vitro results showed an inhibition of the hepatic metabolism of NVP by NT, being more intense in rat- than in human microsomes. Moreover, the interaction between NVP and NT involved both competitive and time-dependent inhibition. When comparing the inhibitory effect of NT with other antidepressant drugs, it was observed that NT had a similar inhibitory potency as fluoxetine (IC50 values: 3.37 and 3.88 µM, respectively) but higher than fluvoxamine and sertraline (IC50 values: 38.09 and 16.15 µM, respectively). However, in vivo studies in humans are required to evaluate the clinical relevance of the pharmacokinetic interaction between NVP and NT detected in rats before it can be taken into account in patients receiving NVP

    Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural de la Zona Arqueológica de Huaycán y su impacto en el Desarrollo Turístico

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    La zona arqueológica de Huaycán de Pariachi del distrito ATE, fue declarada Monumento del Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación, a la fecha se conoce poco sobre el desarrollo de esta zona desde el punto de vista turístico, motivo por el cual el presente estudio tiene como objetivo: conocer el impacto de la gestión del patrimonio cultural en el desarrollo turístico de la zona. La investigación es descriptiva, con un diseño no experimental trasversal, con un muestreo no probabilístico aleatorio simple, quedando representado la muestra por 132 personas, a quienes se les aplico técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativa, se utilizó como técnica cualitativa la entrevista a profundidad semi estructurada y la técnica cuantitativa la encuesta, ambos instrumentos se validaron en contenido bajo juicio de expertos, y el cuestionario se le aplicó la confiabilidad del alfa de Cronbach, mediante el programa estadístico SPSS V23. Obteniendo como resultado un nivel de impacto bajo en la gestión del patrimonio cultural en el desarrollo turístico de la zona arqueológica de Huaycán de Pariachi. Además de un nivel de significancia bajo indicando que no hay relación entre las variables. Por lo que es necesario ejecutar mejoras en la gestión del patrimonio cultural para el desarrollo turístico